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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Given the design goal of making glue expensive; but to address the logical failing of lake water a little. - Make the dew collectors into water purification stations; insert murky water, to slowly recover clean water. - Add a new drinkable water "Boiled murky water", which is still murky water, but take away the health penalty and the sickness chance, leave the hydration at 10. It's drinkable mud, you don't want to make glue out of it without it failing due to the contaminants. - Allow for a mechanic to pull murky in jars out of lakes (easiest solution: repurpose the current drinking with a "harvest a jar" like the "use to pickup plants" used to be.) I still wouldn't be a fan, but it wouldn't drive me quite as bonkers ...
  2. It's the apocalypse, all the hairstyles are going to be dreadful ..
  3. I'm going to have to question your premise here. They look nice, zeds might run "smoother" past them; but unless you're talking about a specific application other than just the corner of a tower, I don't think they really change anything about the zed's behaviour. Then again, if you know otherwise, you should then know how much damage you're saving from having it as a square, and thus you already know the answer. But whenever I make a square box to get attacked with me either on top or inside, the corner blocks are the Last ones to get attacked, regardless of their shape. (Pathing through them would require breaking extra blocks, so all the damage is "destroy area" -damage).
  4. You're the only one I've seen having issue with that; I don't doubt you in that regard, but how sure are you it isn't just zeds going for the standard destroy area mode? They seem real easy to get confused enough in A21..
  5. I think it's been "the last of a PAIR will take the damage", as in whatever poles a zed goes in between of, one of those takes damage, of those it is the latter one. But I have seen some weird behaviours past that; they're just so buggy in general that I'm happy whenever they're not pointing to 0,0 ...
  6. The sparks are there when the pole has taken enough damage to stop working. It takes damage from being used - when actively hitting zeds. Once it hits something like 50/200 HP, it stops so it doesn't self-destroy and starts sparking.
  7. Yeh, I get the system de facto, but the logic in it is lacking. It all derives from copyright, where we try to commoditize data, trying to make "data products" behave like real world objects. And then we've ended up to a place where the "data products" have worse buyer rights than real objects. Sure, unraveling any of it would be quite the business earthquake by now, but that doesn't make it make any more sense ...
  8. It's not that bad a comparison, a physical addition to a physical property vs a licensed addition to a licensed .. item. If the first case is crystal clear, manufacturer of the addon is able to sell the addon, then I don't see how the reasoning would differ for the license versions .. other than "that's what the situation de facto is".
  9. That's reading it a little too kindly, when he specifically said "not offer quests above their stage".. The idea could sorta be made to work, it would mostly mean making the quest tiers progress slower, and using the current "quests done per tier" -points as the actual trader stage. Think of it more as a standard reputation grind; all quests done increase rep by a variable amount, the total rep the dictates the trader inventory And the quests given (with their rewards set to match the inventory). EDIT: auto-grammar-nazism is a pain
  10. I'm stating the obvious here, but you don't really need many a solar cell. This is based on A20, but I think it should still apply: One cell provides enough power to charge a battery bank pretty quickly; set it up with a timer so the solar attaches to the batteries for an hour a day and you can feed the entire battery bank's worth of equipment for the other 23 hours. With a second solar cell, you can set up another circuit to work as backup for the charge time.
  11. Just that in an insane world, being sane makes you want to check into a mental institute ...
  12. Most commonly (as measured in numbers): an electric fence, or two, and plenty of headshots. When that fails, run them around streets and blow em up, if the spot is good for it. Haven't tried anything else in A21 yet. In the past; blade traps have seemed decent, need to repair those a lot though. 9mm turrets shooting from "above and behind" have been useful. And secondary positions, with the primary designed to disable itself when enough explosions happen. Say, steel walls, but concrete floor, the floor will break before the wall does and remove zed access to the wall. The floor of course needs to be elevated enough to disable the path.
  13. I do agree, but the moment he opened his inventory at the start of the video, I went "Oh boy, you're Not prepared" in my head. He did get lucky by taking the "wrong" path, but that just saved him from his own mistake in prep
  14. It does, but it also hydrates 3x => only a third of the duration for the digestion buff for same amount of water.
  15. Ye, I saw Glock9's vid just after doing this, didn't seem too bad - except for the scarce ammo he started with. He misread the stair dynamic a bit from the get go, and the turret wasn't all that useful, but he survived it and managed to entertain the crowds, what more can you want from a 'tuber .. In lieu of actual dragon mobs to fight, that's pretty good for a final fight; with the great numbers comes great reliance on any and all AI changes, not impossible to balance, but potentially quite delicate.
  16. Once you get a decent grasp of what you actually need in the next couple days, just gather that. Leaving stuff in boxes on the road (to be gathered later) helps making the decisions feel less final.
  17. I used to, as well, but I stopped caring when they stopped caring about clearing corners / physics ..
  18. I've done it as an infestation, for the previous trader. I dunno; the place was a lot more full, but I don't think the end room was much worse. It's been a while and I did build myself a ladder, and fought at that jail door I took a few swings of the pick at in the vid (11:39). I wasn't even planning to open it this time, just pointed at the sane way to do the fight there ... "you could just bust this open and be fine" But yeh, they kinda missed an opportunity there, the last fight should've been in a shower room for maximum immersion ...
  19. Yeh, sorry, my confusion, my last post is an EDIT mess.. For that run I had 1 point in Fort, 1/3 LotL.. not that significant there 10/10 Per, 8/10 Agi, all possible gun goodies, full parkour, not much else. Tier reward gave a Military Armor Bonus set earlier, so basically BIS for armor though. I think it wouldn't change That much for just a full Agi, just carry an extra 600 9mm instead of the 300 7.62 ..
  20. I filmed doing it as a T5 Clear arcade style, link in the videos section.. just jumped into the final fight. Warrior diff as well. EDIT: Or wait, "county jail" .. am I thinking of wrong POI? meh, after checking the footage, "Navezgane County Jail" is the proper name for it
  21. Well, for that specific POI it probably isn't intended. I'll pretend I just don't have access to Kage's log file for not reporting it as a bug.. My laziness might have something to do with the design of certain places doing worse things intentionally. Even if that room worked like that intentionally, it wouldn't be the worst offender for breaking physics; not even a contender...
  22. Would be nice for many applications, I'd welcome it.. For now, the best option is to use chained triggers: cameras, trip wires and such. Set one on either side of the door, and chain: Power > trigger > trigger > door. No relays in between and your door opens from either side.
  23. I've basically thought of it as a scrap thrower this far; internally something like an automatic slingshot from JoergSprave, with a magazine of just pockets moving around nuts, bolts and anything you can squeeze dense enough with a few taps from a hammer. So it wouldn't exactly have ammo lying around, just ... anything
  24. Good call, it's a fun experience going in blind (without my personal issues ).
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