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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Agility for the ultimate pancake flip? Reduces material costs as you don't throw them to the floor anymore?
  2. Your first mistake was taking Trolland seriously.. He's always confident and optimistic, and enjoys a proximity to the dev team, so when he's off, he's just convincingly off. Yeh, this playthough I did max the weapons asap, so that list is sort of worst case. It has some books looted after maxing out blades, so the diff could actually be a little larger as well, but I had just reached the 100 on handguns. I dunno, removing the boost would mean I'd have crafted absolutely nothing in this one; I was barely staying ahead of what the trader loop was giving, mostly by bad luck - the good items that drop/are sold/are rewarded have been better than I could craft but just the wrong types. But you might be implying "remove the boost and improve the drops to even it out". Would work great for MP, but I'd guess it means effectively no crafting for SP.
  3. items-xml(6667, 6670, 6671) <item name="meleeHandAnimalZombieBear"> <property class="Action0"> <property name="Range" value="3.6"/>
  4. I dunno man, I wouldn't disagree if you were talking about a care-bear mode, but we have quite a few settings already to reduce the difficulty. But for the base game, the things you mention seem rather on the weak side. Debuffs are actually kinda fine atm, but I think they're just way more common than they're meant to be - something feels broken in the "getting hit" -part, if that gets sorted the debuffs will be weak. I'd make them rarer but more of a headache.. I mean, a concussion cured with an aspirin? Just make it last the 2 hours, and remove its temporary effects with pills - makes you possibly have to manage your stack of pain pills all smart-like. Tic Tac Toe, Checkers, Chess, Go ... all have their places, but none of them are "made" with the beginner in mind. Except maybe the basic tic tac toe .. I'm not against making the game beginner-friendly, just not as an end point. Give me a Go of survival games and give it a good tutorial ..
  5. Nobody is saying you shouldn't complain on the forums. You just take the complaint, break it into it's constituent parts, figure out what they are and simulate the improvements already being in the game yourself. Yeah, I guess I don't really disagree with the message That much, I might've gotten annoyed at the way it was phrased. It's usable advice, but when delivered that way, it feels a lil aggressive. That, and scrapping a thing the game gives you to craft a worse version of the same thing is just outright silly ...
  6. Here's a partial list from my current game: spears 11 knucks 13, machine guns 13 clubs 16, sledges 16, shotguns 16 bows 17 explosives 22 rifles 28 robotics 29 blades 75/75 handguns 100/100 Want to wager a guess at my skill distribution? Might not a big deal for the game, as I've gotten good off-spec gear from quest rewards, sporting a Q5 Sniper atm, could've taken Q6 Autoshotties twice, etc etc.. But it seems rather significant for the crafting progress. - Yeh, I've also bought some books from trader, but deffo not 50 of them.
  7. I'm guessing it's mostly a bug. The design has changed, and nothing is really balanced right now. Balance fixes will flow in over the next half a year... There also seems to be plenty of regression bugs each Alpha, stuff that they've corrected to a previous patch but haven't taken up into their main branch. A little annoying, but not unusual.
  8. Ah, my bad; sorta. The first embedded chart (b317) eats scrolling, so I never even realized there's a second one.
  9. Can't say I've made a stables yet.. damn autocorrect I haven't seen much step-by-step stuff, but for example JaWoodle on youtube builds all kinds of reasonable sized bases in separate videos. But to get creating, it's largely a matter of setting a goal. Want a base that looks and works like a castle? Want to get zeds to line up perfectly for sniper rifles? And all kinds of things in between. Pick a goal and the building flows from there. I once did a base on the idea of redundancy. When looked on the map, it literally spelled REDUNDANCY (poorly, but still). Each letter was its own fighting position, mostly melee boxes, with some variation between each. And every box was connected to the next in a way the zeds wouldn't follow, so you could just leg it whenever a position got compromised. Had fun building it
  10. Atm, running would also be limited by food consumption, to an extent. As I assume most people would at most do it at night in early game, where food might actually be a premium. Having a cost in something important would be a pretty good rule of thumb for what people would be spamming. Infinite stone axes for tool crafting were a thing as they cost about two seconds of harvesting per 100. Had they cost a bit more, less of a problem. Then again wood and stone have always been easier to obtain than food..
  11. Yeh, it seems pretty buggy atm; whenever you hit a zed the zeds do one of several possible reaction animations (pains and staggers and whatnot) .. a lot of those will override the swinging animation, but the swings will still happen and hit.
  12. I tried that too, pulled three Stun Batons and three Baseball Bats.. same damage for all six, each were within 0.2 of 30 and 50. The chart shows a difference between bats and batons, did they actually change the bat after b317?
  13. That would make for a funny zed trap Three in a row on a three-wide killing corridor.. Boe trying to keep up with a feral nurse..
  14. I know, you Mod the game to fix the issue. You can do that, more power to you; but you're telling people to play vanilla that way, instead of asking for fixes to vanilla... why?
  15. Nah, plenty of people do it. Nowadays I do it once every Alpha, or so. Just fought the week 3 horde, defending a bedroom in a wasteland Tier 5 quest that took a few hours longer than I expected. I didn't break the pathing entirely, so I could actually kill a couple hundred, but the prep work for that took me a whole 2 game hours.. break a staircase, block one entrance with wood frames (had no proper mats on me).. repair the wood frames a few times over the night, shoot a LOT of zeds, glowies included. Was fun, but a base would be overkill
  16. But you just can't know that they didn't intend for you to stare at the campfire mesmerized for 3 days a week. That way the airdrop books would keep your crafting skills up to date! (Sorry. This thread is so much of weirdness that I'm just going with silly at this point ... )
  17. You're seriously going for broken windows economics..? Break it just so you can have the work of fixing it?
  18. That would help, or at least liven things up a bit. I proposed reducing bow sneak shot damage (at least unskilled) to reach a similar goal; if you can't one-shot most things while they're sleeping, you'll now have single actives coming for you and there's Some gameplay to deal with them. You'd have the advantage of getting to lure out singles and weaken the room before engaging with the rest, but it wouldn't be a complete shooting fish in a barrel simulator. Linking that thread as it's fallen quite a bit by now (there's a bit of waffle at the start as the idea had other reasoning behind it, but .. same deal )
  19. I didn't say it would be easy
  20. Yes, and most people with the opposite sentiment are typically not creators and/or just as successful at it. I'm not Just playing semantic games there, but I doubt this is the proper thread to delve into the topic. If you want to discuss it, toss me a DM or start a new thread (I don't care enough to start one, but I'll play if you want .. )
  21. Hmm, I don't know if it's possible to disable them without affecting gameplay - you'll lose the instakills. There is some sort of resistance on the zeds, the big boys have it tuned up, but I don't remember the setting name. If you set it high enough, you might get rid of them entirely, for better and worse. Here's one I dug up, dunno what to set it to and where: entityclasses.xml(3843): <property name="DismemberMultiplierHead" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierArms" value=".4"/><property name="DismemberMultiplierLegs" value=".4"/><!-- Radiated -->
  22. Funnily enough, I'm in the opposite camp over any sort of IP rights (abolish it all, except for maybe trademarks, those are for handy customer protection), but I do completely agree that Twitch & TFP can pretty much sort out their systems however they want. Now, I don't even understand the issue - what is blocked by the addon or lack thereof - but somehow I still doubt it was the intent of TFP to pocket streamer monies. It's more likely either a "standard consequence/issue of using a specific API", or just outright something they didn't even know about. As the stink reaches TFP QA, we shall see.. maybe.
  23. It might not just be RNG, it might be a playstyle difference. One group spends a lot of time in the forest, another pushes for wasteland day 1. The wasteland group will have a massive quality increase and thus will way more likely find those good gubs to overrun the crafting side. Milder versions apply too, ofc, just between forest and desert there should be a difference.
  24. Oh right, that mod. I think I have seen it in a vid sometime, never used it myself so it didn't click. Glad you found out!
  25. I'll allow it. Thanks for the link! I'm hoping that TFP is still looking to make the legendaries (why wouldn't they, funsies to be had).. soo, ye, temporary, at best
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