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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. How often are you fighting anything at 30 blocks? And more importantly.. WHY?!
  2. Probably a "bars" -block; could be a railing as well ofc. You can look for either word in the shape selection, should find something similar. Some blocks you can shoot through, (bars, arrow slits) some you will hit the "real" parts (poles, ladders). And melee behaves differently again, per block... But the likely issue is rotation mode? There's a couple different modes to select rotation, you can choose between them from the block-radial menu. Equip a block, hold down reload (I think it's 'r' by default). That shows a dial with plenty of options, you're looking for "Advanced rotation". Then you can click through roughly 24 different rotations for most block types. Try out the other stuff too at some point, plenty of handy things there ..
  3. It's basics of the building / Structural Integrity here. Any block attached to ground will never collapse (without bugs, and as long as "ground" is connected all the way to the bottom of the world (usually called Bedrock)). Any such block offers some support sideways (glue value), so you can attach some blocks to the side of a pole or a wall. These side-attached blocks (and whole structures you hang like that) will collapse if you place too much weight on them. Some simple examples (numbers are not correct, but reasonable) If you make a wooden pillar and attach wood to the side, you can "bridge" about 6 blocks from one face of the pillar. If you start from a wood pillar and attach metal blocks to it, you'll have a collapse after two blocks. The metal is heavy and the wood is weak. Metal also carries a lot of weight, so if you start a metal pillar, and attach metal blocks, you can reach 12+ hanging weight; the game actually throws a hissy fit before the weight limit and will drop a block at a significant distance (13, 15, 16, something in that neighborhood). Building upwards "while hanging" changes the numbers somewhat, things seem to carry more upwards. But I've done so little tests on it that I can't really say what it does right now...
  4. This is probably normal; every block requires a full "cube" of space, corners included. This makes designing fences a little difficult, but doable with some thought. The pink is a warning of bad support; it doesn't work right for all blocks, but when it does work, it Means that the block you're placing will cause a collapse - either the entire structure you're attaching it to, or just the block itself. Sounds like in this case it was the entire structure.. you'll need more supports from the ground. This .. sounds weird, unless you upgraded from wood to stone (that might cause weight issues). There used to be bugs about upgraded blocks disappearing from stability calcs on occasion, but I haven't seen one in ages...
  5. That's a bit of a stretch for my abilities thou; already gave them my 10 bucks and I ain't buying DLC. But without me buying em, there's always someone who will anyway. There's nothing I can do to disallow it. Profit skews the actions of corpos, certainly; I do agree with you on the corrupt nature of such "sales". But to frame it as exploiting the already struggling, well, if you're struggling, your situation won't improve via 7dtd DLC, one could even argue 7dtd shouldn't be on your radar, much less in your shopping cart. The target audience is people with expendable income, not the homeless.
  6. The only "acceptable" logic I can come up with would be something like the console publishing refusing updates, but being fine with DLC. I doubt that's the case. Outfit DLC sounds like one of those "relatively harmless" ways to earn a couple extra thousand bucks; so I can't really blame them for not leaving free money on the table, it'd be stupid. But it does taste ... a lil funky. Not quite like zombie bear, but a bit like lake water...
  7. The single shot rifles are rather slow, but from lever action onwards, they're all right. They do work from longer distances, but their power is basically in massive headshots; you'll usually want to be aiming even at close ranges. With snipers, they become the "controlled fire" -version of an assault rifle. Horde bases will play different, you'll want to exploit the multi-target penetration to the max...
  8. It seems like one of those things where "if you got the time, why not". And if you ain't got the time, you're probably doing something wrong 😛 Then again, if you go for a miner build, getting that extra 25% is pretty easy, so I wouldn't judge either way.
  9. This is correct in a sense, but only insofar as the zeds don't want to walk to a spot that far away from you.. jawoodle made a really simple curving path, hundreds of blocks long, which takes the zeds about 2 mins to path along, running; but all of them happily do. So as long as the entire path is within 40* blocks of you, the zeds happily follow it. * "40" may or may not apply to your game, exactly. But it's close enough.
  10. There've been some rumblings about it; I don't think many actually like the state of cloth atm. But among the annoyance that is duct tape, cloth is a minor balance problem well below the "whole logic of duct tape turrets" and "messing up water just to mess up tape" -complaints.
  11. Ouch.. big collapses were really finicky back then; doesn't matter much now, but smaller sections were easier to collapse, and sometimes attaching blocks to the sides of floating things would re-start a collapse. 81x81 sounds about 16x too big to drop reliably at the time thou ... 😛
  12. That's why it's funny ... the reality is so absurd that the idea would fit right in...
  13. Darnit... now I kinda want concrete blocks requiring 1 tape each...
  14. I don't really mind either way, but your earlier phrasing for "water survival" now including hitting zombies in the face with the steel club you made from the water ... it does feel a bit of a stretch. Sort of makes the phrase pointless, now containing the "entirety of the game".
  15. It's good fun My biggest demo job was an old version of the apartment complex.. I dug a grid of tunnels under the garage and filled them with suitably distanced explosives, mostly the placeable dynamite. This was before the major changes to the collapse physics, so the whole thing was basically trying to come down at once, the game choked to a complete slideshow, but what a slideshow
  16. Would you do it if.. you could place a piece of armor on your toolbar and click it to swap between that and whatever you're wearing? Let's assume you have +60% melee and +60% ranged damage as the alternatives. I think I would. (I usually have about 3 freeish slots on the 10-slot belt, so that wouldn't be an issue for me. And I use an MMO mouse with all the toolbar numbers under my mouse-thumb)
  17. Having ran into a literal chunk-load edge in the past on a motorbike.. not often, but often enough No, it wouldn't be a huge deal, and you'd just place your gennies right next to your important equipment (or extra battery banks for chunk-loading-UPS ). It might also just be a happy coincidence, the electric logic needs to be a functional net sort-of outside the block system (given how wires work, there needs to be a connection network implemented outside the block-space); and as that was built, it makes sense to load the entire network whenever you need it (or if light enough, just keep it in memory...)
  18. Yeap... send help! I've played for a couple days, and I've ... carried all my books home this far, don't think I've read a single one yet. Just waiting for that armor... really. Send help!
  19. Your automated doors wouldn't open and you defenses wouldn't fire. That'd be a big deal for trying to keep your generators safe, or immersively at the nearest HE Power Station
  20. You'd have to be in an active chunk to break it, and whatever changes would be applied normally. Hacky, maybe, but for electricity it's somewhat necessary; it's quite easy to cover long distances with the relays, and the system could end up in weird states if it loaded in parts as you approach your base.
  21. The electrical system is already "chunk-independent".. your gennie can be unloaded and still power your lights just fine (based on a way old test I saw on youtube, but I assume it at least was correct for the patch..). As a water-pipe system could reasonably require a powered pump, it might be a natural fit into the electric system and thus benefit from that feature. Then again, I don't really know what is being asked for, a lake-based Dew Collector -replacement? Would just a "drill well" in your own backyard suffice? Building a massive chain of "realistic" pipes across the landscape to bring in water sounds like a project I might do once; but even that I doubt. Easier to move the base to the lake
  22. I do too; personally I won't bother with swapping for most of it, but it's a weird design. Temporary consumables (candies etc) to boost whatever are great, they're equal to everyone and don't effect your "other stuff", like carrying capacity. Temporary gear sets to boost things are.. a nightmare. For design. You'll have to design the game for people who actually utilize them, or you'll have the swappers being OP for your design. Or you can go "sod balance", ofc. And if you design for swapping you have to optimize the UI/UX for swapping your stuff around.. make it easy enough and you might've just given the bonuses as default, make it hard enough and you just cause massive inventory hassle for everyone.
  23. Heh. You're taking his "forcing" seriously, so I'm taking your "seeing" seriously
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