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Everything posted by theFlu

  1. Most likely a bug, faatal was talking about changes to falling mechanics in reply to ladder, seems to line up with your experience:
  2. And we'd need to give youtube license to distribute vids, and give steam license to distribute our game assets. I'm sure TFP is fine with it, but .. copyright jargon at its finest
  3. Copyright jargon at its finest, unreadable without a degree in the field, yet automatically accepted by every 12-yo. "Your videos" .. "any Copyright interest" .. "Exclusive" ... doesn't that in effect exclude you from uploading your vids..? Or am I misunderstanding the "exclusive" -bit? Or is "contributions" somehow limited to game asset -type things? (and if so, the exclusive would still exclude you too, no...? )
  4. Frankly, via less clicking. If the food problem solves itself by playing the looter-shooter, then the food portion doesn't really add much to the game. Just extra inventory-clicking between loot boxes. That might be a worst case, I don't know how A22 plays, but I think that's the core of the point.
  5. Ye, no, won't help your box sorting one iota; but sorry for trying to offer whatever little help I could. I won't do it again, until next time, I swear!
  6. Mouse & keyb here, (also A21 info), but once I realized that the "equip" button will actually do a swap between the item and your equipped item, that's what I've used. Might help you save a few clicks if it's still like that.
  7. (I haven't touched A22 yet) Outside of a massive slab of building blocks covering the neighborhood, not really. They'll spawn on random terrain within the range, so if you don't give them any terrain, they won't even spawn. If you leave a few terrain blocks open, they will all spawn on that exact spot. From there, I don't know if there's a minimum range, but at least you can stand at the actual minimum range.. or make it a strip of terrain, covering all distances. Is it hacky? Absolutely. But it's about the only way to manipulate the spawning.
  8. Now, I don't feel too strongly about this exact thing, but it'd be a step in a direction I'd like.. make basic survival something you need to actually solve, and in doing so, turn questing itself into a reward. "Sort out your life so you can afford to go questing." No food in POI loot, some expensive ones on trader as a backup, but make getting your own and settling down / basebuilding be actually rewarding. A bit like Valheim, where you will do thematic things in order to progress, farming and cooking and such. But don't make the farming as annoying as Valheim... 😛 (it's mostly the jittery planting system with plants failing being too close to one another that annoys me there.. and it's kinda a lot of clicking, but if it wasn't punishing, I think it'd be fine). Here it could be get your food in order to be able to go loot... sort out your meds too, just giving a surplus from the POIs kinda makes them pointless overall. Just give us a castable heal skill at this rate, with a mana bar..
  9. Chess. - is that a boring grind? - how much does the base game cost? (couple pieces of paper) Now, where I see them focusing at the "first playthrough at the expense of repeats" - "loot 1k books per character" (it's fine once, you've got a world to explore and they show up as you go... repeating the grind isn't appealing to me.. ) - "we have a nearly-unique infinitely modifiable world, let's make it as solid as possible to support our questing paths / story-telling" (suddenly a door opens and there's zeds there! even if you actually looked a second ago). - And not even exploiting the building mechanics in any way for their "default" storytelling. For example, giving some free-form puzzles to solve, "how do I get there the easiest?", might be nice. Do it easier the next time It's not about money, at all ... I've gotten 4k hours out of it for a tenner. I'll prolly give A22 a once-over. But I'd absolutely love if the game was being designed for repeatability, it has all the basic building blocks for it; as sorta evidenced by my hours. It's about the type of game it could be, but is being designed as a Doom. Or Borderlands, just without the gun grind. I got exactly one playthru out of Doom, and a couple tries at the arcade mode. Ehh. Let's say I'm not on Doom forums atm
  10. That's a fair worry, but yes. An egg is liquid that turns into a fully developed chicken. Bones, skin, nerves, muscles and all. It has to have everything to not just maintain, but to build and operate all tissues, within it. Similarly, muscle meat of a mammal contains everything a mammal needs - the ratios may be different, but you'd be consuming enough to cover it all. If you're curious, couple ppl to check out: Kelly Hogan, Ken Berry, Shawn Baker .. all are both decent sources of info and examples of current carnivores. It's quite a rabbit hole thou
  11. Well, since no-one else took the bait, I went and tested a bit. Full test notes in spoiler, but I don't think you want to bother... After all that, the fence posts had not taken any damage..? Damage mechanic on a different timer? Random event and I got real lucky? Hmm... might have spawned more testing 😃 In conclusion: It looks like you can apply a new dot (and stun) from baton, but a fence won't hit a stunned zed. If using the baton on a fence-zapped zed, you'll lose some of the (fence) damage, but it's not like you just want to watch them sizzle, is it? ... Is it?
  12. There's sufficient Vit C just straight up in fresh meat. Not exactly surprising, given that any animal has to have sufficient vitamin C to function itself. For scurvy, in historic times, fresh meat was actually considered a cure for it. Ship crews lived off of ship biscuits, essentially a bread that was baked multiple times to give it a good "shelf life", destroying any fragile nutrients in the process. The freshest thing the sailors had, was the bugs on the bread... There's plenty enough of long term (decade and over and some even multiples) carnivores out there by now to confidently say that humans don't really need a single vegetable, ever.
  13. I don't disagree with much - I assume even you don't think "aiming at the 30% of people who haven't placed a bedroll would be a good idea". But things that make a game accessible aren't in any real competition with things that make the game good. I agree there, and that's what a good game should allow for, for sure. Getting to know it by playing is the most fun way to figure out a game. Hmm, I guess half the issue is, you're making claims "against some feedback", and you're not giving any examples; I'm sure there's "some feedback" that can sufficiently be countered with a "players are actually nabs". I just don't have any of such myself, it wouldn't apply to my complaints about the book system, the water system, or the magical spawn system from A21 for example...
  14. You should have one weekend still, the streamer weekend - unless you plan to throw a weekend watch party or some such ..
  15. I do agree that "average playtime" is not a direct improvement for the bottom line for TFP in any way. But, my point is, it will make for a Better Game, even for the 50-hours crowd. If the 50-hours crowd feels like they "could" spend another 200 in the game, but just choose to do something else, they're also going to be more positive about it. It'll Feel like a better game. Which also means a bigger hype train! I'm not on tictactoe forums looking for interesting topics, or new people to help; I'm here, volunteering, a free journal for 7dtd-electiricity and whatnot. I was sold the game by a recommendation of an IRL friend, who brought me in, because the game was Good and showed much promise. He's a man of good taste. I've sold the game to another friend after that, and I've seen him picking it up in the recent months again. If it was a one-and-done, I'd never had recommended it forwards, as I'd have forgotten about it a long before. Sure, it's a long tail sales tactic, but as it has been an absolute success as EA, I think that's also the smart play. The launch won't be a Valheim, even if the game is already Better. Because a lot of the interested people already have it.
  16. Tihihi... how meta shall we go? I'm a gamer, being wrong about (you, a gamer posting on a forum (posting that you assume that a lot of people do this simple mistake (of assuming that people do this simple mistake))) Two wrongs don't make a right, but how about 4 nested ones..? Anyhoo, your point about "most are average joes" is mostly valid, but - TFP is well aware, they're doing the game their way anyway; at best you can convince them of something 'logical' here (I may have had some effect on "improving" tooltips for players via a discussion about trader talents being wonkily written, in the times of the previous forums) - as well as TFP is aware, posters often are too; nothing stopping an actual game dev offering feedback here, either. Elite whiners will whine, some nabs actually show up asking questions on their first days in game, it's all quite a diverse group of people here. Optimally, the game can cater to both audiences.. for the goal of "one playthrough and done" for absolute casuals, it just needs to be not jarringly bad. For the goal of "you don't really get bored or annoyed for your first 20 playthroughs" it needs to be really well polished in several areas; one jarring problem will rip out repeat longevity. And of course it needs to provide some variance etc. Chess vs checkers vs tictactoe .. none is jarringly bad, but chess basically reaches a level of complexity where you can sink your life into it and not "complete" it. Each is easy to pick up; tictactoe is a fun way to learn that games can be Solved and thus becomes Pointless if two players know the solution; checkers is a decent intermediary, but also plays mostly like a solved game once you put any thought into it. If I was devving a game, I'd aim for a near-chess experience, as an "aim high, land 'far enough'". If some things need to be dumbed down, then so be it; but aim for the longevity-bracket, it's just good for the game. TFP sadly aims for a 50h experience, so a one-and-done - or so I've come to believe on these forums at least.
  17. I think over-the-shoulder 3rd person was at least in the works at some point, no idea if it's actually getting done though. Kinda hope so, but I can live either way .. but it would make looks more important.
  18. Hmm, haven't checked; from memory I would assume the baton will refresh a stun as long as it charges fast enough. And I do think they're probably the same effect (don't ask me why, I honestly couldn't say). Sounds like an easy enough test, though. - set up a functional fence (cm, 'u' for items) - and a baton while there - god mode, spawn couple mobs (dm .. g? iddqd?, F6) - numpad 0 to show zed stats, check how much damage the fence does (maybe set up a trigger to pulse the fence to get a per-activate number), compare to baton alone, and then a sum of both. I might even give it a go if wasn't already awake for 24 hours at this point ...
  19. That's .. pufferfish. Toxic glands with strong enough content to actually mess you up. For the general purpose animal, just remove the intestines, everything from throat to @%$#... they're happily bound together for the most part. You can process most of that to be edible too, that's how the sausage is made (literally), but it might take some practical knowledge.
  20. Parallel processing. If the zeds are waiting in line, their friends are not spawning. Either open another service desk or figure out way ways to take care of more of them remotely. 900 seconds for a 1000 kills, you got less than a second to deal with each, gotta be fast!
  21. It's, well, it's not a bug as such. The POI is designed relying on the support given by the ladder. While no real world buildings would be built like that, in 7dtd physics, it's a-ok. We can discuss if we like the design or not, but I wouldn't call it a bug, just a design exploit.
  22. No worries, while we might be confused, at least zztong seems to have gotten my point (per his edit of the last post on the first page). I'm happy with that; but if you think I'm wrong about something, please reiterate - I like being correct, so I also like being corrected.
  23. Oh yeh, I wouldn't be that surprised, us squishy westeners have plenty of people who think food originates in the grocery store. But unlike the vegans assume, hunger is a good teacher, and the skill required is something every generation of ancestral human has solved, as evidenced by our continuing existence. Now, Some People would absolutely need a head start - a stockpile of food and a teacher; but I'm rather convinced more than 99% of us would eventually be willing and able to chop up a moose. Obvious disabilities and age-related frailty omitted.
  24. My image with "show stability" on, how does it show any difference in the vertical? The middle pillar, which can still take blocks, is the exact same color as the side pillars that will collapse with one additional block. All the way to the top. The only color change in all of those is with the horizontal hang, while the SI will cause a fall by adding vertical weight. My original reply was to what looked like a claim of "a nerdpole will collapse under its own weight if high enough", and then I went on to show that the "show stability" isn't really telling much about the "physics" involved. If you see green, you're prolly actually supported, but the yellows are bad at predicting functional stability. Trying to Place-a-block works better, the placement color gives a warning and a more reasonable color progression; but that seems to give plenty of faulty predictions in the other direction, showing some blocks as always pink even if they're actually stable etc. I would think of it as "an air block Activates stability", things with a bedrock connection aren't essentially in the SI calcs at all (other than as support faces ofc).
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