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Everything posted by warmer

  1. when they bring "smell" back, I hope they also include "febreeze" dryer sheets we can equip into mod slots to counter act it.
  2. To me this comes down to how much of a pack rat are you? Whenever I play with friends we end up combining out inventory stacks so we aren't overly encumbered. You almost never have the room to take it all with you. I think that is one of the benefits of co op team play. You can actually fully clear a POI vs making several trips as a single player
  3. warmer


    did you take out the zombies legs, or did they decide to crouch on their own?
  4. I like the part method because if feels more realistic to me and scratched the Fallout weapon crafting itch a little. If we had a more modular system like Fallout that would be the ideal win. Parts Gated by the related gun range skill + engineering / 2 both skills at 5 would unlock all weapon parts for a given style of weapon, but you can swap out things like stocksgrip/barrels/receivers to create the base gun to determine handling/fire rate/caliber
  5. I was just wondering the beginning of the meal. How far do you go before you stop eating someone. Surely they don't eat a whole human in a single sitting. How much do you eat in a meal? I bet I could eat a nice calf steak and be full. Does each zombie eat until they are stuffed as full as a goose in a paté farm? Do they stop when they turn undead? Does the meat taste differently when that happens... While you are chewing? Hmm What if you made a vaccine out of you once digested through a zombie?!
  6. The is the only game I know of with so many interesting features and so much replayability with very minimal guardrails on player choice. Those are the main reasons I've got 1000+ hrs since A6. Nothing scratches so many itches simultaneously
  7. When I get to the end I usually dig a straight line from the end to the exit if at all possible to make the loot hauling easier As much as it can suck, I find the weighing of "should I keep this or dump it now" as a significant game play mechanic for survival games. 7D2D is extremely generous compared to a game like 'Green Hell' or 'Scum' which drastically limits your ability to carry things for the sake of a hyper realistic experience. With all that said, I typically don't have much of a problem if I scrap everything, less what I actually need, and am willing to walk/crawl my way out loaded up to the gills in loot.
  8. it would be cool to see a ring road/track that connects every trader. If you were setting up shop, that would be an ideal location for deliveries. Rust recently implemented a raily system like this to all major monuments. I thought it was silly until I took my first train ride and realized how nice it is to have a system that practically drives itself.
  9. it would be cool to have a locker like in rust where you can 1 click swap out whole outfits.
  10. can you go into god mod and go under the terrain and see if any objects are underground?
  11. Must be due to you being one of many possible targets. I usually play solo, so stealth on horde night become irrelevant. I imagine they lock on to the first possible target and go from there. I do remember how easy it used to be to hide underground before they made the zeds player seeking on horde night.
  12. Ya that statement didnt make sense to me either. It absolutely doesn't require a redesign. It is an object/block attribute. No POI needs to be edited if the change is at the object block level.
  13. @Blake_ all of the changes were easily made with 3 mods and 0-Score SphereII mods pack. not sure what you mean in your reply. Sounds like you read mine as a wish list rather than what is easily modded by a user. If you don't like the performance hit, don't use it. I played for hours with them and didn't notice anything. @Fenris the 0-Score SphereII mods blocks.xml file has to be edited in two locations for the chest broadcasting to work with workbenches. No other mods are required, so you can use this in vanilla settings with only this feature enabled if you want to. The same mod file is used to add fire and caves.
  14. Fire When I moved into my perfect spot I thought, damn I have to tear it all down... OR... I could just throw this moltov and watch it burn this is only 1 logical choice lol Caves One of my fondest memories playing 7 days to die is running through the woods in the dark without a torch with zombies behind me, only to fall into a cave. In my first 20min of play with the new mods I fell into a cave running through a forest. This was a great surprise. It felt new and I wanted to explore it so badly (randomly generated caves) but I was burning daylight and hadn't set up any type of base or gotten food or water sorted out. Board Pulling Pulling boards on windows and crates vs. destroying them. Much more realistic method of entry in a possible zombie infested structure Chest broadcasting to work benches this just saves you time and lets you have more fun. Workbenches pull from nearby crates The above 4 are just a few of dozens from 0-Score SphereII mods, there are a ton of really neat quality of life and features, but it takes some manual editing of the blocks.xml file to turn them one. There are some great tutorials explaining how to get started doing so. Pickable doors: this speaks for itself. With that said, a wall safe or a gun safe should require a level of 3 or higher in my opinion, simply because of how uncommon the knowledge/tools of dial safe cracking is compared to a rake and tension bar . Lootable/semi-persistent decaying zombies Non lootable zombies turn then into "purely" xp and ammo dumps. They cease to have any real identity. When you kill 20 of them around your base and they slowly decompose over time from a battle, it adds SO much dark grit to the game. additionally, these are great for starter clothing pieces and very basic food scavenging. It feels much more immersive. Specific wish list "items/guns/vehicles" aside, what other fundamental gameplay aspects are missing?
  15. I think stealth is overpowered current in non horde night scenarios. They should bring the smell factor back. If you are wearing zero noise armour and maxed out the extra damage skill and bonus to move silently skill + maxed parkour. Once I had a scoped compound crossbow I would only get a non 1 shot kill sneak headshot when I get surprised. Combat really got boring until horde nights when the skill became useless. Other than that if I was slow (cost of time in game to do stuff) I could get nearly every clear and fetch mission without triggering awareness. Some ambush section I could take out several zombies before I had to enter line of sight.
  16. I will have to disagree on this one. One makes you wet and requires a lot more mental imagery/processing to understand. and one makes you wet with your own blood, and is immediately understood as a bad idea. If your goal is to confuse someone for a second, then I would agree with you.
  17. "How about you go dance with a cactus." Thank you for this! My new favorite insult. Way better than take a long walk off a short pier.
  18. Does anyone know if this will be a streamed event given the nature of the con? I am curious what might be announced, and if we will get any tasty news on A21
  19. I thought I remember reading that crafted items have varied stats where as looted items with have default for that level. This was intended to make crafting more of a route to take in order to a chance at a higher stat item than you can just find. Is this still in play?
  20. Which was the last version with random gen caves? I would love to have the cave random gen version. I would gladly wait 5x for random world gen for caves to be an option again.
  21. One thing I miss about the Blunderbuss, That is how I'd dig for treasure once I had a level 6.
  22. This sounds like a lot of fun actually I cranked up the spawn rate to compensate to lack of challenge, but this would get you right into the action much faster.
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