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Everything posted by warmer

  1. I think the issue is someone has a less than optimal install of their OS. Original post said it was due to OS corruption. How is that the problem of TFP to solve? someone could make a .bat file utility that automatically saves a copy of your save game on exit and keeps the last two exit saves before replacing them. That solves the problems with the least heavy lifting from all parties.
  2. 1 major example; C#(unity) can automatically manage your memory for you C++(Unreal) you have to manually manage that, and this would like require re-writing memory calls to include dumping it when it isn't needed. If you didn't you'd have memory issues the longer you played a session. Most people finish the road trip in the car they are using at the beginning unless it completely breaks down. What they learn during that road trip will inform them on how to prepare their vehicle best for the next one. The framework they've made is incredible. That's worth moving over to a superior engine performance wise at the beginning of the process. 10 years of code in C# is not something I'd move over to C++. I think at this point, they want to finish it and take lessons learned to their next game. If Voxel support in Unreal came out 5 years ago, they probably would have switched, but not when you are almost at the finish line.
  3. they have updated through several major unity updates to keep current. This took them a TON of time. To switch engines isn't as simple as pasting your code into a new engine. This would likely break a ton of code due to the syntax differences and make it unplayable for quite a while with no ability to see if there was a genuine pay off for the switch. Not trying to be mean, but when people ask "why aren't you doing x?" it is a question that comes from a place of ignorance to the facts at hand. This is why I said what I said. If you knew that, asking this question would seem like a pretty impossible ask. This would completely halt further progress for 6 months or more. NO WAY they would do that.
  4. Once at a friends 18th birthday party we snuck into an RV dealership after midnight and put moldy corn in all the toilets of the unlocked RVs. There are plenty of reasons this could happen. lol
  5. ya something like this seems to indicate they have never tried to port a game from one engine to another. This seems more like a troll post than an honest question, because if they really considered the work involved, they'd realize what a bad choice that.is so late into dev
  6. I'm going to guess you've never made a single passion project in your life, or you'd realize that some endeavors are about pleasing yourself first. You know what happens when you listen to too many voices in the community and pick the middle ground? Saint's Row 2022 That steaming pile of crap I uninstalled within 45min of launching it.
  7. The one who controls the games development are the ones that are doing the developing. Whether or not they take our feedback into consideration is entirely up to them. I am not sure I understand why someone posts a question like unless they feel they are owed something beyond the game they already got their fun tokens worth out of... It just strikes me as pretentious to assume your feelings of "going in the wrong direction" is going to bear a significant weight into how they have been developing a game for a decade now. Keep in mind, I have read they are going in the wrong direction for at least as long as I have been in this forum, and they keep going in "their" direction. It also seems kind of related to this notion we have now were everyone thinks their opinion matters on what other people are doing. Your two cents only matter if they already tangentially align with the direction they intend on going. How many copies did you buy, now divide that by how many they sold. The resulting fraction of a percent is how much they care about you saying they are going in the wrong direction. Instead of expecting the devs to make the game you want, you should learn how to mod the game to suit your taste. It is IMPOSSIBLE to please everyone in a vanilla 1.0 version, and they have given us the framework to make that possible if we care enough to put in the time. There is obvious passion in posts like this, so turn those finger clicks into .xml edits and you are halfway to your desired end goal.
  8. Air drops and whatever you have your loot respawn set to is the limiting factor. Also Trees can easily be planted, so you technically never run out of wood if that is what you want. Ore/Coal are the biggest limited resources, but there is a lot of metal to be scavenged in the game world. I highly doubt any has actually used every bit of iron on a map yet.
  9. you are absolutely right, the game description clearly states, the "default settings" are hardcore. Thank you for clarifying it with such precision.
  10. Until you layout what you specifically and precisely mean in a detail manner by "hardcore survival" you have a nebulus goal post you can move at will. Pretty sure I have detailed what I think it means and @pApA^LeGBa just keep saying, That is "harder" and not hardcore... Ya know a compound word of "hard." Yes, that is like saying a Ferrari isn't fast, just because a jet car broke the sound barrier on the salt flats.
  11. Hardcore is the definition of getting your game erased upon death. That's the original definition, now attach "survival" to that. How many times do I have to say your point of view is subjective? Play dead is dead. Problem solved. So much energy to complain about what the meaning of a word is that doesn't meet your exact specifications. exactly
  12. Ok, then turn all your settings to the most difficult for you and make that your default. You have agency, or maybe you don't know how that menu with 3 pages of settings works. It's up to you to use the tools you have. Whining about it when you have the tools "by default" is pretty comical actually.
  13. LIke I said, turn loot abundance all the way down, no loot respawn and no air drops. Edit bioms.xml for more severe temp differences. Problem solved.
  14. Words with meanings like "hardcore" are subjective. And you are 1 person with an opinion on what that means. Until you can point to a world agreed upon definition of what "hardcore survival" means, it's an opinion. That's it. Opinions are not global truths. This is why I said, "Survival" is literally the concept of NOT dying. If you want to go back to when the term originated, it was in games where the "Hardcore" setting would ERASE your save game upon death. AGAIN @pApA^LeGBa that is exactly what "dead is dead" style of playthrough is. SO.... That is just a user defined rule set. You are an adult. Make up your own rules if you want it more hardcore.
  15. Also, if you want to make it much more hardcore with 3 settings. Turn loot abundance all the way down, no loot respawn, and no air drops. Instantly a TON harder, you are going to have to hunt for most of your food and water/jars much harder to come by. There are options, but what bugs me is when someone with agency pretends like they are helpless to change the games settings to taste. The settings available are already 10x what most games give you as far as tailored difficulty. If the game just isn't fun for you with all those options... Maybe it's not the game for you?
  16. This exactly what I meant by difficulty being inversely proportional to number of hours in game. Both of the games have severe penalties for ignoring basic character health maintenance. If you want it "more" hardcore. Mod your debuffs to be deadly. End of story. There you go, more hardcore. the entire argument is based in the "survival" elements not being hard enough. How about 7 days to heal a broken bone, 1 day to or an infection kills you, edit the biome.xml for more severe temp difference between areas making cold/heat more of a killer. How about playing "dead is dead" like I suggested? If you remember that is the definition of "hardcore" difficulty for many games, and you also have "survival" elements. There you go. Harder to survive. Its not the problem of the games framework when the tools exist, it is a problem of your expectations that is remains difficult once you know and understand the mechanics. Some people complain food/water are already too hard for them. Why? Gameplay experience. That is it. Anything ceases to be hardcore once you have mastered the basics unless the game ramps difficulty with you, ala gamestage, and that only helps for so long. You have beat vanilla, accept that achievement as a win for you, and not a fault of the game when there are 100's of ways to make it more hardcore if you wish.
  17. the essential definition of survival is "not dying" so either you are being difficult for the sake of it, or dont want to mod your game to suit your taste. Have some agency, take control of your satisfaction, or accept the fact that you've played a game until you exceeded its base mechanics. You beat vanilla. Now go find a mod for more of a challenge in your desired direction, or stop playing.
  18. Crank your zombie damage against blocks to max, turn on feral sense, up difficulty to max, set sprint day and night, and add in my spawn files 2.5x spawn amount everyday. Then set it to 60min days, bloodmoon to daily, with no loot respawn, no airdrops, Play dead is dead. No one can pull that off for long my friend. That is PLENTY hardcore enough for anyone. That makes the game so hard it isn't fun anymore. BEYOND hardcore.
  19. I am pretty bored with the difficult once I had over 1000 hrs so I made an edit to the spawn.xml and it's been making it a lot more fun/difficult Put this .xml into \steamapps\common\7 Days To Die\Data\Config https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1VdQpPG0w3THx7XTLeXiZyDlh9WsiW8MY?usp=sharing and make a new random gen map. 2.5x Zeds per spawn at a much faster respawn rate. This makes the game feel a lot more "lived in" regarding populations of places. With this you can't wipe out an area quickly and become comfortable for days on end like you can with vanilla spawn.xml The biome.xml I made to add more cars/thicken forests/add more rocks/more guts and gore - not a difficulty modifier per say, but more of an atmospheric change. Same link for that one if you are curious.
  20. In order to keep from feeling "bored" I made edits to the spawn.xml and I upped the total spawn per chunk to 2.5x and respawn down to 1 day or less. This keeps you from being able to sit back and relax unless you have a very effective AFK base, but this also increases your leveling quite a bit so I have never gotten past day 24 without dying due to how quickly the difficulty increases. I always play "dead is dead" now. 1000+ hours, so this is the only way for me to feel a real sense of danger and anxiety. 60minute days and solo with this many zeds to deal with makes stamina a REALLY valuable commodity.
  21. Your definition of difficulty is inversely proportional to the number of hours you have spent playing the game.
  22. One at a time, over all at once. I can't eat that many monkeys in one sitting. As we all know, when it comes to eating monkey fresh out of a barrel, they rot like bananas in direct sunlight.
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