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Everything posted by warmer

  1. All great points. I thought you could still get parts from cars and vending machines without a wrench. Do the stone ax not give you those parts at all, or it is the fact that a car might blow up that is the issue.
  2. I come back to 72d2 now and then while waiting for A21 looking for a new challenge, and this just occurred to me today. I think that no looting and all materials coming from logging/mining/salvaging would make the game really interesting. Who else has tried this, and what did you Not/like About the game setup? Did you allow buying from traders? Did you encounter gamebreaking things like no ability to get a crucible if you don't use traders?
  3. Does that span more than 1 chunk? It looks huge and I wonder how that works when it crossed over into other load zones
  4. I guarantee we will have it moddable like all GUI info
  5. I am still hoping they bring the "smell" mechanic back, which if I understand correctly, is similar to how feral instinct currently works. The game gets really boring and predictable if you can't get ambushed sometimes. I definitely understand what you mean about it being unrealistic, but without these moments, I'd never be afraid as a stealth build except for on horde night, and this game without fear is kind of silly.
  6. ya that is where I got it, I just had the spawns cranked up so you couldn't, and I mean COULDN'T, spend any amount of time down a hole making noise without setting up some spikes or something because they would wander in from the noise within 30-45 seconds.
  7. I decided do a challenge I keep seeing pop up. Day 1 base build in the wasteland WTF!? who is nuts enough to do that? Well after 1000hrs in game you need a new challenge. What I found was it was actually quite easy once I had a sniping position. I had cranked up the spawns 3x of normal, run during the day. The hardest part was finding clay for a forge and wood for arrows/bolts. Because the lootstage is so cranked up for wasteland I was finding bullets and pistol day 1. Day 2 I found a lvl 3 crossbow, from that point on it got really easy. What gameplay/rules changes do you make to keep the game exciting?
  8. well this is certainly something to chew on...
  9. It would be awesome to get a pool of zombie sounds from the community to add more variety to their vocalizations. Having an additional hundred+ random zombie vocalizations would do two things right away add more variety and immersion/ provide more of an unknown to what you sre hearing vs. what you might encounter each zombie type having a pool of potential sounds that make sense for the npc
  10. I always thought it was because my weapon was actually in their hitbox. A lot of point blank shots go through with bow. But if you are missing from a fair distance, that is another thing entirely.
  11. I moved into a friends house that had been vacant for nearly 6 years. There were enough cobwebs to make a triple braided rope about 8inches long and a half inch in diameter. It was surprisingly strong for being as dirty/dusty as it was.
  12. I always assumed this was like rust and land claim worked like a TC authorization
  13. I agree with the OP. Audio queues are very helpful until they cease to be accurate. I really like audio queues in games. Especially when it involves something you may have behind a door you would rather walk by and listen vs need to open and look to see if something is active.
  14. power attacks have a much higher chance of a knock down. Which results in an easy execution
  15. I used to be very bow centric build, but I started using clubs as backup and power hits just drain you so fast. The benefits is an immediate 1 or 2 more power attacks per stamina bar fill up. That is significant when you are getting swarmed. I usually only put 1 point in, that is enough to make a difference, but now that we are losing Sexy T in the update none of that really matters.
  16. dont you love how much we have been trained by clickbait, that we are now using in our subject lines for everything, vs just saying what subject something actually is about...
  17. I think we can all agree that not even getting more than an additional meal out of a deer vs. a chicken is waltzing into hilarious territory. At least double it. Using a level 1 bone knife I get around 10 meat for a chicken. 20 meat for a deer seems absolutely reasonable, especially considering you cant just walk up and kill it with a single whack of your first club.
  18. My fav all around weapon is a club/bat for the speed and ease of getting a solid hit on buzzards. Those guys have killed/diseased me more time than all other mobs combined. 1 is not so bad, 2 is doable, but 3 you are basically guaranteed to have a screen full of negative status effects by the time that encounter is over.
  19. What kind of GPU are you running? Does it look like a air drop smoke? I run AMD GPU, I used to have really weird light glitches from porch lights a few alphas ago, they were like staring into the sun. its been a few updates since that was an issue for me
  20. The amount of time and resources you need to make train tracks to connect far flung places seems pretty silly once you have a bicycle and an additional inventory space. I can't imagine you will save any amount of time doing this in the long run. Sure its cool, but loot doesn't respawn often enough for me to justify building permanent infrastructure to a given location.
  21. warmer


    While upgrading my base I backed up into my own iron spikes and got killed day 23 for the first time once. Wish there was a minimum charter velocity before damage on those. They aren't razor blades! lol
  22. On the faster day: I am a plan/build/assess kind of guy. I like to find a spot, lay it out first in frames, get a scope of how things works, and then upgrade once I have the rough layout completed. Anything 60min or lower makes that process speed up much more quickly in a single player game. I typically will take over a POI vs. build my own from scratch, due to less time in the day. On longer days: The longer days equals more XP per day, ie faster leveling/game stage by day 7. I like a slower pace between hordes, so I op for longer days as a solo player to give me time to prep. It makes horder night a lot harder, but I can properly plan an effective layout for a custom base at 90-120min days. 60min I am rushed the entire time. The other aspect, if I am not mistaken, is food/water is based on real time game play vs in game time. Which means you will consume more in a 120min day vs a 60min day. I believe I read somewhere that actually player action affects thirst and hunger, which means you can run/build/fight a lot more in 120min than 60min. So that may be why as well. Even is statically attached to time + modified by ayer activity a 120min you will likely eat/drink more.
  23. I really want the ability to use a big booted biker leg as a club when my wooden one breaks. Even better... A frozen lumberjack leg would make a nice ping sound when whacked against a zed skull
  24. When I was a kid and found out there was no way to win Pitfall, it was just a matter of collecting as many points as possible in the given time frame, I felt pretty misled by my Indiana Jones fantasy that was going on in my head at the time.
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