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Everything posted by khzmusik

  1. I don't know where you got that archive, but it is not a "SphereIICore archive." It looks like an archive of the entire SphereII repository - including all his mods and modlets. The files inside the "0-SphereIICore" folder - and only those files - are part of the SphereIICore mod. If building C# code using DMT is too complicated for you (as it is for many people), then I recommend using the Mod Launcher instead: http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ You should be able to get both SphereII's Core mod and Xyth's lockpicking modlet directly through the Mod Launcher, and it will build any DMT or SDX mods/modlets automatically: http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/HowToInstallMods.html http://7d2dmodlauncher.org/ManagingModlets.html
  2. From the output, it looks like you're not including PatchScripts\FoodSpoilagePatch.cs in the build. But, I don't know what you mean by this: "it appears that all 0-sphereiicore mods are needed for the build." 0-SphereIICore is one mod. You need to install and build all of it. If you're trying to just pick and choose which files or folders you include, then of course you're going to get errors.
  3. Just an FYI for those people who actually want to do localization for their modlets, and not just add English entries... I found this online tool helpful. It will translate English text into multiple languages at once: https://smodin.me/translate-one-text-into-multiple-languages I can't vouch for the quality of the translations. But, IMHO, something is usually better than nothing. If anyone else knows of better translation services, then feel free to post them here.
  4. The version in my A19 repo should be working: https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a19-modlets/-/tree/master/khzmusik_UMA_Zombies (EDIT: ignore the fact that it says "A18" in the README, that's my stupidity.) This is the first I've heard of any NREs when using those zombies in A19. However, it's possible that my non-DMT test installation is still on version A19.3. If you are using the version from the A19 repo, and run across those NREs again, could you upload logs here?
  5. khzmusik

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I really miss the days when the Mod Launcher would automatically install dependencies for you.
  6. Just FYI, my adjustments don't touch the animals. The "friendly fire" issues are hopefully solved with the latest version of SphereII Core. SphereII recently merged a pull request from me that should have fixed the issues. The changes were merged 21 days ago, so you may have to remove, re-download, and re-compile Core if you have a previous version. I don't have any idea about your brother's ability to recruit your goat. Hopefully @sphereii or @xyth can point you in the right direction.
  7. Honestly, the fuel type isn't the hard part. The hard part is figuring out how to calculate food spoilage differently, depending upon whether the fridge (or any container) is "on" or "off." The current Core code simply won't allow that... and with good reason. The calculations for a container are "saved up" for the next time a player opens that container. Imagine how complicated it would get if you had to calculate how much of that time was spent "on" or "off." Especially if the player isn't even in the same chunk as the container. One possibility is to make the "freezer" a workstation that "crafts" normal foods into frozen foods. But I didn't even consider it an option, because a) it's a whole lot of work (you have to have frozen equivalents of everything), and b) it's not how people think of freezers, so most players wouldn't like it, therefore it's not worth putting in the game. If that appeals to you, though, then give it a shot. Core also has code to produce powered workstations (using the vanilla power system), so you could also make them powered if you're so inclined. But it doesn't appeal to me so I probably won't be much help.
  8. In case anyone else wants to make a food spoilage mode using Core: I made one myself. The Core code is very powerful, but the documentation leaves much to be desired. (You can tell SphereII is a dev and not a TPM. ) I wrote up a lengthy explanation of how it all works, in my modlet's README file: https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a19-modlets/-/blob/master/1-SphereIICore_khzmusik_Food_Spoilage/README.md Hopefully others will find it useful. And, about my own modlet - feel free to use it, learn from it, steal the code, and in general do whatever you want with it.
  9. @Zagan As it turns out, it's not a bad file at all. It's served over HTTP, not HTTPS, so Chrome is blocking it. EDIT: Here are the details, straight from Google: https://support.google.com/chrome/thread/77421860?hl=en Here's a non-Google link: https://www.ghacks.net/2020/10/08/chrome-is-blocking-downloads-here-is-why/ As it says in the article - and I've confirmed it - the work-around is to right click on the link and select "Save file as..." @SylenThunder Is it possible for you to change the link so it uses https rather than http? That will probably fix all the issues people are having with downloading this via Chrome.
  10. I'm in the U.S. and if I left-click the link it won't download for me either. I'm using Chrome. But if I right-click on the link and select "Save link as..." it downloads just fine. Maybe it's some kind of security feature in recent Chrome versions, to protect people from being tricked into downloading viruses?
  11. I'm guessing "under ground" means "where there is no light?" If so, look at the commented-out code in blocks.xml for "cropsGrowingMaster": <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelGrow" value="8"/> default, light required for growing up <property name="PlantGrowing.LightLevelStay" value="0"/> default, light required for not dieing off I think you should be able to set both values to "0" and it should do what you want. EDIT: Look at "plantedMushroom1" for an example.
  12. I'm pretty sure that's the increase in enemy penetration, not blocks. One would think you need to modify the "BlockDamage" property. The catch is that "perkPenetrator" doesn't have this property, so in theory it shouldn't increase block damage at all. (Other perks do, though.) So, I think what you want is "BlockPenetrationFactor". From the comments in buffs.xml: "This many block hit points reduce EntityPenetrationCount by 1. 251 is just enough to penetrate 1 wood block or door." This property is set on the ammo itself, and I don't see any buff that affects it. From the numbers, I'm guessing that's where TFP get the "1000" value? It's close to (3 + 1) x 251, meaning: AP ammo penetrates 1 enemy, the perk adds another 3 enemies, and each enemy is equivalent to 251 block hit points. I haven't tried this myself, but that would be my guess. Hope it helps.
  13. Just so you know, I am only modifying the excellent work done by Xyth and company. I did ask Xyth about the NPC rate of fire, and how it could be modified. He did not know. Apparently that code is from vanilla 7D2D, and it works in mysterious ways.
  14. Ah, so time passes normally, you're just sitting on your bed/bedroll? The Starvation mod did this, so it almost certainly can be modded in now as well. But it's not actually all that fun in my experience, and there are probably a lot of players who would agree. So I don't think it would be appropriate for the vanilla game. I've never crafted a bed, so I didn't know they can't be picked up. I agree that would be nice. Is it possible to pick them up if you place an LCB next to them? (Not that this is a great solution, but it might be a workaround.)
  15. TFP have said they will not introduce sleeping into the game, since it is too difficult to make it work in multi player. (Maybe possible but too much work to be worth it.) Also, beds do act as spawn points, but only player-crafted beds. Maybe that was the cause of the confusion?
  16. While I'm here, I might as well announce a couple of other modlets I created. Preserved Foods: Adds canned and preserved foods to the game: https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a19-modlets/-/tree/master/khzmusik_Preserved_Foods NPCPack Humans Adjustments: Makes a lot of adjustments to the NPCPack Humans modlet (requires DMT): https://gitlab.com/karlgiesing/7d2d-a19-modlets/-/tree/master/2-NPCPackHumans_khzmusik_Adjustments_DMT I've been spending most of my time focusing on the NPCs, so I will probably have another modlet or two coming that adds new features to them. My plans include: NPC POIs, different quests, dynamic factions, and deep dialog options. (We'll see how much of that I actually get done. )
  17. I think it's probably a language barrier, but I'm not sure what you're asking. It is possible to configure this modlet, and it is all done in XML. That is about as easy as I can make it. There are detailed instructions in the README.md file. But, if you don't want to read it, here are the values you want (I think): To shorten the meteorological year (the time it takes to pass through all four seasons), set the "DaysPerMeteorologicalYear" value in the modlet's worldglobal.xml file. For example, if you want each season to be two days long, set the value to 8 (4 seasons x 2 days each). If you want to make the temperature variations more extreme, set the "TemperatureVariation" value to a high number. BUT, the game is hard-coded to a temperature range of 31 degrees Fahrenheit. If you set it to a higher number, the temperature will "clip" at the high and low values. This will be perceived as a radical change in temperature between seasons. (It is not realistic, but might be what you want.) There are other limitations due to the game itself. For example: out of necessity, the global temperature is set on the server. The messaging that you see is the only way the server can send a message to the client(s). (I asked others about this, and they all concurred.) Also, things other than global temperature (like rain/snow) are hard-coded, and are not possible for me to change (or at least, I don't know how I could do it). I hope all of that makes sense.
  18. Do any of these visually change the vehicles? Or are they similar to tools in workstations, that just affect functionality but aren't visible on the models themselves? I'm asking because, back when vehicle mods were first introduced to us, it sounded like they would introduce something like player clothing but for vehicles. Like, the "cow catcher" on the front of the 4x4 wouldn't be there originally, it would be a mod. If that is being worked on for vehicles, it might mean that progress is being made on replacing UMA for players. So I'm genuinely curious.
  19. I'm not 100% certain but this looks like an issue with the Mod Launcher, not with Darkness Falls. That DLL is the one that you would use to access SVN (an older version control system, similar to Git). I think the Mod Launcher uses it as a library to access some of the mod repositories. @sphereii Maybe you could weigh in here, since you authored the Mod Launcher?
  20. In addition to code changes, they have to do an entirely new set of character models, clothing models, textures, etc. and put it all together into something that is going to replace the current (third-party) UMA system. So, even leaving programming aside, it's a hell of a lot of work. My guess is probably 10x the work that the new weapons require. p.s. Pretty sure MechanicalLens is messing with you. That's hard to recognize if you aren't a native English speaker.
  21. For TFP people working on RWG right now: From what has previously been said here, we are going to lose at least one major biome. But, to make up for it, biomes that were previously "major" biomes (like the burnt forest) will become sub-biomes. My question: how "deep" will the sub-biome differences be? For example, if the burnt forest sub-biome is going to look like the previous burnt forest "major" biome, the sub-biome would have to have its own block stubstitution rules. (Brown grass for green grass, dead trees for live trees, etc.) Will it go deeper than that? Examples: Will there be different zombie spawn groups for sub-biomes? Will POIs be able to target sub-biomes, not just "major" biomes? Will there be differences in atmospheric effects? Will a sub-biome have different weather conditions? I know this sounds a bit like a "wishlist" question. I'm just interested in what is planned for A20.
  22. khzmusik

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    I just tried this again tonight, and unfortunately, it seems to cause an even worse bug. This code breaks commands for hired NPCs, such as the "Follow" command - they simply won't do them after these changes. At least, that's what I found. Are you still able to hire NPCs and get them to follow you?
  23. khzmusik

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Interesting. I'll have to dig deeper to figure out why that works. I spent my entire day neck-deep in the C# code, figuring out exactly how this all worked. And from what I can tell, the number ("N") in "AITarget-N" (and also "AITask-N") is the priority. Higher priorities will take precedence over lower priorities. From comments in the code, the blank task is there to ensure that the unspecified "AITarget-N" properties aren't inherited from the parent XML class. So, your change is to make the "SetAsTargetIfHurtSDX" task take precedence over the "SetAsTargetNearestEnemySDX" and "SetAsTargetIfLeaderAttackedSDX" tasks. (You also inherited all the "AITarget-N" properties where "N" was higher than 4, but I don't think there are any in the base class, so I don't think that makes a difference.) At least that's what I think, from looking at the decompiled C# code, but it's not exactly clear. I still have a whole lot to learn about TFP AI, and none of it is exactly straightforward.
  24. Darkness Falls has exactly this. (You can still see the day in that mod, though - it just hides the time.) It seems like it would be simple enough to implement what you're looking for, most of it would just be modifying the XUI XML in some fashion. The only tricky part would be making sure none of it is hard-coded into the game, so that removing it would cause issues. If/when I finish what I'm doing now, maybe I can take a look.
  25. khzmusik

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Can you post exactly what you did to fix this? I'm working on it myself. And I hope it's not finished, I'm just getting back into using it.
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