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Everything posted by chikorina

  1. The mech bee's so cute:love-struck: I was attacked by one when I was on a vehicle. Too bad I wasn't able to get any honey from harvesting them.
  2. I tried out the Better Life on a Nitrogen map. The fish spawned beautifully!
  3. I got this from SphereII A Better Life, 2020-01-29T09:07:08 61.658 ERR Model 'Plants/driftwood' not found on block with name terrWaterSpawner It was fixed when I replaced the model with something else.
  4. Nice! I like how you put the goat pic in the center and a bit bigger than the other characters, it show how much you care about them, lol. I'll try it out:tickled_pink:
  5. Very nice, and a nice demo by Guppy. Thank you for the adorable fox!
  6. 1 - NPCs that you can find and hire to farm, cook, and craft for you. 2 - Animals that you could tame with their own bed, toy, and food. 3 - Special NPCs that you had to find that taught you how to fish, fight, etc. 4 - Lawnmower! 5 - Animal farming that worked well. 6 - Lots of special enemies that had abilities specific to them. 7 - Aquarium (Fish tank?) that showed swimming fish. These Starvation features reproduced as modlets would be amazing.
  7. Yes we do all miss it... I miss getting killed by hyenas and rhinos and lions and Santas:sorrow:
  8. Sounds great. Can't wait to go sailing in it:fish2:
  9. Thank you! I'll go update it:applouse:
  10. Thank you for the salvaged bats:tickled_pink: I'm trying it out in A18 stable. Everything works, except when I try crafting the bats. I can only seem to craft quality 1 bats. I have pummel pete maxed out.
  11. A Better Life is one of my favorite:tickled_pink: I can't wait for the fish to come back too.
  12. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Are the NPCs supposed to lose health when they patrol a set rout? I gave them food, and they eat it, but their healths don't recover. Is there a way that I can recover them?
  13. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Thank you for the jars! Running nicely now.
  14. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Oh good, it wasn't something I did! Thank you, thank you, I'll be looking forward to the fix.
  15. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    The NPCs look great:tickled_pink: But, my empty jars have quality and don't stack... If it's only me that's having this problem, I'll go find out what I might have done:cower:
  16. chikorina

    A19 NPCs DMT Mod

    Very excited to try this out!
  17. Thank you for a great mod. I asked a question about sap from trees in DF, but got it solved.
  18. Truly enjoying your mod:clap2: I was reading your wiki and noticed a section for mounts! Brooms? brooms? Are we getting brooms? A Nimbus 2019 for me please:tickled_pink:
  19. Nails can be found easily by breaking things made of wood, like chairs. There's different mods for different people, I hope you find the perfect one for you.
  20. Thank you Devrix! Japanese version of the update all translated, tested, and released:tickled_pink: Now I can go play it:peace:
  21. Same here:clap2: Cant wait to go supernova:flame:
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