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Everything posted by Aldranon

  1. To help fund two more games should be the real motivator to buy it, IMO. Hoping for a non-voxel* New York City ether during the start of the virus or 7D2D timeline +- Player starts on the New Jersey side of the Lincoln tunnel where a struggling settlement needs your help to rescue a scout team in Hells Kitchen** *Non-voxel with some destructible items and areas to be exact. **Hijacking threads since Alpha 4,
  2. My Commodore 64 plays the game great! Just last night, I dreamt I was flying and playing 7D2D on my C-64! Worked fine.
  3. Yup. My theory is Trader Rekt has a dozen snipers with .50 cal rifles and laser targeting so the customer and Rekt both know he can talk any crap he wants to. Otherwise a desperate/crazy enough person would have shot Rekt's mouth off after Rekt shot his mouth off. Edit: One Youtuber's theory is all the traders are aliens because of the force fields around them and their compounds.
  4. From what TFP said and by the look of some cars, it would be the players who were the kids when the Zombie apocalypse hit. So, call it 15 years ago when year 0 of the virus hit and now the kids are grown.
  5. Now, if you use COM/DCOM, they use the Registry I believe. You can then have multiple services on a beefy severs do specific game functions, that MIGHT take a load off many players computers. Say having a squad of NPC bandits react to the player in an intelligent fashion . Using DCOM, you get the server that provides that NPC service, controlling the NPCs as if they were other players in a MP server. I never liked COM/DCOM so I might of off track here. Edit: Right, my point! So, maybe TFP are exploring the Registry for future use in some MMO 7D2D? Or making it a tad harder to pirate the game?
  6. Wow, where'd you get your "Information" is interesting, but wrong, at least with ammo in FO4. No weight.
  7. I liked the Fallout 3-4 weight system, it didn't count ammo because it would be a hit on performance. Simple and it made sense for a shooter. The current system for 7D2D is clunky as a shooter but its a builder too so slots could hold infinite weight. As 7D2D is a survival game too, the player needs to make survival choices and choosing what items to bring back to base is a part of survival. SO, its the best choice for the game if survival/building is the focus over being a shooter.
  8. In defense of trader Rekt's "bad" attitude: 1) Imagine you're alone, in a hot stinky trailer all day. How do I know its stinky? People sell you zombie encrusted sledge hammers all day, (oh sorry, do you clean the stuff you sell him? That's right, do the math). 2) Half your work stations are broken and Joel comes over each day asking if they're fixed. Every... Dang... Day. 3) Finally, you used to be a somebody. Called you "Master of the Apocalypse" they did. Now all your friends are dead and these... punk kids... you want to shot them. Not to kill them, but to toughen those cry babies up, quick and in a hurry before they're dead too! Trader Rekt, your an unsung hero! God bless you man.
  9. A good way to get hits is to have your sledge at a corner. So if you can picture a hallway as an "L" and the zombies come in from the top, then your turret is at the corner facing up, in an alcove. I did that and it can be pretty funny! Its not 100% effective but it can sometimes beat them like eggs. It's not THE most effective use of them of course, but it is fun to watch!
  10. You can't talk about the old Hub city high jinks, LBD high jinks or any other things too fun for the vanilla lovers of the world. So how the Day 3-5 "Kill order" squad of a zombie bear and 3-6 zombie dogs is still in there, I have no clue. However, with people complaining after deliberately going into danger zones and then complaining that they are... dangerous, is odd. The question I have is, do they go there AGAIN, with the same equipment, hoping things will be completely different? Once you KNOW that they are danger zones, a sane person will go in: 1) Better equipped. or 2) Expecting a real fight for their characters life will soon start.
  11. 7D2D is like life. The following can be anyone's life in game or RL. For most people, you slowly become more capable and the challenges slowly increase (sometimes not so slowly!) Over time, you encounter various crises, some larger than others. If your reading this, you're doing fine! Eventually, if your played the game well, you can rest and enjoy the remaining days!
  12. IDK The first 7-14 days is keeping enough food to keep going and finding a weapon that might influence my character development. Then the day 21 BM horde is (for my usual GS at that time) the first real test of my base idea. Then after that, its like an arms race between myself and the zombies. Normal settings (and no mods) are not a real struggle but it's leisure fun. Mods add a universe of amazing fun! I will not push one over another, but I suggest you eventually try them all!
  13. You will know the answer when you read their favorite book: "How to serve Human". I think honey and artichokes are in the book.
  14. "The game is what you make of it." A book of wisdom only needs this one sentence. It applies to everything.
  15. Don't worry Roland I know you're not Trader Rekt... You're the one who says "That's right, do the math". Changed your name and moved to a cold region so Guppy won't stand outside your window... looking. Probably looking in Trader Rekt's window making him... annoyed. I would like to apologize for stealing stuff from your safe and in the cellar an anything else I could get my hands on. Sorry. But thanks too!
  16. I'm soft on heavy armor. Playing dead-is-dead you want to avoid being harshly punished for a mistake. We all make mistakes and as the game progresses, a mistake can get bad.
  17. We shall see. TBH, I would prefer a boring anti-climatic release of the information than something that destabilizes countries. After 2020, I'm hoping 2021 is on the boring side.
  18. Thanks for the ad blocker, i might go back to Firefox for a more relaxing viewing. With over 50 years of keeping everything hidden and not willing to release what they knew until forced... That says some things might be unsettling or even a bit scary. Ether way, I'd rather know the truth no matter what it is.
  19. Nope. All three were tracking "it" when all three suddenly lost radar contact with it.
  20. I'd pay them $100 bucks if they did that! Another $100 for curing cancer, global warming and Youtube Ad spam!
  21. Do optical illusion's jam radars from two fighters and an aircraft carrier's radar? That's some illusion there!
  22. Yeah, I'm glad TFP aren't out to destroy believability completely. Anyone can squeeze a trigger so anyone with a finger can use a M60, maybe not shoot well of course. Things get "odd" when anyone can repair anything no matter their stats. But its not a game breaker for me.
  23. They both could end up being really big news! The Cicada thing was a joke as I actually like the sounds they make. With the UFO's, the leaked video of two Navy pilots chasing the "Tic Tac" UFO had an item that most don't know: It broke the sound barrier but didn't make a sonic boom, not even a tiny one! No one knows how that was possible! This points to technologies where the new CERN discovery might just be the tip of the iceberg.
  24. Well if I complain about A20 you can take my copy back. You don't get deals like this often so you better act quickly!
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