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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. Which is great until people have seemingly randomly collapses of bases they've built. Or we bring back the old issue where blocks would randomly break in 1 specific spot with no apparent reason. Super annoying to place a block on the ground and have it break when you can place blocks for 100 meters in any direction and they're fine. I'd love to have caves back (and the old massive orbs of resources) but if they can't make them somehow stable or not interact with surface SI (as obviously in the real world things are built on top of caves and don't just randomly collapse) they're probably more trouble than they're worth.
  2. Even if you have a complete bridge, if the area you dug the moat around is too big and they come from the wrong side, they'll completely ignore the bridge and just pile into the moat and start beating on the walls. So no large moats, even with bridges, assuming we're talking about horde bases. Big moats work fine for a living base, though it makes repairing the stuff the inevitable screamers/wandering hordes damage a pain.
  3. Pretty sure that it's a vanilla bug. I had it happen to me playing a mostly vanilla game. A search suggested trying to place the block while in Debug Mode, which I tried, but it didn't really work. Eventually it just placed (despite showing up as red) after I tried like 15 or so times to place the block (it was part of my foundation, so it was a pretty important block.). So if you haven't tried to place the block a bunch of times (despite it showing red) try doing that (in Debug Mode if that's an option for you) and hopefully it eventually places.
  4. I gotta be honest, I really, really dislike that dog model, and if/when it's implemented I hope I can find a mod that replaces it. It's not because it's scary or bad or something, it's because it's just depressing. It looks like a burned dog, and just conjures up all kind of images of animal cruelty. I'd much rather have something like the picture Blake_ posted, because that at least looks like natural decay, as opposed to a dog being burned alive.
  5. Dumb question, but since the options for the toolbar and weight aren't available in the menu any longer, is there somewhere in the xml or something that they can be changed? I just really, really find the disappearing toolbar annoying.
  6. So...do runes reduce your max spirit even if they're in an item that is in a chest? I stuck a couple Starcaller Runes into a couple turrets, and my max spirit has gone from 784 to 585, but the turrets are in a chest (I'm just planning on using them for horde night.) If that is what is happening, it'd be nice to be able to remove runes or somehow mitigate that (I also have a bunch of runes in a sorcerer armor set in a chest, while I switched to a fire armor set.)
  7. Ah hah! I saw they could be looted while still alive, but I assumed it was a bug or something that you just couldn't change for some reason. Hmm...gonna have to start carrying a club again (I've been using a blade because clubs didn't seem very appropriate for a mage-type.) Thanks.
  8. Okay, maybe I'm an idiot, but I have no idea how to get Fallen blood (other than maybe trying to use a blood draw kit on them, and that seems...unlikely.) Any thoughts on how to get it (I'd like to max out my fire sorcery)?
  9. Maybe I'm just blind, but is there a block you can make early game that doesn't require nails? It's be nice to be able to somehow block the doors of the POI I took over, but I didn't notice any blocks that didn't require nails or some other more advanced resource (could have sworn there was a wood block or something in the 16.4 version, but I could be thinking of another mod, it's been a while.) Also, just a suggestion, but some sort of simple ladders that require maybe wood, planks and rope (the idea being you would notch the logs and tie the planks in place with rope) would be cool. It could be something that any damage would 1-shot. Just found it a bit frustrating that I needed something like 150 nails to make enough ladders to get to my base (I tend to live on top of POIs in the early game.) Finally, I saw that people are apparently running okay with a Nitrogen map, but I'm curious if using the compo pack would cause a problem (other than potentially unbalanced POIs, of course.)
  10. I figured, just thought it wouldn't hurt to ask. Thanks for the swift reply.
  11. I'm guessing given the UI changes in War of the Walkers, this wouldn't be compatible, correct (even skipping Deep Pockets)?
  12. Is it possible to change this? I keep changing to slots that aren't the ones I want when I'm running.
  13. So...I just had my horde night. Day 7, I play 120 minute days, so my gamestage was somewhere in the mid 30s. Maybe it's just because I haven't really played much since A17, but it seemed a little...excessive. I had at least 6 cops, 8-10 Night Stalkers, a zombie bear, a radiated (feral? I didn't get a close look at it) wight along with tons of other stuff...and then the screamers started showing up (is screamers showing up on horde night a new thing?) There must have been at least 10 of them. I almost made it through the night (I'm playing with Sorcery too and a sorcery mob set me on fire and killed me), but I used up all the ammo I'd managed to find/make. My base was pretty much trashed (I'd even upgraded some of the most important bits to reinforced concrete), and I just logged off after it was over. Anyway, I think I'm going to play some vanilla (-ish) for a bit. I like a lot about the mod, but I think I need to re-learn base building for A19 or something, because that was just way beyond what I was prepared to deal with.
  14. I believe if you uncheck "Refresh Mods Automatically" it will stop doing that. It also prevents it from overwriting any changes you may have made. That being said...I know this has been asked before, because I remember asking it, but it's been a couple versions and I didn't see anything since 3.0 dropped, but will I end up missing out on any sort of important resource by disabling spiders? If not, should I just comment them out of the xml, or should I replace them with something (and if so, suggestions on what to replace them with would be appreciated.) Edit: I'm looking through the entitygroups.xml and I'm seeing animalspider (which I'm assuming is the spiders) and animalspider02 and animalspider03. Are those actually different creatures? I'm thinking about replacing the spiders with snakes (because I'm assuming they both give venom extract or whatever it's called) and I'm not sure if animalspider02 and animalspider03 are actually different creatures or just different instances of the same creature, and if I can replace them all with the same thing.
  15. I don't suppose there's a way to disable the spiders for the arachnophobic among us?
  16. Sigh...I really wish TFP would fix the disappearing vehicle bug. Anyway, anyone have any tips for underground mining in the wasteland? I'm looking to find more consistent titanium (though I've got about 12k raw titanium) and some plutonium/uranium (hoping to have power armor before I ever go into the radiated zone.) Also, playing on DF-Medium, can anyone give me pointers on finding the bunkers?
  17. Is the hazmat suit random drop only? Just curious because so far I've only found 2 pieces (both boots). Also, will I get irradiated from handling uranium/plutonium?
  18. Okay, so I looked at the XML (which I guess I should have done from the start...) and the only way to unlock the titanium spear/club/hunting knife/sledgehammer does appear to be with the titanium crafting perk (just in case anyone's interested.) Anyway, I found some glasses called "MythixDino's Glasses" or something like that, which say they give an extra quest reward and 500 loot modifier (iirc) but I'm not getting an extra quest reward, and the loot I'm getting from quest rewards isn't anything outstanding (mostly tier 3-4 stuff.) I also found Erik's Hammer, which appear to be a level 1 sledgehammer (not sure about the stats, I don't really use sledgehammers), is there anything special about it? Finally, the titanium tools claim to be made in the metal workstation, but I actually had to craft them in the workbench. Don't know if it's a localization thing, or the recipe is wrong, but just thought I'd mention it.
  19. Thanks for all the info, all. I've managed to gather about 4.5k titanium from 2 surface nodes at the end of the wasteland, while cowering in terror from multiple zombie bears and feral cops. I can make forged titanium. Like I said, I can make every single titanium item except those 4 specific ones, and I just wondered whether I had to spend the point to unlock those 4, or if I'd get them when I got the scientist mastery (like I got all the others from mastering all the other classes.)
  20. Okay, another stupid question. I've done all the class quests and have all the master perks except scientist (haven't found the book yet.) I can craft everything titanium except the spear, the hunting knife, the club and the sledgehammer. Does master scientist unlock all of those, or do I have to take the titanium crafting perk? Also, are there gravel deposits for titanium? And when you say it's rare except in the wasteland, do you mean underground as well?
  21. Cool. I can make a T7 at this point, but the only time I've used a firearm so far is the pipe pistol for the security quest, so my ranks are all 0. Need to get those up. Yeah, I've found them there too. Just feels like I don't have enough to fill out all my gear. Bleh. Okay, I'll try at 10 above bedrock. I just sank my mineshaft yesterday, so I'll have to move it up a bit. Still haven't found a wasteland (I did almost drive into a radiated biome...thanks for changing the texture or I'd have been toast!) but I haven't explored a ton because I was busy doing quests and building a starter base. Will focus on exploring for a bit (I need to find a permanent base site anyway.) Thanks for being so helpful!
  22. Okay, couple potentially stupid questions. The ammo crafting perk mentions hollow point and armor piercing rounds, but I can't find anywhere that I can make them. Is there a special workbench, or are they non-existent? Second, what weapon do people recommend for fighting Behemoths? I've got a lathe (thank you Wandering Trader!) but I'm not sure what the best weapon type would be (I have access to everything except coil and laser, but I just need to spend the points to get coil, which isn't a big deal.) Third, is there a good source of generic mod template papers? I loot basically everything, and I've bought all of them from the trader at every opportunity, but I still feel like I'm always short on them (and I've only made a bare minimum number of mods.) Finally, mining for titanium should be at +5 height on the map or 5 blocks above bedrock (which is something like +8)? Thanks for the awesome mod. I really didn't enjoy 17.X, and you've made it playable (and fun!).
  23. I've had ships disappear on me too. Yet other ones are fine (or, well, sometimes half there.) It's not the only POI I've encountered that is visible from a distance but disappears when you get close.
  24. You can make new ones, they're just kind of expensive. You can't pick them up because otherwise you could pick them up and put them down over and over to reset the inventory.
  25. Day 35 and I'm missing one Electrician and one Tradesman class fragment still. Both part C, weirdly enough.
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