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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. Very early game, which is what I'm talking about, whatever the heck I've found. I'm talking about being level 1 or 2. My previous world were I was level 60-something, I'd just punch the dogs in the face when they attacked, they weren't an issue. That's specifically what I'm talking about is Tier 1 POIs that you're likely doing in the first couple of days. Once you've got some reasonable gear and skill points, dogs aren't that bad.
  2. There are a number of Tier 1 POIs now that always have a dog. It's not a random spawn, it's a hand placed specific dog spawn. And yeah, it's ridiculous to go to a Tier 1 house or convenience store and to get jumped by a dog on Day 1. There's a gas station POI that has had a dog since at least Alpha 20, but it's behind a door, and as soon as you open the door it's very obvious, and you can stealth kill it with a bow (assuming you didn't wake up the whole POI somehow) very easily. I don't mind that. But dogs you can't see that aggro from quite a distance are just awful in a Tier 1 POI.
  3. Even as an experienced (though mediocre at best) player, Day 1 dogs are almost guaranteed death. In my most recent game, I cleared out a Tier 3 POI to live in, then went to do my first quest. It was a POI I was unfamiliar with, so I hopped up on the "walls" (it was surrounded by cars) to get a brief look at it before I hit the quest marker. Apparently I woke up a zombie or two doing that, so I was fighting them off, when out of nowhere comes a dog, and basically instant death (with lots of critical injuries) ensued. I can't help but think this would be a terrible experience for a new player (and was enough for me to put the game down in frustration.) This is especially true if you're going to keep hiding them in places you literally can't see them until you're right on top of them, unless you go up onto the roof for some random reason. The trailer park POI with the 6 trailers has a dog surrounded on 3 sides by various garbage-esque blocks, and a palette of cobble/clay sitting one block away, so that you'd have to be basically on top of it before you can even see it. Even knowing it was in the POI (though not it's exact location) I very nearly didn't see it, even though I was specifically looking for it, because it just seemed part of the trash pile. If you insist on putting dogs in T1 POIs, they need to be out in the open, because if you don't see them (even if you see the dog house/crate, since it's not a 100% indicator and isn't tied to the location of the dog) you really can't take steps to deal with them. I await your "git gud" comments.
  4. You can find clothes with dye, it's just really rare. I looted an entire Savage Country and only found 1 or 2 dye.
  5. Yeah. It's actually 114 per block (iirc) with maxed Mother Lode, Art of Mining and Coffee. Like I've said previously, I do a lot of mining, so 20 blocks is basically nothing to me. I once built a base that was as big as the max size land claim block (71 X 71) so the initial concrete slab took over 100,000 concrete.
  6. I suppose it's because of the way I build, but I'd need to take that reward a couple dozen times to have enough wood to even build a mid-game type of base. It just seems a horribly inefficient way to get those resources to me.
  7. 1500 wood is 5 1200 hp trees (by comparison, my tree farms are a minimum of 60 trees.) 800 coal is 8 coal blocks. I thought those rewards were laughable when I saw them, they're easily harvested in a minute or two. Arguably the water is too much, but I've never been tempted to take it, since water is a non-issue past day 2 or so.
  8. I've bought q5 Steel Knuckles, q5 M60, q5 Sniper, 18 water filters, and I still have ~45k dukes, and a bunch of stuff I haven't bothered to sell. So, yeah, I'm not exactly having money problems, though I've certainly had more (when I was looking to buy solar...solar cells are freaking expensive. I've seen one q3 in A21 so far, and it was 36k.)
  9. As I said previously, the steam achievements aren't necessarily indicative of anything players have done. I have almost 2k hours in game, and I don't have the achievement for crafting a bedroll (and I craft 2 at the start of every game.) I have none of the achievements, not even a single point of progress for them. I have no real idea why, and I don't care, I just thought I'd point out that seemingly the tie between what players have actually done and the achievements isn't necessarily that strong. Edit: I got distracted and forgot to say what I actually came here to post. I feel like trader stock needs to be more tied to trader stage (or whatever it's called.) I haven't done a single quest for Jen, but she sold me a q5 sniper rifle. I feel like that shouldn't be possible. I'd like to see it such that you much improve a trader's tier before they'll sell you better stuff. And there should be some highly desirable high end things that are exclusive to each particular trader. Give me a reason to do quests for other traders than the one in my starting city. As it is, I have zero incentive to do quests for multiple traders, as not only do I have to start over at tier 1, but dealing with bringing back the loot from a faraway city is such a pain (I think it would be kind of neat if the traders offered a shipping service, i.e., you pay them X amount of dukes, they give you temporary access to a box you can put stuff in, and when you go to any other trader, you can pull that stuff out of the box) that it's just not worth it to spend any extended period of time in a city you don't have a base in.
  10. Sleepers waking up seems to be pretty wonky. I just finished a Tier 6 quest (Higashi Tower, which I did because I thought I'd never done it. Turns out I have, just the roof was the only part I remembered. Anyway, do not recommend, it's a complete waste of time) and at one point my q5 steel armor wearing self walked up to a cop who didn't wake up, so I crouched, and punched him in the head for 1.5X damage. I literally almost stepped on him, in the same room, wearing steel armor with a couple of muffled connectors (and maybe one advanced? I haven't really paid attention, just stuck whatever I had in the armor). Honestly, I'm not sure how I'd feel about your suggestion. I almost never play agility (not a fan of the bone or hunting knife) yet I usually do a lot of stealth. I liked that I didn't have to spec into agility straight away to make stealth useful. Granted, A21 seems to be such that you have to spec into anything to make it useful (yes, I'm bitter about having to spec into salvage operations to be able to dismantle a car without being winded), so I guess it would be in line with the current game.
  11. Obviously anecdotal, but my first two worlds in A21 I never found one. In my current world, I have 5, one of which I found in the very first quest I did on Day 1. Technically it was the second POI I did, since I cleared out a POI to live in before I did my first quest.
  12. It was Day 16 (though I play on 2 hours days.) Regardless, I'd be absolutely fine with them nerfing what the trader can sell. I honestly almost never buy that sort of stuff from the trader (my trader purchases are usually limited to books, beakers, maybe an important mod like the harvesting ones, possibly some meds if I don't have any antibiotics, and solar.)
  13. Yep. I run around town looting everyone mailbox I see. Then, when the trader sends me to a new town, I run around that town looting every mailbox I see. Repeat every time I encounter a new town. I often in A20 would have the spear, archery, and clothing book series maxed out on day 1. I consider books to basically be the only worthwhile loot in the game, everything else is incidental, so I go out of my way to get every chance to get a book.
  14. I went from q5 Iron Knuckles to q5 Steel Knuckles thanks to the trader. More significantly, I went from a q5 AK to a q5 M60 bought from the trader. So you can find good things there, they're just more rare.
  15. And sometimes you're like me in my current game and have 5. But my two previous games I never found one.
  16. I don't recall too many alphas back, but alpha 20 at least, you couldn't use steel tools without losing stamina unless you drank coffee. I think it was the same way in A17/18/19 as well, but I'm not positive. Iron tools can be used without negative stamina gain as long as your hydration is > 75%, but not steel.
  17. Not really. I mean, I do quests, but the drop rate for crafting mag bundles on quests is terrible. I think I may have gotten 2 from Tier 1 and Tier 2 quests. Mostly, I loot every single thing I see that may have a book. I prioritize POIs I know have lots of books. I've done this since A17, since the only thing that's really valuable (to me) loot-wise is books. I also put all my points into Strength and Miner 69'er until I have it maxed out before moving on to other skills/perks, because having good tools is the most important thing in the game for me (because I spend a ton of time mining and building.)
  18. I play on 2 hours days, but in b313 I could craft q5 iron tools on day 2, in b317 I was delayed until day 3. I couldn't actually craft them on Day 2 in b313 because I was lacking duct tape, but apparently that was just bad luck, since duct tape and glue are much more common in my current world. Honestly, the achievement stats are pretty meaningless. I've got almost 2k hours in the game, and have 0 achievements. I'm guessing it's because you can't get achievements with EAC turned off, but I've never really looked into it. That said, I did jump from q5 Iron Knuckles to q5 Steel Knuckles and a q5 AK to a q5 M60 thanks to the trader (though getting the M60 involved me driving 6 kilometers to find a (zombie) bear so that I could make a cigar.) I found that pretty disappointing because I was getting fairly close to making q5 Steel Knuckles (could only craft a q3 Tactical Assault Rifle when I got the M60) which made my book hunt kind of useless. I even debated about whether I wanted to buy them, but I figured given I was doing T5 quests, it would be nice to have the M60, and the Steel Knuckles would free up a hot bar and inventory slot, since I wouldn't need a knife. Wouldn't mind seeing traders unable to sell the top tier of items, as long as they brought back q6 crafting.
  19. There's already a mod that lets you combine dew collectors into 3X and 9X versions, that can hold 3 stacks of 3/9 jars respectively. Saves on the tedium and the ugliness. Truth be told, I'd love for there to be some long, complicated, automatable process for purifying water. I'd like a long, complicated automatable process for dealing with ore and other things as well (I enjoy setting up complicated factories like Mekanism Ore Processing.) That doesn't seem to be in the cards for 7 Days (even with mods) but I'd love it if the devs added it for water (which would then presumably allow for mods to be made for ore processing and other things.) In the end, I'm kind of indifferent on the water changes. If filters were much more expensive or rare, I'd definitely dislike them, but as it stands I neither love nor hate them, just think they were kind of pointless.
  20. Sure, and if I was talking about some kind of accomplishment, I'd feel the need to point that out. Having a bunch of clay isn't really an accomplishment, though. I just find it weird how so many people apparently do little to no mining.
  21. They used to be able to. It was simply solved by putting a row of iron bars all the way around the edge of your base. Given that zombies still have issues attacking up and down, it's doubtful they'd be able to beat through the bars before you took care of them. Similarly with the web spitting idea. A row or two on the edge of your base would block any climbers. And if you had a base similar to mine, they'd just be putting ladders on a wall they'd have the break into my base to ever reach.
  22. You had much more than one hundred thousand clay from POIs by day 10. I have to admit, I find that very hard to believe. You'd have to destroy like 3000 of those clay/sand/cobblestone piles to get close to that amount. I play on 2 hour days, and have since A16.4. I'm not really interested in being pushed timewise, I want to build fun bases. Also, I'm using a stacking mod, because otherwise I'd end up with my entire inventory full of stone or what not after a night of mining mid-to-late game, when I'll often mine up 100,000-200,000 stone a night (which will all get turned into cement.)
  23. I've done quite a number of infested clears now, and honestly, only one was a little bit scary. And in terms of Tier 5 quests, if you asked me if I'd rather do an infested clear or a regular T5, 99 times out of 100 I'm going to take the infested clear (but I kinda hate the T5 POIs, they're never worth it in terms of risk and time versus reward to me.)
  24. Granted I've only got seeds, cooking and workstations maxed out. but I haven't seen a single seed book since I maxed it out. I've just the few cooking books from food piles, and no workstation books (though that's a small sample size of only maybe 3-4 POIs since I maxed it out.) I'm pretty close to maxing out a couple others (armor, fists and harvesting tools), so we'll see what happens at that point. Edit: I completely forgot to mention that I've be totally okay with this change. It wouldn't really effect me one way or the other. I do know there are people who like getting the xp from reading the already read books, though, so it might bother them.
  25. From what I've seen so far, you mostly don't get magazines you've maxed out. For example, I haven't seen a Southern Farming mag since I maxed it out. You do get them, I think, if a container rolls a magazine, but there aren't any magazines that spawn in that container that you haven't completed. For example, I've got a small handful of cooking magazines despite having maxed them out (all of which came from food piles.) I imagine this can cause problems in multiplayer, since once you max out a series, you generally won't find them to give to other party members, which means that stay at home players might get hosed on the magazine front.
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