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Everything posted by Vaeliorin

  1. If there was a way to pause the game to read those, I might agree with you. But as a new player (even as an experienced player) I wouldn't want to spend the time to read those while the day ticks away.
  2. As long as you give me a way to automatically add new ones (hoppers, please!) I'd be cool with that. Having to constantly pay attention to it and craft/add new ones would get annoying pretty quickly, unless they lasted a really long time.
  3. Yeah, I'm not saying I'm necessarily in favor of nerfing loot, I'm just saying it's way too easy to get good stuff without any effort if you just run/ride along the wasteland roads so doing high tier quests to get good loot would be kinda pointless.
  4. To be fair, that was just the first link, I didn't really read it, just skimmed a bit. I kind of thought it was common knowledge that honey has anti-microbial properties. Anyway, sure, the way that honey is used in the game makes little or no sense, but it's just an abstraction as far as I'm concerned.
  5. Honey actually has anti-microbial properties. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3609166/
  6. Personally, I take healing factor only for the reduced recovery time for injuries. But usually not until I'm fairly set on food. As for explosives, I generally only perk them in order to get more books for the gunpowder bundle crafting. I also always max Rule 1: Cardio, but I pretty much run non-stop from minute 1, because the walking speed in the game is so freaking slow. I also take master chef to max now (I didn't use to) because of the insane crafting times for food and drinks in A21. I don't think I've ever put points in Infiltrator, Pack Mule or Charismatic Nature, so probably those 3 would be my most useless.
  7. You misunderstand me. I was brainstorming what may be viable quest rewards if they nerfed/removed weapons and tools from quest rewards, and ways to make T5+ quest rewards worth the time. I wouldn't mind seeing farming bundles/food bundles/ammo crafting bundles (maybe add a dew collector bundle?) as quest rewards instead of the tools and weapons until maybe you hit T5, and then have Q1-3 for T5 and Q4-6 for tier 6, with it being like 60%/30%/10% for Q1/Q2/Q3 from T5s and similarly for T6. They'd probably have to nerf the loot in general (why do a T6 when you can just loot a half dozen cars in the wasteland and get a bunch of Q6 gear?) for that to make T5+ quests worth the time, though.
  8. More crafting mags, more ammo, maybe some of the non-weapon/tool bundles (although you'd probably want to make another version of the ammo crafting bundle for T4+ quests). Maybe more dukes. Heck, make T5+ quests always give you 2 rewards, and if you've got max Daring Adventurer you get 3. The fact of the matter is, though, that the jump from T4 to T5 POIs is so great (not in difficulty, necessarily, but in time required) that I don't know that you can have a worthwhile reward from a T5 unless you nerf the heck out of the rewards from T4 down. Maybe make T4 and below not able to give you weapons/tools, T5 give Q1-3 items, and T6 give Q4-6 items. I still wouldn't bother doing T6's (or non-infested T5s) but I imagine other people would.
  9. This is categorically untrue. I have no issues with quests or traders, I have issue with how they're balanced because they make doing anything other than questing/trading pointless. I don't want all my best gear to come from quest rewards or be bought from the trader. I want there to be a point to crafting outside of the early part of the game. I still think Q6 should be craft only, and that all Q6 items should have some perk over Q5. As much as I like the rebalance of item progression/mod slots, It's made it where finding a Q6 of a top tier item is kind of a meh moment because the difference between a Q6 Steel Pickaxe and a Q5 Steel Pickaxe (for example) is minimal now. Sure, it's great if you're rocking a lower tier item (or a Q3 or below of the same tier) but if you've got Q4 or better, it just doesn't matter that much. And before you say some people don't want to craft, by the time you can make a Q6 of any item, you should easily have gathered the resources to make that item. Also, 7D2D is the "Survival Horde Crafting Game", so some crafting should be expected.
  10. My current game I made a map with no forest, and started in the desert. Got infected in the first 10 minutes (f you vultures) and it took me until Day 6 to finally get rid of the infection (on 2 hour days.) I found an herbal antibiotic (from a loot bag), a regular antibiotic (from a Pop 'N' Pills crate), 8 honey (6 bought from a trader) and it wasn't until I got to my 3rd trader than any of them had antibiotics. I bought both of the antibiotics they had, so I've got one left, but I also specced into Medicine to try and get the herbal antibiotics recipe faster, so I can make herbal antibiotics now, so I should be good. I looted every single medical thing I could find (including 2 medical POIs), and found hardly any honey and one antibiotic. My infection was up as high as the mid-60s. So it can be hard to find antibiotic medications, but if you keep looking, you should be able to find some.
  11. They're not. One of my playthroughs in A21 I found a helmet water filter mod in the end loot of the very first T1 POI I did. I ended up with 6 of them by Day 11.
  12. It's to the base amount, so if you have max Mother Lode, it's basically a 10% increase.
  13. Personally, I'm glad they changed it, because I hate the auger and never use it. You can still 1 shot stone/nitrate/coal) and 2 shot iron/lead with a Q6 Steel Pickaxe.
  14. If it existed, it was either a mod or prior to A16.4 (when I started playing.) It's been one of my biggesst complaints about the game since I started playing.
  15. I generally don't craft until Q5, mainly because it seems such a waste to me to craft something I'm only going to use for a day or so. Steel tools I definitely don't craft until Q5 because steel tool parts are valuable as gold, given how rare they are (which oddly seems like it should be the other way around, seeing as you need 20 steel tool parts to craft pick, shovel, axe, ratchet, while you only need 5 for a weapon.)
  16. I still wish we could split stacks into specific numbers. But I've ended up downloading the stop fuel waste mod, and just throw a few thousand wood in each thing that requires fuel.
  17. Personally, I had no problems with A16.4 style degradation, but that was much more granular with items had 600 quality levels instead of 6, and it could be repaired. The degradation I've seen mentioned lately would be awful, as I'd end up going through picks at a ferocious rate (I normally have to repair my pick 2-3 times a night.)
  18. Were you in a POI or a non-forest biome? That'll jack your game stage up real quick. I looked at my gamestage once on day 12, and it was like 160 and I was terrified about getting demos, but when I looked at it later it was like 70, and I realized I'd been in a tier 4 POI when I initially looked at it.
  19. That's normal, you're in the wasteland. You get cops, dogs and ferals on Day 1 in the wasteland. As for setting up a base, no, but I haven't done an infested clear in the wasteland (though I have done a T6 infested clear in Higashi Tower, and the only real problem was the final fight.)
  20. Yeah, there's apparently a bug where you have to hit "default" on the settings before the claim blocks will work like they're supposed to. But you're supposed to be able to have 3 by default (more with mods or serverconfig editing.)
  21. I tend to have tons of eggs (like 100+) but I switch off of bacon and eggs as quickly as I can get a farm up and running. But I loot more nests than most people (it's not uncommon for me to have 1000+ feathers.)
  22. Honestly, I don't see the point of doing anything other than infested clears (T5 and lower) at this point. Tons of free ammo (I basically don't use guns outside horde night), more xp from more zombies, and way shorter quests than actually doing T5s. I don't bother with the T6s. Did one once, wasn't worth the time.
  23. My experience so far, as someone who usually didn't loot much after Day 14 previously, is it takes about 4 weeks (2 hour days) to max out all the magazine lines. I haven't tested that extensively, but that's the feeling I get. Obviously later magazine lines progress faster, as the completed lines get dropped from the loot table. POI availability also effects this, of course, and how willing the trader is to offer book-rich POIs as quests.
  24. I used to loot houses in the first day or two looking for a cooking pot, but now that the trader has them (not that I've ever bought one) there's no need for that. In my current game I did go out of my way to loot every medical-type POI I could find, but that's because I'm playing on a map that's 40% desert, 40% snow and 20% wasteland, and I got infected on Day 1 in the desert. With no easy access to honey, it took me until Day 6 to get rid of my infection, which got as high as 65% (ironically because I finally found a trader selling antibiotics.) But if it wasn't for that, I wouldn't have bothered looting non-quest POIs that aren't Crack A Books.
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