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  1. To me, it's not so much that duct tape is more valuable than steel, but that I have so much steel because there's nothing to do with it because the game won't let you do anything fun until much, much later in the game now. You can have all the duct tape you want, sure it's a bit more of a hassle than it used to be, but you get quite a bit of murky water looting, and the dew collectors, once set up, crank out water without any further resources or intervention. If you cared to, you could set up a field of dew collectors very early on and just collect a ton of water once a day in a matter of seconds. If you collect all the bones you come across rather than throwing them on the ground like before, you could fill a swimming pool with glue before the first horde night. I think it's weird to change a fundamental mechanic of the game so drastically, seemingly to make water management more critical, yet the end result actually makes water management so trivial that it quickly becomes irrelevant. You will have more than enough money to buy every water filter you come across simply because there is nothing else to spend it on. I really don't see the point to their water changes, but it doesn't really bother me because water is actually easier now than before. I was really excited about U21, and initially I felt like they made a lot of great changes, which in all fairness they did, but ultimately I'm just about done with U21 already because you just aren't allowed to have fun anymore. It's super boring now slowly building up your weapon crafting book by book so you can craft a tier 2 and then a tier 3, and maybe tomorrow a tier 4. You're not going to loot anything fun, nor are you going to buy anything fun from the vendor, just book by book you get to slowly make an ever so slightly better weapon than you're carrying.
  2. It's not that I don't understand how it works, it's that you don't seem to understand that isn't how it worked before the update. Before the update, there could be motorcycles, machine guns, silencers, baseball bats, or all sorts of other fun stuff on day 1 at the trader. Obviously you could not afford any of it on day 1, but it gave you something to get excited about. To put it another way, there was always something I wanted to buy at the trader. Now there is literally nothing I want to buy at the trader. This is new. This is a change. This is a result of their tying trader stock closely to gamestage. That's the problem. It's FUN to get something more powerful than you would otherwise have at a given point in the game. The overall affect of Update 21, an excellent update in most regards, is that there is no way to have fun, at least for players like me. You can't buy anything fun and you can't craft anything fun. All the fun is gated behind endless hours of slow small step progression. I don't want to dig for a couple days with a tier 1 stone shovel and then updated to a tier 2, 3, 4, 5, and then iron 1, 2, 3... I want to raid a bunch of houses, do a bunch of quests, buy a motorcycle and a good gun to take on something more challenging and rewarding. They have changed the direction of the game. It is their prerogative to do so. I'm just giving them feedback about their change in direction. To me, and players like me, which I would imagine is the solid majority of players, the game is all about looting. You want to loot something big, something cool, something that makes you excited. Getting a mid tier iron shovel when you're rockin' a tier 1 stone shovel is kind of exciting, getting a tier 3 stone shovel is boring. So far, and granted I'm only on day 16, but also, I'm already on day 16, my playthrough has been extremely mundane and boring. I've looted nothing exciting, the vendors don't have anything exciting, it's just a slow trudge up the tier list one small step at a time and there is no end in sight. If you call yourself The Fun Pimps, then fun should be a primary focus in your game. Oh! Look! I just looted a tier 2 iron shovel! It's 2 points better than my tier 5 stone shovel, but alas, since it can't hold as many mods it's actually not as good. Fun.
  3. A long time ago, when I first started playing, like almost 2 years ago it would seem, I had the same problem. It seemed like every clear quest would never end. I think my game was messed up and I had to do that verify files thing to fix it. Even after it was working again I avoided clear quests for a long time because I didn't want to waste my time in them in case they wouldn't finish. I do them all the time now, and I can't remember one not working since the verify files thing. Now, I forget my courier satchel all the time and get a failed quest as I'm motoring back to the trader to get my reward. In my opinion, both quests still suffer from a very, very broken design. Clear quests should be a certain number of zombies, about 10% less than the total number of zombies. Fetch quests (really all quests) should warn you when you leave the zone and give you a certain number of seconds, say 10, to get back in the zone before you fail. Now that I'm thinking about it, I might have reinstalled to fix the clear thing, but I would certainly recommend starting with the verify files thing first.
  4. I've never posted here before. I have loved the game for a long time. Favorite survival game hands down. Got my money's worth 1000 times over. When I eventually got bored with vanilla I found Undead Legacy began a torrid affair that lasted up to Update 21. Subquake's Undead Legacy is fantastic, best mod I've ever seen in any game. So when I say Update 21 is almost as good as a mod for the game that's been around for a long time, that might sound like an insult but it's really high praise. The 7D2D developers have made something almost as good as a really great thing someone else already did by themselves a long time ago, that's saying a lot. There are quite a few areas U21 falls short. Primary amongst them to me is traders are boring now... super, super boring. I used to be like a kid drooling over the Christmas section of the Sears Catalog pining away for this and that, oh, and I've gotta get THAT! Trader restock in 2 days!? I need to make some money... FAST! Now I'm like an old mad flipping through the Walgreens sale flyer. There's nothing here I really want, except, well, I guess I could use some of this boring consumable here, and I guess that's not a bad price for that boring consumable there. I used to be perpetually broke, now on day 16 I've got like 50 grand. Oh, get this, I just unlocked Tier 4 quests. I grabbed all my Dukes, everything from my sellables box, a Sugarbutts and headed out to the new vendor. Surely they were going to have something awesome when I got there and I wasn't about to show up empty handed. ON DAY 16 the big item they had was a bicycle frame! I didn't even bother selling off my loot, I just turned in the quest and rode home on my minibike with my head hanging low. What a colossal dissappointment. There are so very many things that are a lot better about the game, but overall it just feels slower and ultimately quite boring. I am excited to see what Subquake does with it though. For as long as I've been playing the game, every time I open a safe and it has stupid boring stuff inside it has made me like .1% more angry. Now, with all the boring loot in the world and nothing fun or exciting at the vendors, each boring safe (which is like 99.9999%) of them, makes me like 10% more angry. An immediate fix that would add a lot of fun and excitement would be to make it so that safes can only be opened with a special explosive shape charge that would call in a mini horde night wave. Put something really good in the safe, like ONLY tier 6 items, in fact, that could even be they only way to get tier 6 items. Then finding a safe would be super exciting. You'd have to build a little horde base around it. You'd have to use some strategy, use your noodle a bit. You really need to add something fun back to the game because as it stands it's: do work, get 1% better stuff, zombies get 1% more difficult, do more work, get 1% better stuff, zombies get 1% more difficult, do more work, get 1% better stuff...
  5. What time the update will be available seems like not only a completely reasonable piece of information to request, but a glaringly obvious omission considering they're attempting to build hype for the update with a weekend live stream event. Pimps: Hey everybody! You have got to check out our new update to the game! We are having a weekend live stream event to unveil all the new features to the public before we release the update on Monday, you are not going to want to miss it! Players: Wow! This looks great! I can't wait to try it out for myself! What time does the update go live so I can download it? Pimps: ...
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