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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Ready? Absolutely not. Looking forward to it though. Looks like a pretty substantial upgrade over A19.
  2. Nope Animals currently don't work properly. I'm working on that. Radiation is in but not the same as starvation. In A16, we had an unlimited rad biome. We haven't had that since A17. But the wasteland is radiated (make sure you have PvP on, even in single player, otherwise it doesn't work. This is a vanilla problem)
  3. Could be. Sounds like it might be overwriting something in the entityclasses file.
  4. Yeah. You're missing the big forge.
  5. If the Restore Power quests are now a thing... Can we now build POI's with electrics hooked up and SAVE it? (Currently not possible in A19)
  6. Yeah, head hitbox moves with the head cos it's attached to the head bone.
  7. ndexOutOfRangeException: Index was outside the bounds of the array TypeLoadException: Could not resolve type with token 01000017 (from typeref, class/assembly RH_Options, Mods, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null) ^ you installed it over a version of the game that still had RH installed. Get a clean copy.
  8. I know that feel. I overclocked a Xeon X5650 (X79 platform) from 2.66ghz to 4.5ghz and was super happy with that. That PC is in a mates house now.
  9. Sounds about right. I did my testing on my 10850K before I started messing with overclocking properly (5.2ghz single, 5.1ghz dual, 5ghz quad, 4.8ghz all-core, tweaked numbers to 5.2ghz single/dual, 5.1ghz quad for the test. Now running 5.2ghz single -> quad, 5ghz all core)
  10. Older hardware still had turbo boost for single core vs all core. It just wasn't as granular as the newer hardware that has like single, dual, quad and all core turbo.
  11. I can tell you exactly why No 1 happens. Valheim and 7DTD like CPU speed more than CPU cores. Therefore, limiting to 4 cores allows the CPU to turbo higher as they all have "per core" turbo that depends on how much is being used. If you turned on "Multi-core enhancement" in your BIOS (I believe this is available for both AMD and Intel) you'd see the exact same behaviour happen as your system auto-overclocks ALL cores to the "single core turbo" speed. However, be aware this uses more voltage and more heat. Tested it myself by limiting 7DTD to 4 cores at 5.1ghz vs 8 cores at 4.8ghz.
  12. ^ this. And if what i'm hearing about A20 is true, DMT-based mods are gonna be even easier to install.
  13. Aim for the chin. I find that works WAY better on cops. Well... one of the chins. You know what I mean. Other people have said to aim for his hat.
  14. Depends what you mean. As far as I know, they still work. They are planned to be updated for A20.
  15. Wait, what? Why am I being tagged? The only caves DF has are part of sphereii-core and not part of the kinggen list.
  16. No mod needs the mod launcher if you aren't a potato who knows how to copy, paste and unzip files. It's that simple. Go learn to use a PC. Because a lot of us overhaul makers are tired of answering the same question when 7DTD updates. "The mod updates and broke my game!" "Did you update 7DTD?" "No, I thought the launcher would do it." "Well it doesn't. Stop using the launcher and then you won't have this problem."
  17. You can do that by just copying your game and manually installing anyway. Which you should ALWAYS do. Because people just let their mods auto update and then complain when they don't work on the latest 7DTD version.
  18. It works for me, but for some reason it doesn't work on all trees. Still not sure why because i've checked the block names.
  19. A lot of those errors are also related to compo pack POI's. Which is why I don't want it in the mod. But you lot do, for some reason.
  20. Accelerated healing should only kick in when you are lower than 50% health and regens you up to 80 or 90. Other players have said Gotta Go Fast definitely works. 1 or 2 say it doesn't for some reason.
  21. Trader protection will still be off. I have another plan that is going to require you to actually work. 😛
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