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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. Thats just because the trader have no trader area, therefore the ! is in the wrong place. Talking to any trader in the POI completes the quest.
  2. The guard captain thing can just happen. Don't worry about it. No spider modelt is here - https://www.nexusmods.com/7daystodie/mods/235?tab=files&BH=0
  3. That'd require the Nexus Launcher (Vortex) to work properly with just basic XML mods. Spoiler. It doesn't.
  4. No but there's a mod to make the titanium crossbow work like a laser weapon.
  5. Salvage Operations have it for sure
  6. Kill the trader, reboot the SERVER, that usually fixes it.
  7. Talk to them and see if they can sort it for you. If they won't, then Logic Servers or BlueFang both work. Logic don't allow DLL uploads but have an installer for the mod. Bluefang do allow DLL uploads.
  8. Something is installed incorrectly. Make sure the mod works in single player first. If it does, it's a bad server install. Your host might be blocking DLL uploads.
  9. It already has some unique mods. And yes, I added a few more. Archery is getting looked at. I slightly increased the sneak damage of bows, increased the damage of steel and titanium arrows and reload speed for crossbows has been added to the archery action skill so you should be able to fire faster. Also zombies are much more sensitive to noise now, so archery has that bonus due to being pretty quiet. Stalkers, Survivors and Bandits add to it.
  10. First Darkness Falls series is now complete! You can find the playlist for that here. Second Darkness Falls series has started. Hardcore Hordes! Random wandering hordes, random bloodmoons, reset to level 1 on death... yeah. I hate myself.
  11. Decrease the amount of heat you're generating. Like forges.
  12. Here's a better idea. Stop being offended on the behalf of women and let them speak for themselves. If people CHOOSE to work in that field, that's up to them. They don't need you making stupid claims about it being misogynistic and speaking for them. Also, it's an adult rated game. Get over it.
  13. The guards are 100% going. They won't even be in DM mode as not loading the models will save RAM. HOWEVER, there is going to be a replacement system for them that requires you to actually do some work...
  14. It happens a LOT at Day 77+ horde nights. Pretty sure I've fixed it.
  15. That looks like the horde night bug I had that I am currently testing a fix for
  16. Then you need to check your journal. Open Trade Route quests occur every 5/15/25/35/45 quests completed. It is not connected to tier. Therefore you should've already had it.
  17. Yeah. It's an option in sphereii-core under blocks.xml. Just go in there and turn it off. Done.
  18. Not very. The headshot only mechanic kinda ruins sorcery spells.
  19. You're looking in the wrong section. There's a "Do you have any other work for me?" option and Open Trade Routes is in there. EVERY trader gives it. I know that because I had it.
  20. Do trader quests. She's ALWAYS Open Trade Routes 5.
  21. You have to re-add it via console Yep Increase the max zombies on the main menu. I run with 125
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