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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. No. Iron is the most common in the forest. I'm struggling to find lead. -_- They're in /Mods/0-DarknessFallsCore/Worlds. IF you're trying to use some online control panel thing, they likely wont show up in that and need to be manually selected in the serverconfig.xml
  2. Not adding it to tires. Wrench them. They give wheels
  3. Yeah, that's cos I only speak english, so anything non-english is basically google translate.
  4. You should be able to do it in the profile creator thing. I haven't messed with it.
  5. No. You can just delete the KHA19-60BBMFW folder in Mods to remove the backpack/food/water stuff. KHA19-12CraftQueue for the 12 slot queue (though imo it should be 5 in vanilla so it lines up properly with the recipes list). And I 1000% disagree with you on scrap replacing stone age. WHY would you find stone crap in loot? You wouldn't. It's that simple.
  6. Then open the skill tree and search for the name of the perk? 😛
  7. On the spikes, no, cos I legit haven't tried that code so I have no idea if it'd work or not.
  8. Yes that's intended. You don't get to go faster (turbo) and save fuel. 😛 (My car is a turbo diesel, the turbo is fun, the fuel economy sucks when you use it) Already did a balance pass on spears/clubs. Waiting on tester feedback. You could just NOT hide in the trader. And guards are being removed.
  9. I'll have to look into an alternative place to host. May toss it on nexus. 1) Nah, it just takes a while. 2) Those are creative mode only items that aren't intended for player use, so I didnt bother making icons cos i'm lazy.
  10. Find a rock, hit it. If it has the resource you want, dig down. Snow has nitrate for sure. Forest and snow have lead. Desert has oil. I've not messed with them myself so not sure.
  11. Are you pressing E? If so, that's why. Punch it. Good lord. I don't go above 60 because my FPS drops from 100 down to like... 60-ish.
  12. No, because it requires custom C#. 😛 Just play Romero Mod and turn off the headshots. That's close to vanilla and doesn't add many extra assets so RAM usage isn't an issue. Also, for the record, one of my DF testers tests on 8GB RAM, so it's entirely possible to play an overhaul with that much.
  13. The spider horde was something I added to troll JaWoodle. It is not included. Otherwise it's working fine for me. They don't start until after day 1.
  14. No, because it requires custom C#. Closest you're gonna get is Romero Mod.
  15. Hm... might be worth considering. Also yes, the health bar has numbers on it like TFP showed off back in A17.
  16. Use Kinggen instead. Download and use this list in KingGen. When your world is made, go to the folder for it and open prefabs.xml Replace DFalls_settlement_caitlin with DFalls_settlement_trader This will force caitlin to spawn in the correct biome. If you don't do this, you won't have a caitlin. https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/414452645521260546/875852831066824794/DFCPPOIs.txt Something is definitely broken. I'm not planning to properly look into it after all the issues i've had with 19.6 I feel like it's kinda held together with duct tape, spit and hope right now.
  17. I... actually didn't know it didn't. I'll have to look into that
  18. I would need to make it a seperate harmony patch that can be added to romero mod, which i'm not currently planning to do.
  19. Same way you do with vanilla. Start a game, alt-tab to steam when in-game, right-click your friend, select join, done. Or make a server/rent a server.
  20. Not sure what you're asking with the first 2 to be honest. 3) Most of that is handled in ui_display. Not everything can be displayed on the player UI unless you get crafty with cvars (which is a pain and sometimes a little buggy). 4) Yes, they only really work on armor. 5) CanPickup only works on stuff that you can hold E on and get a radial menu, like workstations.
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