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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I actually have no idea. Caps are not needed. They are there to look nice for folks who want that. But they do count as an irrigation piece. The only benefit of multiple pumps is redundancy in-case something eats one of the water blocks next to a pump.
  2. Shouldn't. The horde one will just take a while to fire. The hornet I believe is also a low spawn chance (but I may need to check it's being added to the right group) They DO work in MP though because the DF testers were playing them on my server.
  3. All three must be installed by other players as per the notes. They are not XML only, therefore everyone needs them.
  4. Yes to the first, haven't tested the second. I ASSUME it also only works for the first. Already reported it as a potential bug.
  5. Posted this in the discord after I found out about A20 stable when I got home. So let me make something VERY clear. Yes, I am aware A20 stable dropped while I was doing some christmas shopping. This surprised me. I did not expect them to drop stable on a Tuesday. My 1-2 week estimate for DF was assuming they dropped in the new year, because that seemed reasonable. Not dropping it during the holiday period. As such, you are looking at mid january AT LEAST for DF. Because it's christmas for you lot and Yule for me. I will be busy. And then it's new year. And I will be drunk... visiting friends for the first time in months. So you're looking somewhere around 14th/21st for DF V4, as an ESTIMATE.
  6. These modlets should still be working for A20 stable. Wife is testing most of them right now.
  7. Not everywhere, and not all zombies. Or at least I haven't made one.
  8. You have extra folders in your mods folder. Using the backpack as an example, it should be /Mods/KHA20-60BBM. You probably have something like /Mods/AnotherFolder/KHA20-60BBM Buried supplies only means you turned trader protection off. You can't just turn it off in A20 or you'll only get buried supplies quests.
  9. It was working fine for me once the effect was on the zombie. Same for molotovs. Assuming you mean "Should they actually work the same as vanilla", in which case yes... yes they should. Because one of the complaints in romero mod was that bleed and fire didn't work properly.
  10. You don't. That's just a warning and it's so the mod works with normal toolbelt or the 15 slot toolbelt.
  11. Yeah, but pressing E doesn ot give bonuses applied to living off the land. So it's just a time/stamina saver.
  12. Yep, mods folkder. Make sure EAC is off and they don't start until Day 2
  13. Yep, that sounds about right. I'll have a look at it. I may need to move them anyway tbh. You can also just go to the main git link and just download the entire repo since it's not very big (that's what she said). https://github.com/KhaineGB/KhaineA20ModletsXML https://github.com/KhaineGB/KhaineA20ModletsHarmony It is still on as it needs a C# patch to not break things.
  14. It can take a while to fire. It'll be on the vanilla time because the next horde is already set. After that, it should kick in, but don't forget the game CAN decide to wait 12 hours after the decided time (for some reason)
  15. Probably not. That's the effect i'm using because it's a passive effect you can just turn on/off. But I don't use twitch integration.
  16. Nope. I'd check your BM settings. Sounds like you set their speed too fast. Uploaded a fixed version.
  17. When I tested it from a 30 block fall, it was killing most zombies. I'll have a look at it later. Should be working. I was using it in my stream, but i'll have a look later.
  18. Don't turn trader protection off in A20. It breaks the trader quest list. You need a C# patch for traders to be able to die.
  19. No because I suggested that as a potential fix Git is probably just getting hammered
  20. And it's probably not fixable either since the drone isn't technically a vehicle or a player.
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