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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. I work 2 jobs, 9-5, 7 days a week (for one) and 5 days a week for about an hour (for the other). And i'm in the streamer list. I also know several in that list who ALSO work 9-5. So.... might wanna calm that down a bit there bud. EDIT: Oh, and I also work on DF, and Romero Mod, and making sure my modlets are up to date, along with making videos so I could hit that 5k sub count... and voluteer at a cat rescue...
  2. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Jr-_ro3yvZudJoY-4VEk6M-I6CTOUmtu/view?usp=sharing Use that. It works fine.
  3. Wasteland is just radiated by default. The map generator doesn't need to do anything special.
  4. No cos it's a C# patch. However, since rumour is A20 will load C# patches as modlets, I AM planning to release it standalone then. That's an odd one. Tried increasing your virtual memory?
  5. Unlikely. Why would you want that anyways when you can configure the size of them in the wandering horde frequency mod?
  6. Yup. 5,192 according to my dashboard.
  7. The english part is debatable. Have you HEARD me try to speak???
  8. JUst woke up from a nap and at 5,083 now
  9. @Roland We good now, right? (I know I need to do more but i've been awake 20 hours and haven't slept yet, so I'll do it tomorrow or Saturday)
  10. I think I normally go tech boosts for the damage reduction. Makes you damn near immortal.
  11. Elevators are broken in 19.6 and likely won't be fixed until V4.
  12. 419 atm. I'm doing my best to ignore it because I don't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed.
  13. In the past, TFP have said that folks can stream modding the early access if they're normally a modder. So that's actually something I'd like to do. Like maybe stream working on updating my modlets (because that's easier than updating DF) and showing a bit of my workflow.
  14. It's entirely possible that the modlet has added something to the save, so yeah, i'd try putting it back.
  15. It is a little buggy. Like it wasn't resetting wellness for me, and it's not properly removing map waypoints. So i'll look into that later.
  16. No, I found out it doesn't work properly. That's why I shared the code above that goes on playerMale in entity classes.
  17. The POI light enabler wont work because, as far as I know, it's an edited main DLL file. But it's likely some of the other mods might be doing an insertBefore on the blocks file that's making it crash.
  18. It's disabled by default. This is the code I use to enable it in my current youtube series. <!-- This is all code for hardcore mode. Uncomment to enable it --> <append xpath="/entity_classes/entity_class[@name='playerMale']/effect_group[@name='playerMale']"> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ResetSpawnPoints, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemoveLandClaims, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="RemovePlayerVehicle, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfDied" action="ResetPlayerQuests, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ResetProgression" reset_books="true"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ResetPlayerLevel, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self" value="15835"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ResetPlayerSkills, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore" target="self" value="0"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="ClearMapSDX, Harmony-0-DarknessFallsCore"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="GiveQuestSDX, SCore" target="self" quest="quest_PlayerRespawn"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> <triggered_effect trigger="onSelfRespawn" action="AddBuff" target="self" buff="buffNewbieCoat"> <requirement name="NotHasBuff" buff="buffNewbieCoat"/> </triggered_effect> </append>
  19. I'll look at dismemberment in A20 cos they're messing with it. I'll also look at making the "force bloodmoon off" a seperate modlet that is included by default, but can just be deleted. Otherwise, no. You can't turn it on because I felt bloodmoons went against the spirit of romero, and most people playing this WANTED that.
  20. Yeah, it's super fast for early building, and that's it.
  21. Alright, i'm gonna say this one more time, because i'm starting to get annoyed. ALL of the trader issues you're experience is because TRADER PROTECTION IS OFF!!!! Double captains? No trader protection. ! under the world? No trader protection. Can't talk to traders? No trader protection. The ! thing doesn't matter. The double captains and/or traders? Kill one. Can't talk to one? Reboot your game. All of this has been brought up several times in this thread and fixes explained.
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