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Everything posted by KhaineGB

  1. If anyone wants to risk it... I think I fixed the NRE. Basically I spawned a ton of demons and night stalkers since they seem to like attacking each other, and didn't have any errors. That's as far as i've tested. File goes in Mods\0-DarknessFallsCore\Config https://drive.google.com/file/d/1AB-FHHKHNjQVnzr2S1Gc5msJ7AmbiXEl/view?usp=sharing
  2. Nah, it says it's a buff problem. I suspect a zombie hit another zombie and infected it or something. Yes, that's a thing.
  3. Interesting... what's trying to apply a buff to what... hm... may need to do some testing
  4. Not without the actual log, no. Screenshots rarely tell me anything useful.
  5. Most won't work. It's an overhaul mod. Simple as that.
  6. Not being able to pick up placed water is intended to stop the infinite water nonsense. You need water within 4 blocks. Plants CONSUME water, so you can't just put a block down and hope it works. You need a water pump for the irrigation. The pump must be next to water. It does not consume the water, but plants will if they're too close. Farming tutorial:
  7. 3.5 is on nexus. You can't use it with the launcher. Pretty sure I posted either on this page or the last page with a google link to download it, which works fine with DF.
  8. Lockable inventory slots is already included in DF, so you don't need to add it. And it sounds like you're using the launcher, so i'm not totally sure how you'd add mods to that. But for me I have 7 Days to Die/Mods. The wandering horde modlet goes into the /Mods folder. I have an idea, but I make 0 promises.
  9. I actually never did one. Generally the only potential issue would be progression modifications. But I don't think I drastically changed the perks. Just added to them.
  10. Might be a conflict with sorcery if it already has HP bars. I know it works fine on straight up vanilla.
  11. Then play romero mod. It's got the same mod in it but they always walk. Hell you MIGHT be able to copy the wandering horde code from that and use it.
  12. It's in the DF discord. However i've uploaded it to my google drive since people either don't want to join it, or somehow fail to pass the very simple anti-bot verification check. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1PL76w0nRpG4_sn3FikT87492S1Sn_O2B/view?usp=sharing Also, it's not "Anywhere, anytime." That's just what Jawoodle calls his series.
  13. gamestages.xml controls the wandering horde spawning When you open kinggen, click advanced and there's a POI list dropdown. Click that, select use custom, click the text file you downloaded, done
  14. You have to do it in XML. It's intended to be a horde night replacement, hence the ferals. that sounds like a Sorcery problem.
  15. I was experimenting with some of the schematics to give them back to the player if the schematic is already known. I suspect it's that. My point stands though. I'm not going through the localization to add to every item (and all appropriate translations) what they unlock when the player could just look at the "Unlocks" tab to see what perk it unlocks, and then look up the perk. Now if THAT tab is missing, that's different and something I need to fix. EDIT: Been and checked and apparently that tab is missing, even though the schematic has the correct "unlocks" property. I'm still not going through every item and adding what it unlocks because that would SERIOUSLY take me 1-2 days. What I said. Hunter should have tracking. I know it does for me.
  16. It should do. I'll have to check that but i'm pretty sure that code doesn't do what you think it does.
  17. I'm not going through all the localization for all the books to duplicate the same information that people could find if they looked at the book, what it unlocks, went "Oh, it unlocks this perk" and then looked up the perk. That's several HOURS if not DAYS with time better spent elsewhere just because people can't be bothered to look.
  18. Make sure it's installed properly. Should be /Mods/KHA19-60BBMFW I'll have a look at it later and check to see if I need to tweak things.
  19. Yeah, only in wasteland. Same for uranium and plutonium.
  20. Survivors aren't planned to be removed. How that rumour started, I have no idea. They already do. But people don't check.
  21. You're gonna have to talk to your host. Yes they do, just not the same way as vanilla. Go hit a rock.
  22. Because that's how it's supposed to work in MP
  23. The DF maps aren't in the main worlds folder, they're in the folder I told you about. Nitrado need to update their nonsense and get with the program. Most overhauls are trying to move to using the /Mods folder where possible.
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