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Everything posted by Jugginator

  1. you're welcome. Sorry it took me a while to make that connection, some of it was lost in translation I suppose (the translation program did not do very well in this case 😅) and we didn't realize the drone was causing this at the time. Should be fixed soon though, we're working on some things. And yeah we're working on debug commands to help too
  2. Yeah anyway you want is fine. You can dm the logs to me if you want
  3. What error is it giving you?
  4. Hey, you're welcome! Glad you got that sorted out and you can have some fun now Thanks for responding back with that info, eventually we'll fully move on from using a Mods folder in the main install directory, interesting to know it doesn't get removed from an uninstall.
  5. The error is throwing on a mod-read, in the xui it looks like. Make sure there are no Mods folders in either appdata or the main game folder, somehow some residual mod code has been missed somewhere.
  6. Thanks for telling me! Yeah there are optimizations to be done yet, but this game transmits quite a bit of data and is pretty reliant on data integrity, once you start getting consistent packet errors things can go wonky in the save files. The setting sets the MTU to about 1400 from the client/host, it's negotiated instantly and per the client, you can turn it on live too if you need (although I don't suggest this, it's worth going back to the main menu).
  7. Nice! You're welcome, glad we could get that resolved. So, you removed the drone file and that did it right? Just want to make sure I got the resolution correctly for future reference
  8. No problem, just for a test (a log file from him would be helpful too), remove the drones.dat file (place it somewhere safe, if you want collect and pick any drones up beforehand). See if that helps. Also, have him run the Network Workaround option in the General section in the Settings
  9. this is the post this conversation continued further
  10. You could have put this in the other post That should cover it, although if there's a bug in his local player profile, he may need to delete that. Pass this to him: Go into the game launcher (7dlauncher.exe) and go into the Cleaning Tools section. Open Game Settings Delete that entire registry folder for the game: Make sure there is no Mods folder in the appdata section (copy paste into the run box: %appdata%/7daystodie ). If you REAAAAALY want to be sure nothing is bad in Appdata, just either delete the folder, rename it or put it somewhere else. There could be corruption in his downloaded world, so have him delete the SavesLocal too Verify the file integrity 3 times in a row (just to be sure, steam doesn't catch bad files every time)
  11. That crash looks like a driver or other software failure. Make sure you've got all the updates done, reinstall your GPU driver, and install the 2022 redistributable pack, can find it here Latest supported Visual C++ Redistributable downloads | Microsoft Learn
  12. Hmm. Something weird is going on there, I see it's complaining about invalid blocks being used in a POI, perhaps that's an old world or custom poi removal or something (although this shouldn't be causing this) . But I'm not seeing anything nuts. I wonder, is there anything in your friends log when he is hanging in the join screen?
  13. Can you put a log on some host website like pastebin? A whole one, mostly want to see from when the server starts to when your friend connects/fails
  14. Post a log file, there may be something in there that sheds some light on it. Make sure your friend has firewall/antivirus exceptions and have him turn on the Network Workaround option in the General settings section, those may help. This game cares about data stability and uses a lot more than typical game, there may be an issue on his end that never showed up until now. Or, it may be the server - log will show some more there
  15. If C is opening your character sheet, try binding that to something else and then bind Crouch to C
  16. Confirmed, not sure what is to be done for it yet, but I've made a ticket to figure that out. Thanks.
  17. This should be better now. We've made lots of changes to how this works, and clear quests now should be able to spawn a reduced amount over the zombie limit cap. Zombie AI will also prioritize based on distance to a player to help out with performance in heavy-cases.
  18. Sorry 😕 If you can post a log file, we may be able to spot something that caused it. There are dev items that can help you get back to where you were pretty quickly. Enter CM into the F1 console, hit U, search for Dev and click the buildings-looking icon to the left of the search box and there are items in there to help.
  19. Aww thanks! Yeah, this community is amazing, been an honor to be involved in it for like the past 5/6 years now lol, the people here are great.
  20. Oh! Okay yeah that can cause an issue. We actually ran into this later on in discoveries after you made this ticket, we should have a patch out soon to help with that. You can try deleting the drones if your world still has this issue. There is a drones.dat file in the gamesave that you can delete, and there's a console command too "jd clear"
  21. Was it due to the drone maybe? Is a drone out in the world?
  22. Well it's definitely something in the mod causing it. And generally no, that wouldn't cause an issue. The only issue it may cause is a warning popup after game game save list populates, but even if so it won't affect other saves.
  23. Heya. Are you and your husband both using the gamepass version? If you've added each other to the xbox gamestore's friends list you should be able to join directly on your friends in the list (right click and Join Game IIRC) Youll want to look at the P2P tab if joining via browser (the one to the right is the friends tab too, might be in there) If all else fails, you can always direct-connect via IP (you should be able to use the local IP address, might need to do port forwarding on the host).
  24. You're welcome. Hm, well something is affecting the cop in a way preventing it from spawning due to one of its values being null, I would narrow it down a bit by removing mods one by one that change things about the cop.
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