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Everything posted by Jugginator

  1. I don't see an option to edit, if a mod would like to please change the name to "something" breaking the RWG, since it's clearly not exactly (maybe) tied to seed names.
  2. Can confirm this myself. I just tested it with the frozen zombie, survivor, darleane.
  3. I have seen all traders do the head shake. I am 99% sure this is tied to the eye/head-tracking; if you go into noclip and fly mode and go around them, you can kinda see an increase/decrease (although barely noticable) of head shake as you go around. Though it may just be the new jams that play are that good, and they're just boppin to the tunes.
  4. Okay I've been talking about this on the Discord channel (and currently am), but I completely cleaned my drive of anything related to 7 days and got a fresh install. I do believe that it's running out of GPU memory (?). I am going to run tests, and Sylen is running some himself. I wanted to give that update and provide 2 additional logs. Will update more findings later on. Perhaps it's not memory managing correctly for those of us with lower end systems? output_log__2020-05-31__15-56-07.txt output_log__2020-05-31__15-25-27.txt
  5. Whoops, my mods folder is completely empty, but there may be other things leftover from A18 that could have caused it. I'll get another clean install today.
  6. Oh, not sure if blind or not, but I don't see an off-topic section anymore.
  7. I really like it, no other feedback from me. I love that feature, and the quote function seems really nice. It's not obvious where to continue typing after quick quoting, but I instinctively clicked outside of it quickly, so the UI is user friendly on that function anyway. No idea what all of the 'reaction' emoji things do/are for other than flair... and other things like rep and articles/article comments are confusing to me but hey, posting and commenting is all that matters. Very nice. P.S., drag and drop attachments? Nice.
  8. Generated a 4k world in like 45 seconds... I missed this wonderful tool somehow. Will let you know if I find issues. *update* Works absolutely wonderful! I tried generating a 2048 map (min claimed to be supported in the 7days config) to see if it works (program said experimental ofc), but it generated a 4k map instead and ignored my request lol. No biggie, was just curious if it worked. There are some random 2x2 smooth holes, but they're rare. They kinda look like something was supposed to go there.
  9. Thank you! I was close anyway haha. I see how that goes. Good thing too, going to do horde nigth tomorrow.
  10. So I am diving into this, I'm not all that familiar with XML, but I have been learning Python for a bit. Figured this was way cooler and easier than writing a script to edit stuff. Took my first stab at removing the radiated vultures until the Null Exception is fixed, how did I do? Won't have a chance to test it for a bit. <config> <set xpath="/entitygroups/entity[@name=animalZombieVultureRadiated]/property[@name=prob=]/@value">0.00</set> </config>
  11. Whoops... I was half-drunk when I posted this and realized it was in the console section *ahem* I hope it's the same seed on console.. if not I'm sorry lol
  12. Yeah hopefully the rest of the map is nice. Like I said I dsidnt need to travel too far away from where I was but that area fed me a nice horde base and I never needed to leave outside the two traders and the surrounding areas.
  13. Hmm, the only one ive played in the last 4/6 months or so was one I did for the Nearly Immortal acheivement, and I really liked it. Called "North". I found a log cabin in a snow area next to grasslands on all fronts that had a forge in it, a nice city NE, a town NW, a trader North that had a workbench, a few ammo crates, and a forge and a trader a few mins south that had a forge, workbench and a chem station. I had everything I needed to survive the 1,250 minutes or whatever without even needing to visit the city but once. I didn't find a prison but, like I said, I had everything I needed lol. To add to its awesome, the trader North had a little tiny tunnel RIGHT outside that lead to a nitrate and iron mine. Spent 15 mins and got a handful of stacks of nitrate and iron... I was living nice.
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