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Everything posted by Jugginator

  1. The host needs to do the port forwarding, and both of you should have the appdata folder and main game folder added to antivirus exceptions. This guide needs some upating but still valid All routers are different, so do a quick google with the router name, such as "Linksys x9001 port forwarding". Don't download anything that claims to do the port forwarding for you, just find a guide for that router to port forward. Once you figure out where it is, it's easy. It's a good skill to learn for gaming, since port forwarding - even if you don't need it - for a host of a game will likely give you some stability in the connections. Side note: the difference between a dedicated server and your friend hosting a server is the dedicated one runs as its own process with a command window and the friend hosting is done in-game. The port forwarding and everything in there related to the dedicated server is also for the friend hosting which is what you both are doing. Anyone that hosts a game is technically also a server, it's just done in-game and not dedicated
  2. Have you tried joining via right clicking one another and joining him that way? It works like Steam, you right click and it'll have a Join Game option. Now are you creating a dedicated server or just hitting New Game and hosting it as a peer to peer session? You may also want to try using port 27015, that one always works for me on lan discovery.
  3. This is a GPU driver crash, you can try using a program called DDU to uninstall the driver in safe mode. Then, install a new driver; we've had an increased report rate of driver crashing, so we're hoping an update to Unity which we're working on getting out soon will help out with that.
  4. This looks to be a Peer to Peer game and not a dedicated server hosting, if I'm gathering this correctly (unless you both posted logs as clients, the server log if it's a dedicated server would be nice to have, one of the connections failed because the server was paused, which can only happen in P2P). I did spot one thing however that likely would help: 2023-11-07T18:50:15 118.316 INF NET: LiteNetLib trying to connect to: 2023-11-07T18:50:21 124.035 INF NET: LiteNetLib: Connection failed: ConnectionFailed 2023-11-07T18:50:21 124.035 INF [EOS-P2PC] Trying to connect to: 2023-11-07T18:50:21 124.035 INF [EOS-P2PC] Connecting to EOS ID 0002e37b4c414793a54a13e5f59c259f So, a failure to connect via LiteNetLib is pointing to port forwarding issues. The host (or server) will need to have 26900 TCP and 26900 - 26902 UDP forwarded to its IP address, and antivirus/firewall exceptions.
  5. Did you install the latest microsoft redistributable pack? 2016 may not have the updated ones.
  6. Hello, please take a log file and post it to pastebin.com or a file hosting service and give us the link here.
  7. Thanks, those worked. I'll have a review and see if I can spot something.
  8. Sorry, that's a link for your local machine's copies, we can't access those unless we're on your computer You can upload them wherever you'd like, or copy and paste them to pastebin.com
  9. Yeah, follow that first link Neko linked in here. If the 7DaysToDie folder isn't there, create one. Then, open it up and create a logs folder. If you have the main folder but not the logs folder, just create the logs one. It's something being worked on for a patch
  10. You're welcome. Yeah unfortuntately that might be the only resolution. You COULD try deleting the 10k world and generate it using the exact same settings, I would give that a try first.
  11. Ah yes, perfect. Thank you. I'll forward this to the developer that's on it.
  12. Hello. So, and this is something we're looking into preventing, you can actually generate a map that has the same seed name as a world that already exists. When this happens, the differences (example, you used the same seed but adjusted some settings) can be just enough to be playable but you'll have these weird issues like so. Pretty much, what happened is that the world you created for the other game save had the same seed name and it wrote over the data, so you've two different maps on top of one another. Unfortunately, I am unaware of a way to fix this, other than a backup world. If you happen to know the exact seed name and settings you used to create the world initially, you can try to delete the world and generate it again. Note that you might be able to fix it by resetting all of the region files using "regionreset", but that will wipe everything you've built and whatnot.
  13. If you could, gather a log file from both you and your friend's server please
  14. There are instructions in the links above, but if this translates better: Windows Key + R Enter into the run box: %appdata%/7daystodie/logs Open the last log file in there Ctrl + A, Ctrl + C go to pastebin.com From there, click Paste Paste (Ctrl + V) the text into it and hit New Paste on the bottom Then, give the link here. Thanks.
  15. We're looking into this, seems to be isolated to Gamepass. Did your subscription end at any point in time?
  16. Yeah what Stallionsden said. So, when you add prefabs like that, you're adding it to the world generation mixer. When you generate a new world (not just making a new game on Navezgane or Pregens), those prefabs will be added to the world if they can be. When you hit New Game on, say, Pregen01, that world was already created so the newly added prefabs won't be there. You can, however, use the World Editor to manually place those POIs inside of it, then start a New Game on that world. You can bypass adding POIs to an existing world, but you'll need to do a region reset or start a quest there for it to repopulate (although this is not a supported way, it just happens to sometimes work, although it can break things, so I suggest a new world to be safe).
  17. Please describe a bit on how you're doing this, the OP was a user using a server setup by AMP -- did you do the same? Information like: Are you the host, is he the host? Is the client crashing the host or does the client crash when it attempts to connect to the host? Also, a log file from each of you during a crash would be needed. Thanks
  18. Hm, I can't speak from any experience using Wayland at all, but I did run across a large argument about it on github, so I would stick with X11 if that's working for you. Boycott Wayland. It breaks everything! (github.com)
  19. okay. if you could, please post a log file. We're taking a look into this and need as much data as we can get. Thanks!
  20. Can you post a log file for us to look at? There are instructions pinned here for that; also, did you play on Steam and Gamepass? Or just Gamepass?
  21. This isn't true, the zombie count is the max zombies that can be alive on the server/game, in total (quests can go over this cap a little bit). You may want to have a poke around in the spawning.xml file. There are two values you can adjust here: spawn max count and respawn delay (respawn delay is how fast replacements are spawned). These settings are for your biome zombies.
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