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Everything posted by meganoth

  1. Yes, but 3 more zombies will not change that perceptibly. You would get 3 lookalikes instead. That is the point I am making: If they don't add dozens of new zombies players will still complain about not enough variation. I am constantly lying to myself. Very healthy, keeps one sane.
  2. If they add 3 more models you will kill only say 800 bikers and Arlenes and 800 of any of the new zombies. Is that a big difference? Some of them simply looked very different when they got replaced with the HD model, for example the prostitute simply got replaced by a less controversial woman in revealing dress. I can only remember the farmer and the nurse that went away without replacement. For many here the constantly changing things are the most important reason why we play each new alpha. TFP has to disappoint either your "group" or mine.
  3. I'm perfectly fine with the low count of zombies, I consider them archetypes and I know exactly that a punch from archetype "granni" hurts more than the one from archetype "Arlene" so I prioritze killing granni while staying out of reach. Much more tactical than hundreds of different zombies I would have to treat equally because I couldn't identify them. Everyone who says he just needs 3 more variants to be happy is practically lying to himself because 3 more variants would not change anything for immersion. You really would need dozens of new zombies to make them look like individuals. And that is something the GTA developers can do easily without adding another 2 years but probably not TFP. Especially not when the new zombies need new animations as well.
  4. Ah, nostalgia. I'm glad it is gone. It was a very unpractical way of separating out a too large part of the goods into an unsorted secondary list. Whenever you went to the trader you wasted time because you always had to check that second list for any stuff you wanted. If you wanted ammo for example you looked in the general ammo category but then had to look up and search the stash for ammo again. If at all, the "secret" items should have been a handful at max and real premium items at a premium price you could only afford if you specifically saved dukes for that purpose.
  5. When a trader gets killed an exclamation mark should appear in his place that can reset the trader POI just like quest POIs. That way a trader + compound could be vulnerable. And the tech to do this is already in the game.
  6. I could not find or access it. But steam discussion board seems to have had problems half an hour ago, maybe that had something to do with it.
  7. A test of resolve. This separates **real** streamers from the streamer-wannabees
  8. There doesn't need to be an error. A program waiting endlessly for some signal that never comes or doing something in a loop without ever reaching the end condition is as broken as one that displays an error. I have problems interpreting the logfile because of all the log entries produced by mods, so the following is half guessing. It is entirely possibly I read something completely wrong as the results are puzzling: In the client logfile I see you trying to connect to the server at 13:03 but immediately failing. Then at 13:31 you try to connect per IP address and seem to succeed, but the logfile stops before important stuff happens. How long have you waited until giving up? Is the client logfile complete, i.e. is " The referenced script on this Behaviour (Game Object 'P_Holo_Planet_03') is missing!" really the last line in there if you look at the original? The server logfile seems to indicate that you left the game running overnight but started the savegame at 13:39, so it wouldn't be a surprise that you couldn't connect at 13:03, but a big surprise that the 13:31 attempt seems to go further. But again the logfile stops before the server is even finished loading the world. Are the clocks on both those PCs in sync?
  9. If we look at the way TFP "announces" new pictures we can conclude that when they post something on ANY channel they feel their duty done and leave it to highly skilled web blabbermouths like us to disseminate the news. 😉
  10. Correct me if I'm wrong, but LotL3 gives triple the plants (according to description) which would mean 6 plants per seed. Even worst case with no seeds back you get one plant out of every pot and a seed to replant. A bug happening here would be very conspicuous and I think we can rule that out. So I'd say this didn't happen and you just miscalculated, for example forgot that you had one pot empty or filled with a different plant, or you had a mod running, or ...
  11. Its not a mini-game but idiocy to craft seeds if you have no LotL
  12. If you installed all the computers and software on your own computers and probably all the same way but didn't on your friends computer (i.e. he could have different antivirus software for example) it could still have been your PCs config/setup/software as well as the router.
  13. If you get by with hunting and the weaker food stuff then good your you. I agree that meat is a bit too easy to get right now which makes me suspect there will be some rebalance in the future. If that happens you might have to reevaluate whats the best course is for you. As you can see there are wildly different opinions about it. I start a farm early and usually only invest 1 point into LotL and that immediately at start so I get the farmplot bonus immediately. Time to tend to the farm is available in scores because I have nights where I stay in the crafting base and then harvesting is just another mini task besides cooking and glue and ammo production and ... For that I get lots of the better foods which means I save time with hunting/harvesting meat/eating. I don't think I need more time than you, but if you have fun with hunting then that is exactly what you should prefer doing. You will find a youtuber for every imaginable true or false opinion. Also youtubers need to present action in their videos which means their playstyle is often geared to fighting/hunting/scavenging, farming and other "organisational" tasks need to be cut from their videos or kept to a minimum. I am not surprised.
  14. Yes, but with LOTL 1 you would get out 6.5 of whatever you want to make **on average**. Use 5 for a seed again and use the 1.5 produce for food. The "5" sounds big, but that is only the upfront cost to start your garden. With LOTL 2 and 3 you get out even more, with LOTL3 you will profit even in worst case harvests
  15. Time and a zombie virus They dynamic music error is a **warning** not an error. Warnings can be ignored almost always.
  16. In serverconfig.xml the cheat mode is called "BuildCreate". Never tested it as well, but it sounds like it could just enable flying because it would remove the necessity for "scafolds". I would guess you would also automatically have creative menu on.
  17. In the client log I see that the game crashes somewhere inside unity while doing the player loop. Is this really the log of a failed login attempt or from some other time? You never mentioned the client crashes when login in. What the log seems to show though is that this is NOT a network issue. The client was well past login in and had already downloaded all config files and initialized the world and had entered the game loop. Most likely are either a bad player file or a bad install of program or mods or bad configuration.
  18. First of all open 26902 and 26903 as well. If your son still can't join he should try both IPs of your server, the router-external one (probably listed in the router, otherwise visit https://whatismyip/) and the internal local one (listed in your windows network settings. If he still can't join, post a complete logfile of server and client (use pastebin and only post the link in the forum)
  19. What will be the banger of the final beta that leads to the release? You guessed it, there probably won't be any. This is not a service game. TFP's job ist not to create entertainment with the alphas. They don't need to check which mods are available to avoid duplicating them. I personally like the change to how crafting recipes are learned. It is not a redesign of the perk system, it only changes the craft progression so it finally works like a smooth progression. Yes, the new method has drawbacks as well, but the old way was definitely broken.
  20. No, the console version is expected not before end of year, which means with the usual delay next year more likely
  21. I would guess in case of a hard crash log entries may get lost because they are in a buffer and not yet written to disk. Usually crashes are still caught and handled by some routines and then you can read about the crash in the logs. But it seems there are limits to what can get caught. Not without a savegame viewer/editor that does not exist to my knowledge. One thing that can help is making frequent backups of the savegame. Too late for you now, but maybe an idea for the future.
  22. Please use the section "Discussion and Request" for modding questions. "Mods" is for announcing mods. Moved.
  23. You can find ALL locations on your computer where *normal* savegames for 7d2d are available if you simply search for typical filenames in those saves, for example "decoration.7dt", "drones.dat" or "ConfigsDump". On Windows the normal File Explorer should be able to do that
  24. Please do not use "Mods" for discussions, this should be done in "Discussions and Requests". Thread has been moved
  25. And he was made aware of them only AFTER posting his complaints if I remember correctly. So he did not find the non-obvious first page of the dev diary, big deal.
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