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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Bandits could be a goldmine of new quests. The trader has a bounty on Slick Willy who robbed him and defiled his sister but the only one who knows where he is, is the trader’s brother who is being held captive at the warehouse downtown by some of the Duke’s men. You have to rescue the brother who will then give you the location of Slick Willy and then you have to go get him. 2000 dukes dead or 3000 alive (“killing blow” must be a naked fisted punch) plus a 1000 bonus for freeing the brother alive. Maybe a chance for a wandering horde to show up at an inconvenient moment with either the brother or Slick Willy as their primary target and you could have a nice challenge.
  2. That’s still the plan. Yes.
  3. Thanks for all the suggestions. We will have to see if any of these happen. If they don’t, then at least we have the safety net of mods but it would be cool if they were able to add these things at some point.
  4. This would be fun once bandits are in. As a zombie targeted quest it wouldn’t really be much different than a clear quest.
  5. Honestly, it was all superfluous beyond these two lines...
  6. It's the curse of being an expert of Arizona. Gun experts have a similar curse as do Romero experts as they play this game. Just thank the devs they didn't include the sounds that radiators make. The fridge hum is plenty... Now your credibility is tarnished a bit. I'll just assume you're city folk...
  7. Except that you really seem to want to just do everything without needing to manage anything. So your fix would really only lead you back here to complain that the game is always sucking our food and water dry too often. Just enable god mode and be done with it. You aren’t looking for a game where you must manage your stamina. You just want to be able to mine, chop, whack, sprint, and jump all day long without any interruption. This is not that type of game and isn’t going to be turned into one if your goal was to suggest that to the designers. I don’t think it would even dawn on them to make an option for that. Modding is going to be your friend. Also I think one above warrior is probably not the setting you want as it is going to deplete most of your stamina killing one enemy with melee weapons and no dog is going to die to a bone knife attack. The difficulty settings mainly increase enemy HP. So try default difficulty at least for days 1&2 and you’ll find you have plenty of stamina to kill things.
  8. It was childish but this is the only manner in which Snowdog can still be childish so we give him a bit of slack…. You didn’t mention the difficulty level you were playing, your hydration level, whether you had any debuffs like infection or fatigue, whether you were encumbered, wearing any heavy armor, what weapon you were using, and whether you constantly run everywhere or not. All of these affect stamina levels, drop rate, and replenish rate. Just saying that the stamina in the game is set too hard really gives no basis for meaningful discussion. In the first few days I mix it up between bow and club because that preserves quite a bit of stamina. I play on warrior difficulty which means that if I am confronted by three enemies I know I won’t have enough stamina to just go in and kill all three in quick succession. But if I play on default difficulty I could kill all three easily with my existing stamina. I don’t run everywhere. When I see some zombies coming towards me I walk to meet them and then have plenty of stamina to use a club. Are you doing power attacks predominately? I only use power attacks when I’ve softened up the enemy a bit and I’m pretty sure the power attack will finish it off. If I’m fighting multiple enemies then I save my power attack for the last one. These are things even veterans can think about in how they play because often we get into habits that worked in earlier versions but don’t work now. There is an option for you btw. Once in game press F1 and then dm then ESC and finally Q. Stamina and health and dogs even will be no more problem. In all seriousness, you could reduce the difficulty you are playing on for the first day or two and then up it again for Day 3 onward. That would give you a more fair chance against dogs you meet on Day 1 or 2. Once you have some padded armor crafted and equipped you can usually kill a dog before it can kill you.
  9. One huge piece of advice I feel I should mention is to treat everything about the game as potentially temporary and subject to change. Don’t get too attached to how things are right now in A20. If you assume that some of the things you like about the game right now might be changed in the next update then instead of being devastated to the point of raging and possibly shelving the game, you’ll adapt and while you might feel some disappointment and loss over that changed feature, some part of will have expected it and after trying the new way you may even find you like and prefer and understand the change. There will be some who treat A20 as if it is the final version and they may become quite angry when A21 comes out— heck, some of them are already angry just reading about them.
  10. They won’t skimp. Beta will be “done when it’s done.” It will be comparatively short to Alpha but they do want quality.
  11. They have never published their roadmap to the public. You can see the kickstarter feature list here and each alpha has a feature list as Matt showed but without any progress tracking. The game is technically still in alpha because not all features have been added yet. But in actuality their model is a hybrid because they are adding new systems and features but also refining and polishing existing features and systems. Once they "leave alpha" the beta phase will be short because they've been doing a lot of beta work already.
  12. No. I don't believe I did. I said that one was not necessarily a more superior design than the other-- meaning they are both good designs and I like both depending on how I feel. I very much see the appeal and fun of the LBD model. But shopping for perk points is also a ton of fun. They are not equal and depending on the preferences of the player one will seem better than the other to them. That was my point. The "better" system is completely dependent upon the preferences of the player.
  13. If this statement is true then why do you need to have the map revealed on your minimap or even the ingame map that you have to switch to? If you just want to make sure the map looks like it has the kinds of POIs you want then use the web browser utility and scope out the map and then play with it unrevealed like normal. If you MUST play the game with the whole map revealed then I don't think your original statement is the entire story... Regardless (and maybe because of that), you ARE so annoying.
  14. Never thought about it. Hmm....I'm going to try it.
  15. @MrXyerCZ I tried the link and it didn't work for either Safari or for Chrome.
  16. Well, in the spirit of this new discussion meta I would just like to say that I think the following things could be great improvements to the survival aspect of the game and I hope that there will at least be an option to enable these things: 1) Permanent item degradation so that eventually a weapon or tool or armor cannot be repaired and you have to craft or find a replacement. 2) Food spoilage 3) Persistant ailments that don't just disappear if you die. 4) Limits on daily quests 5) An option to turn off the newbie protection buff enabled for the first day and night. Now having made those statements, I am no longer interested in this discussion. Before I end this conversation for good let me just state that if you disagree with me your opinion is BS. I won't reply to any more on this topic so do what you will but remember that it is over for good.
  17. Well...I will just report to interested readers that there has been a lot of discussion and thought and effort that has gone into this new change as well as a lot of internal playtesting and discussion based on that playtesting. My opinion is based on actual experience and a witnessing of the process the team has gone through to reach the current iteration and while it may not end up being everyone's cup of tea, there is conclusively nothing lazy or cheap about what they are doing. The change that has been described for A21 is not just an isolated change based upon a whim. It is the culmination of all the changes that have been made in the past. The developers design iteratively with each successive change being built upon by what has happened previously.
  18. You know how when you are on your way somewhere and you see a deer off the side of the road and you stop and postpone what you had in mind in order to get that deer because who just lets a deer go? Quest spamming will get you truly random samples of magazines as a reward. It is a bundle so you can't even see what magazines you will get until after you choose the reward and open the bundle. So, the interesting thing is that you will be on your way to a quest and see a POI that is related to what you are specifically trying to progress in and much like that deer you will feel compelled to postpone that quest and clean out that POI since it is a better source of what you want than the quest location is bound to be. Then you see another one... I find that I am scavenging non-quest destination POIs more than I ever have before since quests were introduced. That being said, I am not one who spams quests anyway. But even if someone does spam quests and always chooses magazine bundles as their reward this just means they will be even more likely to be able to craft better than what they've found. In my current playthrough I am focusing on archery. I crafted a brown bow and then found an orange bow. Then I ended up crafting my own yellow and green and then blue bow. I have found bow parts and primitive bows that were lower than what I could craft. I haven't found a single pipe machine gun but can craft a yellow one although I haven't gotten to doing it yet but will before my next hordenight.
  19. Perks can be organic if you wish to play the game organically. It is simply a choice of forgoing efficiency and optimizing in order to progress as quickly as possible and instead choosing to play the game in a natural way that mirrors as closely as possible a reasonably realistic approach. So far TFP has not put restrictions in place to stop people from min/maxing if they want to. But there is also nothing in the code that forces players to go that route. I tried a playthrough where I only spent skill points in perks that were related to the actions I was taking. So until I spent time mining I did not spend points in mining and while I was killing zombies I spent those points on improving my weapon of choice. It was slow going and definitely not what I would recommend as the default way to make people play. But it was definitely more organic. I absolutely agree that none of these systems are superior or inferior to each other. We, as gamers, simply prefer one over the other or feel in the mood to experience one over the other.
  20. I wasn't trolling. I'm genuinely disappointed that you didn't directly answer the questions. You claimed that you agreed 100% that the new system would be a futile attempt to lengthen the game. Then when I asked you to explain why you believe it to be futile, you instead changed your claim completely to the opposite as well as adding that it would be a boring grindfest. When I asked you to explain why the new system is not substantive you didn't explain why, instead you just said that if TFP added LBD into the mix then it would become substantive. And of course, the main question that was part of all four being "How do you know?" which you ignored altogether and wouldn't answer. Personally, at this point, I think you are the one trolling. LBD is so far beyond the point of no return that continually bringing it up again and again must be a trolling post at this point. I agree that fighting for what you want when there is still a chance to change minds is good but when A18 arrived and it was clear TFP wasn't bringing LBD back despite all the posts and (yes) petitions, and emails--that should really have been the end of it. But we still had those who wouldn't give up even when A19 showed up and there was no LBD and then again when A20 showed up and no LBD and now A21 is introducing a new development iteration of crafting and learning and LBD is again absent from it and you are still aggressively pushing LBD. There is not going to be a learn by looting/learn by doing hybrid system. TFP-- namely the founders Rick and Joel, are categorically against reintroducing LBD into the game, especially at this point when they wish to finish things up. Its over. Its time to graciously concede the abandonment of LBD. Something else that people should understand about both Rick and Joel is that they enjoy exploring and scavenging. Finding loot and overcoming the zombies that are guarding that loot is a very important aspect of the game to them. It is more important to them than crafting. They see crafting as only one of a few avenues by which to acquire loot. That is going to be disappointing to people who like to play the game by mostly crafting everything they acquire. But it is important to understand the preferences of the developers if you are going to understand where the game is going. It is no accident that crafting is now a function of.....exploring and finding the needed information (i.e. looting).
  21. That is how it works but....if you are near someone who has been on that server for 100 days and it was their presence that activated the sleeper volume or if the wilderness spawns were based off of them then you better watch yourself. Jump behind them or something....
  22. Hopefully bandits and bandit fortresses will be part of the end game formula.
  23. I'm moving this to the support forum. You will need to include an output log for people to look at in order for there to be any helpful ideas. To get to your output log: 1) Right click on the game in your library 2) select properties 3) select local files 4) Select browse 5) Click on the 7daystodiedata folder 6) Choose the most recent output log and copy it to pastebin.com and then post the link. Sorry, that was the old way. The new way is to paste: %appdata%\7daystodie\Logs into your search bar and select open. Then you will see the most recent logs. Thanks to @Beelzybub for kindly correcting me.
  24. So...you don't really know. Gotcha. So....you changed your answer on this one. Great. So just your own suggestion of the way you would like to see is your answer to the difference between artificial content creation and actual content creation? So, basically, whatever the devs do that you personally don't approve of is in the category of artificial content but whatever is added that you like is actual content? Cool. So LBD. Nothing counts and nothing is good until LBD comes back. Check. It's time to finish up the five phases of mourning for LBD. It's not coming back.
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