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Everything posted by Roland

  1. What if the first highly contagious stage was simply flu-like symptoms and by time the news showed footage of a guy eating another guy it was too late because a significant percentage of the population refused to do social distancing and home lock downs for “flu-like symptoms” again? If I knew I had had flu-like symptoms that lead to a zombie outcome then there would be nothing for it but to either go out an buy a wardrobe I could get inside of or more simply, head up to the attic and pick out a nice rafter to sit on…
  2. Where did I say they were the same thing? I wasn’t comparing the real virus with the hypothetical virus or even the manner in which it spread and how a zombie virus spread. I was simply talking about social fatigue and resistance over taking the strong measures that would be required if a new pandemic hit….zombie or otherwise.
  3. I see the Covid pandemic as the perfect pre-cursor to a global zombie pandemic having already caused the world to feel "quarantine fatigue". If a brand new epidemic sprang up today I doubt we would even have toilet paper shortages and an even larger percentage would just say no thank you to "stay in place and shelter" policies. With the population resistant to going back to the policies of 2020 and nobody wanting to do distance learning again for school and all the small businesses who barely made it through to the end of 2021 absolutely refusing to shut down again, I could see a fast spreading virus take much of the world before people resigned themselves to go back to a Covid 2020 lifestyle. We all know someone who still acts like its 2020... they will be the ones who live the longest-- especially if they also happen to be Preppers as well...haha
  4. Well the game IS early access after all. "Alpha" I've heard it called sometimes....
  5. I think this thread has run its course and we don't need to pile on the guy. There are a ton of great games and no one game is going to hold anyone's attention forever. When it's time to move on it's time and that will be different for all. There's nothing wrong with no longer enjoying a video game.
  6. Most of those guys came to terms with that a long time ago.
  7. I’m not Rekt…lol. He wishes he was me.
  8. You think you are safe by not discussing survival horror? That's the forum equivalent of splitting up to cover more ground. Matt will pop up when least expected and take everyone out one by one. OMG, I'm the old coot that gives the warnings that nobody listens to. It's going to happen all over again....
  9. True horror is thinking you can best Matt in a conversation about horror....
  10. They would've let us reach through and unlock the door from the other side but that would've required a redesign of all POIs so we've still got to break them all the way to get through.... /s
  11. Wait….you loot?!? I kid, I kid. The loot tables have been changed. There are still bones and rotten flesh to be sure but also potatoes, corn, various seeds, corn meal, murky water, magazines and more that isn’t coming mind.
  12. Someone forgetting that they could just craft glue isn’t a problem associated with looting. It is simply a sign that the player is inexperienced. And Paradise got my point exactly. Containers have much more useful things in them now that empty jars no longer exist in the loot tables. My comment had nothing to do with inventory management and nothing to do with what some player may or may not remember about the game. The alteration of the loot tables will affect all players— even non-looters because of what your buddies will be bringing home for you instead of one big stack of 125 bottles.
  13. Some good guesses and one very very very good solution by Uncle AI. My clue does reference a character in the Hunger Games and in particular something he did "in" the 75th Hunger Games and it does signify changes to a weapon we use in our game that he used in that game-- which Uncle AI pretty much hit squarely on the head. Needless to say, if you ever thought the spear was lackluster and wished it did a bit more damage plus a power thrust rather than a throwing attack you will be happy. If you only played the game because throwing the spear was one of the core elements of the game for you....I guess let's get #speargate started....
  14. Could you give me an example of a particular POI/Quest where you know for a fact this is happening? I would love to play through one that you are absolutely certain is full of "ambush volumes" and test some of the stealth tactics that have been discussed over and over and over in these forums. If I get the same result as you and witness that stealth is useless in that POI then I will personally lay out the issues to the level design team and ask why they are making stealth impossible. You mean like how they haven't fulfilled half of their promises in that video in which almost all promises save a few are fully fulfilled....? It's a load of hooey. I still play nomad and I still build underground and I still use stealth. It's tougher and there are more risks and failure is a possibility to which you must react and come back from but I see no restriction of freedom. I just don't see this. I play the game largely like I always have since Alpha 5 when the game was introduced. Some people even ignore traders and are STILL able to play for that classic back in the day feel before we had traders. Its just plain silly to say that freedom and choice is being taken away. I will say that if all you care about is the most efficient speediest path to progress then, yes, you are limited to the only one best way to play to maximize your xp gains but that limiting factor has always been present for those who only care about getting to the end of the game as quickly as they can. That is their choice to ignore all other ways of playing. Yeah, so what? IF you enjoy stealth gameplay then play stealth and slow down and take your time and have fun with it . Who cares if it means you will max out all your skills and get to top level a couple of weeks or months later than someone else who uses a machine gun all the time? If efficiency is your goal then just let stealth go. Its not your thing. Me too. Thank you TFP. Cool. Good strategy. Don't be so mad about it. If you love mods then play mods and be happy. The existence of mods is all part of the plan. You're doing it right by moving on from vanilla and playing mods. We don't see it as a betrayal of vanilla. Why do you care? You don't play vanilla. If the stuff you like exists in mods then play mods. It truly is okay.
  15. So....a name change is in order then? Time will tell if your pile is actually a pile of any consequence. Their next game is going to be an instabuy for what I think will be a huuuuuuuge pile of people. I'm betting that even many like you who don't like the developer and staff and are angry now about development decisions will feel the FOMO big time when their next game is revealed and positive reviews start coming in. Just....please wait for the full release of their next game before you give in and get it. Sorry your experience with this game has been so poor. It isn't just me and my bias that likes 7 Days to Die and is happy with its direction. Most ratings by independent people are very positive and that is after much greater and more controversial changes than anything we will see in A21. True. The entirety of the community can't ever seem to decide what the entirety wants. We keep waiting to hear from the entirety on even just one thing and so far all we ever get are individuals who all say they want different things. Come on Entirety! Get your act together and answer our summons!!
  16. No-nonsense answer is that there does seem to be more glue and duct tape in loot. With bottles gone you actually get more useful items. When I was watching the streams during the Twitchcon I noticed how often they were finding empty bottles in loot and it was just laughable to me how much those things clogged up the loot tables pre-A21. You aren't going to have stacks of glue or duct tape by any means just from looting around but there does seem to me to be a bit more of those and more seeds and raw vegetables as well.
  17. Could possibly be that the chest fell out of the world.
  18. Perhaps you have not had the pleasure of discussing stealth with anyone of the “if it doesn’t work 100% of the time then it’s completely worthless” mindset…
  19. No one wants to talk about the details more than me but alas I cannot. Maybe if someone could figure out what 7 Brutus Denied 5 means I could work up something new...
  20. Smart. But get in line behind me who thinks they should just change one phrase in the game...." Sealed Crate". Oh, to erase the whines of those who hate finding stone tools and pipe weapons in their factory sealed Shotgun Messiah crates I would ask them to delay whatever is necessary to make this change.
  21. Everyone gets the stealth bonus damage regardless of whether they perk into stealth. If you are crouched and the zombie isn't aware of you then you get the bonus. On horde night, the zombies historically have always been aware of the player and their attention never wavered. Recently, though, faatal added in the destruction mode that zombies can fall into which means they obviously are unaware of you. Also it may be that if they are targeting a different player then the stealth bonus might apply. If you do perk into stealth that bonus can become crazy powerful so perhaps there is use for a stealth player in the group to crouch and pick targets that are in destruction mode or focused on other players rather than shooting those directly coming for them. In single player it would only be useful for those in destruction mode. If it is all true of course and not just some random glitch that sometimes works but other times doesnt.... That might count as a honeypot type of attractor although I don't know how intentionally conceived that configuration might be by the developers...haha. But I'm thinking what they originally meant in the video was something that could be crafted and thrown like a rock but perhaps with more powerful results or easily placed and left and it would work which you can't do with rocks. Something a bit more mobile that might be useful while exploring more than your very stationary and permanent installation... But that's cool for sure!
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