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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Absolutely agree that TFP should continue to optimize and do what they can within the constraints of getting this game finished. I’m certain they will continue to find ways to get better performance especially once the game is feature complete
  2. Easy fix. Don't use the ultra preset. Turn down various settings until you reach the point of optimal gameplay performance for acceptable graphics. For high-end machines good performance can be achieved long before turning down the graphics makes the game unpleasant to play. I don't have nearly what would be considered top of the line and the game plays great and the graphics are definitely good enough to be enjoyable. There has to be a line drawn somewhere so they can get the game released. Those who buy games for top visuals over gameplay should probably steer clear of this game. It is a voxel world and is never going to be able to compete visually with games that are non-voxel. Just the fact that people who play the game often don't realize that the game is voxel is testament to how graphically advanced the game is for this type of game. For people who care more about gameplay than visuals this game works perfectly well since they will be willing to turn down the visuals in favor of performance and not get heart palpatations that their visuals aren't as ultra as they are for other games. Nice. I guess the level of discourse you always expect in others doesn't apply to yourself. I'm not even sure what you are saying here. What does Wtf mean other than what it actually stands for? What is the opinion you are trying to convey? That the developers are being lazy? stingy? Are you expressing confusion about why they aren't putting work into this area? Like all projects of this magnitude they must allocate resources and work to the areas they deem it best. They are putting work in but just not into this area for reasons already clearly explained by faatal and reiterated by myself. If your wtf somehow means something beyond what I've tried to guess, maybe you can put some actual words into your question rather than a silly acronym. The answer is simple. The people with higher end gaming machines can play with this product without the lag fest simply by turning down the settings until they reach the appropriate level for good gameplay. Their visuals will be better than those with lower end machines but TFP can't be held responsible for people who mistakenly think that they can just hit the Ultra presets button for every single game in their library and get the same exact results for every game. That's why the game offers custom settings so that adjustments can be made until the game plays great. I've found that mix of settings for my rig and with a midrange machine I'm confident that those with high range machines will be able to find it as well. I experience very little lag and my visuals are plenty good enough to be able to play and enjoy the world. They are not as good as videos and streams I see of others playing but I'm enjoying my experience. People just are uninformed about voxel vs non-voxel games. Among games that are 100% destructible and include block by block building and every structure in the world can be entered, explored, and modified by the player, 7 Days to Die continually exceeds expectations of those who are informed. It stacks up well with any other similar game. TFP is proud of what they have accomplished graphically and rightfully so. Optimizations continue and soon all optimizations will stop being for the purpose of adding new performance costly features to the game and be purely for making the finished product run better. There will always be people who are snobbish about their visuals in the games they play and who will turn their nose up at 7 Days to Die and not be convinced that it is worth playing because they can't get past how it looks. Even if TFP utilized more threads it would still be so.
  3. Recently I've been wondering why when people are told, "No", they think that it was done without even considering the question. You should give up on it, btw, but not because TFP will never consider it. They have considered it, researched it, weighed it, cost-analyzed it, discussed and debated it, and then said, "No". It may have seemed like an immediate "No" from when you asked the question but the reason for that is that the possibility occurred to them long before you asked the question. It wasn't as if you asking the question brought the concept to their awareness for the very first time. They have had a long long time to figure out what works best for their goals and business. It was a very well considered "No".
  4. I don't know. Sometime in 2022 hopefully and we are quickly running out of months.
  5. You should just keep going and create a new base. At your gamestage you'll find great stuff to replace what you had in no time. You're going to have to start over again when A21 hits so don't do it yet. Keep this one going until A21 drops.
  6. Punishing these actions would be unfair to Snowdog.
  7. I remember that Halloween when we carved pumpkins and only had to clean out one seed from each pumpkin said nobody ever.
  8. A21 will have HDRP in the sense of How Dew Really Perpetuates. Small comfort I know.
  9. I think this is pretty easily modded. If I recall correctly loot containers have a value called "count" that dictates how many of their slots will be filled with loot. I think if you just increase that value then you should get a larger variety of loot from the table that governs that container. I think you can even go super crazy by editing the lines to count = "all" which will fill every slot of a container with loot.
  10. Let me tell you about the time I saved a pastrami sandwich. I had just crossed the Idaho/Canadian border with my pal, Reuben, and I was feeling a bit Rye....
  11. Roland


    If you buy it during the next Steam sale you can see it about 90% done for about $8. I wouldn't wait for the 10-year anniversary to see it if I were you. 90% now is definitely worth it.
  12. The game is still under development. So, yes, the developer is currently doing something about it but they are also doing a lot of other somethings as well. But optimization is definitely one of their priorities.
  13. I guess that's true but at a convention you want to generate excitement and nothing would be more exciting that showing the new twitch integration with the upcoming A21. Just assuming we want a cool booth instead of a lame booth.
  14. nothing goes on the list this time until it has been confirmed implemented by a developer. The list is a feature confirmation list instead of a feature road map. They are working on bandits and making progress and bandits are still planned for A21. But they haven’t been officially revealed as implemented and functioning in game. Welcome back Bach. We don’t yet have dates for the dev streams let alone the streamer weekend. Hopefully coming soon. October 7th is Twitch Con and TFP is participating and planning to show new A21 Twitch integration gameplay which means there may be other stuff revealed at that time as well. Could be that the dev streams will follow soon after that event and then the streamer weekend and experimental release. We should know more after October 7-9.
  15. What's wrong with chimpanzees...? The solution is to either prevent airdrops from falling into deep water or make swimming an enjoyable part of the game that makes getting submerged airdrops a fun objective. Thankfully, A21 is going to go with the second idea. Moving through water has never ever been enjoyable or even really functional-- until now. (Now being A21) Player swimming finally made it to the top of faatal's priority list.
  16. Letting people at the con play A21 first?!?! What about all the rest of us? I've been cosplaying the naked zombie guy since 2013. Where's my free graphics card?
  17. The potential flaw in the design that I was talking about was allowing a simple convenient way to backup a save file at any moment from within the game. It would defeat one of the game's primary designs of overwriting itself every few seconds in order to make player choices meaningful and permanent. As soon as there is a backup save button accessible within the game, that is the end of permanent consequences to choices and bad luck. Coming back from setbacks is a huge part of the game and as soon as you provide a do over then every mistake is a Mullagan. I was not saying that the current situation is a design flaw. I do think redundancies to allow the player to reload a recent save in the rare case of a save file corruption is a good idea and I'm all for giving players a warning to make their own backups periodically. But that process needs to be done outside of the game. The player needs to log off and create the backup from outside of the game. Again, I was here referring to the issue of protecting the permanency of decisions and not creating a do-over button. It isn't simple because there are probably many players that would want that button even if it was detrimental to the overall fun of making meaningful and irrevokable choices. If TFP makes a method that is under the control of the player then they have to be careful about how convenient they make the process. If you feel that putting a warning or tip (either to make a manual backup or change the save location) in the loading screen is a good enough simple solution to the problem then I'm all for that.
  18. I'd say that you don't have to be the one who looks for the root of the problem by sifting through code. Simply report it in the bug report forum and one of the QA guys will look for what is going on and create a ticket to get it fixed if necessary. But reports are for when the game isn't behaving in the way you think it should be behaving. In fact, there is a section where you describe the way it should be behaving. I agree that what you describe doesn't sound right. Either there should be descriptions that support 74% or the stamina penalty shouldn't hit until 50% like the current descriptions indicate. Good enough to report, imo. Just make sure you don't have a mod installed since some mods make the game tougher and there might be one that changes the penalty to start at 74% instead of 50%.
  19. Oh I don't think. I know. The numbers don't lie.
  20. I was just poking fun at those who don’t like it.
  21. As far as I know they will just continue balancing and adjusting the current food system until they get it where they want it. A21 seems to have fewer canned food in loot and more seeds which should push players to grow their own food more. But you can still hunt for plenty of meat. Lowering the loot % seems to have a much more dramatic effect on progression speed and survivability in A21.
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