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Everything posted by Roland

  1. That happened in the pants during that moment when we hit the river bank and flew over the embankment.
  2. Well it’s been this way for a couple of alphas now so there was a big discussion at the time when it was implemented. The game reason was that there needs to be an ongoing food drain into the late game since there is no spoilage. The thematic reason is that by driving crazy fast over the rough uneven terrain you actually would be using quite a bit of core strength to keep yourself stabilized in your vehicle. The world we drive in in the game world is quite a bit different than the world you drive in. I’m sure you don’t burn any stamina clicking on your cruise control. But try 4 wheeling in a river bed for a couple of hours and you might be ready for a big meal…and some Tylenol.
  3. Nobody working on 7 Days to Die is tied up with the new title. The new title is still mostly conceptual art and Unreal engine tests and meetings which involve people hired to do those things for that project. In addition, the 7 Days to Die team has grown as well for the final push to full release so.....prolly not.
  4. Unofficially before the end of the year. That has been the goal. We'll see. Alpha 17 still holds the record for longest development time. A21 involves a lot of polishing and standardizing which takes a lot of time. There are some things not listed on the first page that will be in A21. As soon as a developer reveals something new it will be added.
  5. There are no overlapping trees. Each tool or weapon is unique to a particular category. Just like any attempt to organize, there will be disputations about the appropriateness of assigning this or that to any particular category and some will be bothered that a tool is in this tree rather than that tree. But, regardless, everything is only in a single category and will only be advanced by reading one magazine type.
  6. If it is on realtime then everyone always eats and drinks at the same rate no matter how long their days are. It is neither harder or easier. The only weirdness is that you end up eating multiple times in a day which feels strange if you play 120 minute days. But that is just an illusion. Realtime timers affect everyone the same. If I have to eat every 2 hours of realtime play then so do you and whether that translates to 7pm for me or 11am for you is immaterial. Stamina use burns food as does cold weather. So yes running around or pushing the acceleration on vehicles burns food.
  7. I could be wrong again but I think hunger and thirst are not connected to game time. So you have to eat and drink just as often no matter what setting you choose. Of course that is modified by whether you are burning stamina or suffering from a cold climate but the unmodified rate is the same. Your fullness and hydration bars stick at 100% while a timer counts down from whatever value over 100 your food or drink raised your fullness or hydration. It means that you don't have to wait to eat a stew because you're afraid you'll lose the extra. Just eat it and you get credit for the extra.
  8. Well I asked and you are 100% right and I was completely wrong. I have to say I am shocked. All of you 120 minute day players are going to have sloooooooooow collectors…lol.
  9. Yes, this too. Any time you are trying to hover the status bar at one point you are going to have to constantly maintain that hover. hmmm...maybe I better look at the code or test 5 minute days.
  10. This brings up a good point. Some players let their meters fall to the point where they first get penalized and then eat/drink to fill up and they don’t feel like they are having to eat/drink all the time. Others can’t stand to see anything less than a full meter so they are constantly eating to maintain meters at 100%. This is also something people don’t usually disclose when they complain about how often the game requires them to eat and drink. I’m not an extreme advocate for shorter days but I do enjoy doing a playthrough from time to time at 30 or 40 minute days. I love the time pressure and the more realistic representation of how much work I would be able to get done in an actual day. Fewer daily quests are possible and often you get caught in the middle of one at day’s end which makes for a spicy ending and return trip. For that reason I never play at settings longer than the default because of how cheesy it feels to me having so much time to prepare for horde night. Sure, horde night itself is shorter but in my experience most base designs by experienced players can easily repell a horde whether it last 30 minutes or 2 hours or 4 hours. This is especially true if you have given yourself soooooo much extra time to be able to over design your base for the first horde. My horde nights are shorter, true, but I’m also not gorging myself on XP and loot bags like someone who is playing a two hour horde night is. I get fewer rewards and less time to repair and prepare for the next one. My horde nights are shorter but still exciting and just as it starts to feel a bit monotonous the sun comes up and it ends. Hmmm…..maybe I am a strong advocate for shorter days. 🤪
  11. What gave you the impression that they don’t? I’m pretty sure every timer in the game is real time based and not game time based. At least I can’t think of one that isn’t. Without looking at the dew collector code I’m 99% certain it is on a real-time timer rather than the water appearing at say 10pm every day. As far as I know. It is basically the twitch integration system that allows viewers to cause encounters to happen to the streamer. They just need to write a manager that will be able to randomly trigger those events during the game. Hopefully none of the silly twitch events though… Of course, this all depends on whether they have time to do it. It is also very possible this game only gets the twitch integration and the next game ends up with the random encounter manager….
  12. You're assuming that all the meat that went into the cook pot came out of the cook pot. I always felt like the early game food preparation (including harvesting) abstracts a lot of waste and plenty of charring that must be scraped off using rudimentary tools and having rudimentary experience with cooking. As I mentioned, it does fill you up for at least 6-8 hours of game time if you play on the 40-minute days setting. The longer day settings are going to make it feel less true to life because hydration and fullness are on realtime timers so that with 40-minute days you get a meal lasting most of your game day whereas with 120 minute days you'll need as many meals as a hobbit.
  13. Well the good news is that you will still find mags of the type that you’ve already completed so you can still gift them and sell them. The bonus drops off but that doesn’t mean you won’t still find them as often as any other title. As for having to wait for someone to make something you can’t for you, what do people do now? Do people use up skill points to duplicate what teammates have already done just to not have to wait for them to be online? In our group the high level crafter makes a bunch and sticks them in a chest. The problem here is that nobody disclosed how long they’ve modified their days to be. Personally, I think the rate of hunger and dehydration fit best with 40 minute days but are not particularly unbalanced with the default 60 minute days. Anyone who complains about how much food and water they have to consume daily while playing 120 or longer days isn’t being mindful of how ridiculously easy the game would become if hunger and thirst were dilated to match the time dilation while the player’s ability to move and act and get things done all remains the same.
  14. There is nothing like the A21 mags in A20. Skill in using a weapon is attached to the perk bought by the player and not infused into the tool itself. If I can make a level 5 tool and give it to a player it will be just like as if they found a level 5 tool in loot. Their skill with that tool will depend on their own perk level and not mine.
  15. The bonus doesn’t make it rain and pour down magazines of your chosen perk. It primarily ensures that you’ll never find yourself perked heavily into something and never not find the mags for that perk. If you want to hover at the penultimate magazine and forego the ability to craft the blue version of the highest tier item in that tree then go ahead. I can’t imagine myself feeling an incentive to not have the best weapon I can possibly craft in the game just so that I can continue to find a particular magazine I no longer need at an almost imperceptibly higher rate than all the other magazines. As for giving extra copies to others…why? You can already craft the best. They don’t need the recipes unlocked since they have you. Just craft them one of whatever you can do that they can’t. There isn’t really a need for multiple people to be able to craft the same best things. Mags don’t give any skill benefits. They are purely unlocks for crafting recipes.
  16. Let's bring this conversation to a close now while it is still pretty benign. We don't allow political discussions because they are off topic and quickly become toxic. A request was made and an answer given and that is it. Done.
  17. Sadly I'm not involved and I don't know. The promos mention showing new A21 twitch features and that is probably what we should let live in our expectations and no more. Someone already mentioned that Lathan has been showing A21 twitch stuff in his A20 build he plays on Twitch so it is possible they may not even show actual A21 footage in order to show off the new twitch features. Let's expect that and then be surprised if it is more than that. Only as a mod. Its a definite no for the vanilla game. They already dipped their toe into the idea of having tamable dogs but it was acid so they recoiled and went with the drone instead. Sorry, but the drone is the fallback position and not the initial foray. The vultures are all zombies. They aren't represented as living actual vultures. I only say this because we get a lot of feedback from people complaining that the vultures don't really behave like real vultures. We know. They're Zombie Vultures. Going along with this notion they cannot be tamed because their overriding compulsion is to eat you. Not even THIS would work...
  18. I suggested this very thing to the devs. Agreed that higher stack sizes of water make sense with jars gone and crafting needs changed.
  19. Consistency and uniformity of rules within a game are actually a worthy cause for making changes. I’m only one person but can report from personal experience that after an initial shock that jars were gone and that I needed to adjust my water gathering strategy, I haven’t missed them at all in exactly the same way I don’t miss gas cans, stew bowls, oil bottles, and acid jugs. In my opinion, thirst management is much more interesting now—not necessarily harder but more interesting and because of that more fun. Your mileage may vary but as far as I can tell the removal of jars has been net positive. It has given murky water an actual presence in the game beyond being a glue component. Now it is part of the hydration game because it isn’t such a trivial hydration source to skip over. I’ve hD to deal with dysentery more in the past few months than I have in years. The dysentery icon was one of the originals in the game and at one time it was the only critical injury there was and yet because of jars it never showed up ever in any play through. When would I ever have had to drink murky water pre A21? I’d like to see more critical injuries and not less but jars had basically removed dysentery from the game.
  20. Absolutely! When I think of you, I totally get the "fair compensation for work done" vibe. Hope your dreams come to fruition as I'm always interested in great new games
  21. This was the owners' initial response when I gave them a heads up about this request. They said there are many meanings for the word master and they aren't using the meaning that relates to slavery. At least for now they are not planning to rename "master" wherever it appears in the code. Perhaps they will for their next game if they begin with an alternate word from the beginning of development since they are at least now aware of the request. Be assured, they were not at all of the attitude that they would keep instances of "master" in the code as some kind of anti-woke obstinacy-- they just have much higher priorities at the moment and were frankly surprised that anyone who looked at the code and saw the context in which the word was being used would even make a connection to slavery and feel offended.
  22. You still should despite his views. They are masterfully done…
  23. Started from one seed. Check Only used LotL 1. Check Built up a successful farm. Check Floats in water and weighs the same as a duck. Check Mega's a witch!
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