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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Can I get an @Guppycur translation on this?
  2. I think it is more defined as activities that carry a risk. Building and mining are considered lower risk activities since looting has been designed to have zombies seeded around the containers. It isn’t really the pressing E part of it at all.
  3. They DID choose a modular system for zombies and had to abandon it due to performance issues. I just have to point out that a lot of their constraints are due to the world being voxel but diehard critics are gonna hate me for pointing that out either way...
  4. I may be projecting from my own experience but I’m usually oblivious of such detail and I wonder if the vast majority of players are oblivious as well. When I’m playing I’m only looking at the vehicles as I harvest or loot them and 90% of my attention is on the timer that is counting down and the nearby zombie that is approaching. I see a partially rusted vehicle in front of me and that is the extent of my awareness. It doesn’t register that there should only be rust spots where the paint peeled away. I’m not peeking in the windows to see the interior. None of that matters in the least to me. I bring this up because if most players are more like me, then I think it would be a bad idea for TFP to go redo the car models. They are definitely good enough and visually much better than the props we had in the past. I can stand by you and say, “It’s too bad the art team didn’t create the models with the level of realism you describe in mind because that would have been even better than what we have” but the level of realism the game currently has with respect to how cars actually rust is going to be sufficient for most players I suspect.
  5. The only issue I see with that is that a lot of times the game can still be loaded with a corrupted file. So the player sees their stuff is all gone and it’s day 1 and they are a beginning character again so they log off and the game overwrites their last backup with the new backup.
  6. I tried that once and felt the answer I got was that I should go help my neighbor more instead of playing video games so much. So…I stopped praying for video games.
  7. I'm super interested in getting a generation 3+. From what I've read and watched so far, early adopting the deck is a big "Nope!" for me.
  8. Possibly proportional to the number of spotlights installed... (gotcha Amish!)
  9. There is a mod launcher tool created by one of our members that makes the process very very easy. If you are interested, go to this link: There are a couple of tutorial videos you can watch to help you get it installed and using it and they are posted right there where that link takes you. Makes the process pretty simple.
  10. Oh yeah, Mr Pessimistic? I'll say they are 99.99% unlikey to add any new ammo types or guns at this point and I'll give a flame weapon a 0.01% chance of happening before release. You're welcome everybody!
  11. 100% pathing is the reason. They had models for a companion dog but scrapped it when they started looking seriously at implementation due to the nightmare of pathing. The drone floats above and so 99% of pathing issues are solved right away. It really was a no-brainer especially since it was a (forgive the pun) a pet project and not even one of the original goals or stretch goals.
  12. I assume you are estimating the percentages but yes, it is intended that not all zombies will be able to successfully path to you but that there will be a degree of randomness of some stopping their pathing and going into area destruction mode. If you damage them it will usually switch them back to pathing towards you.
  13. Are you saying there was a wall with resources on it that you could just take rather than going out and mine for it and this mod was done to preserve the world from becoming swiss cheese?
  14. This has been stated several times now. You aren't shocking anyone. Khaine, himself, weighed in and gave his feedback based on his experience developing this aspect of his mod. I'm super interested to see if TFP ultimately follows in his footsteps even further or if their version of it will avoid the pitfalls Khaine ran into or if they will come up with some different solution if one is needed. At any rate, we are all pretty well informed around here but maybe you can get some gasps and sputters on Facebook or reddit....
  15. I guess my argument boils down to the idea that your experience is not universal. The game is currently playable by a lot of people with a wide range of specs. We can’t know the settings and circumstances that everyone is using that makes the game unplayable to them but I will concede that the game may not be playable for you. I think we both agree that it isn’t ready yet and needs more work. heh…people weren’t attacking him for his actual game related complaint. It’s nice of you to back him up though. I’m always happy to see kindness in the forum. And why is that? I was talking about the dev diary and not this thread. My reply to you was moved here as well. It isn’t the place to look for patch notes. They aren’t listed there. The list at the start is a confirmed features list and not a change log. Optimizations aren’t going to be listed there and neither are bug fixes that have happened. It is simply a list of confirmed features and changes relating to gameplay or content. As I said if you want patch notes then look at the patch note report for each version once it releases. A21 patch notes with bug fixes and optimization changes won’t be listed until A21 experimental is released. The most recent patch notes we have are for A20.6 and they are in the A20.6 Stable thread
  16. I'll just say that @faatal has been busy in a very exciting way and if he cares to comment about what he has been doing lately I'd be happy to add something to front page.
  17. As I said, there will always be people that claim the game is unplayable for them even after it is released. I wasn't taking issue with your claim that the game is unplayable by your own standards. I'm sure it is. I have no idea what all your settings are. Have you turned up the number of zombies alive at one time from the default of 8 to higher than that? Maybe that is part of the cause for such low framerates on horde night. But I don't know. My point was that the game is not going to be much different than it is generally after it releases. Release day is not going to be some huge miraculous turning point. I'm sure they will continue to find optimizations and make gains in performance but there will be negative reviews after release that the game is not playable from perspective and expectations of some people. That is guaranteed. Regardless, the game has been and is being played for thousands of hours by thousands of people, hence my remark that it is already currently playable-- from a general perspective and not necessarily from any one person's perspective. You, personally, may feel that the game is not playable by your own standards and in that sense I can't argue with that for you. I wasn't comparing Minecraft to this game on graphics or time spent in early access. My entire point was that Minecraft today from a playability standpoint is not a whole lot different than it was before it was released. On the day it released there was not some kind of quantum jump in performance and graphics over what it had been before it was released. Maybe I'll be wrong and one of the programmers will find that secret key to turn that will change everything. I'll be glad to be wrong in that case. I just think its best to keep expectations realistic. Every game I have followed that came out of early access had plenty of bad reviews from people who thought that Day 1 of official release was going to mean something grander and more glorious than it turned out to be and quite a few who actually accused the developers of failing to actually finish the game that they were now calling finished. Heck, we already get that now with people who get hung up on the phrase "stable branch" and what their personal expectations of that would be. Interesting. My final paragraph had nothing to do with people complaining. It had to do with people's expectations and was a warning to not let them become unrealistically too high. Again, maybe I'm wrong and we will all be pleasantly surprised at the huge difference that the 1.0 designation will make. I have no issue with you complaining about 15 fps on horde night. You should complain about that. My post was not in any way trying to shame or dissuade people for complaining about their issues let alone trying to lump all people who have various complaints into the same type of complainer. Patch notes won't be released for A21 until experimental releases. They won't be posted in this thread in any case. There are patch notes listed for each of the 20.x updates in their relative threads that you can peruse although major optimizations that are risky to save games are not going to show up until the next major update anyway.
  18. You said some other things I was tempted to respond to but this took the cake so I’ll limit my response to this. The game is already playable and has been playable for 9 years now. I’m just not sure what magical switch people are thinking is going to get flipped in the game when the devs say, “Okay, it’s now 1.0 so let’s remove the Early Access label. Full release is here” You know, I played Minecraft during its open beta while it was in early access and it played pretty much the same after its “Full release” as it did before. In fact, it still does. Yes, it has gotten quite a bit of new content since it released officially but it still plays pretty much the same. In other words, there really isn’t much of a reason to want the devs to say, “We’re done” as long as they are continually working on it. I have yet to see any released game by any studio that doesn’t have people with high end machines complaining about the the difference between reality and their expectations. When this game releases the oceans aren’t going to rise a bit, the lights in your house aren’t going to dim for a second or two. The game will largely be exactly the same as we have and there will be folks complaining that they are experiencing bugs and that they get drops in performance because that is the case for every single game out there. The game is playable now. Because it’s a looter shooter. Duh! btw…. 7 Brutus Denied 5
  19. Whether it's cheesy or not pales before this important fact:
  20. Anything is possible I guess but what you describe isn't very probable with these developers. They built their game with the intention that people would modify it and change it and this can include making it into a large population multiplayer game. Just as they aren't suddenly going to make their sequel into Darkness Falls they aren't going to change it into a Rust clone just because it is a popular way of playing the game. The important thing is that the devs don't see it as an assault on the game they are creating. They have no problem with people stretching the game to fit how they want to play whenever possible. There is no animosity or intentional efforts from the dev side to stop people from doing large population servers. Hopefully, once they are done working on the netcode such servers will be possible again.
  21. The yucca juice recipe requires water now.
  22. You tagged the right person so he should see it regardless of the thread moving on. I’ll let him know someone asked him a question.
  23. This would need to be tested. I think it would make a great bug report. There is a difference between playing on a game that has been modified to work with 40 people but doesn’t run very well when only eight are online and a game that is vanilla and eight are online. Does the vanilla game with eight players have the same problem? If so, then it is a bug and should be reported. Using the bug report utility to bring up issues with the supported number of players is going to get more traction for netcode fixes because TFP are certainly obligated to fix what they claim to support and we are definitely entitled to a game that works with what is advertised as a default function of the game. Testing the unmodified 8-player game and submitting bug reports for issues in that may very well be the path to improvements that might allow large player servers to be possible again.
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