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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Let's see who can find me a link to a good cookie image with transparent background and I'll change it to the best one. Cookie Contest begins now.
  2. I actually moved your original post here because I thought it was just a general discussion starter. I moved it back and added an @madmole tag to it so that it would be more apparent-- but you should know that the devs respond better to sincere questions rather than long texts. So, best is to ask a question on one subject per post instead of three and be brief in your own feedback regarding the issue. So, for example, your first issue could be its own post where you simply ask if the letterman jacket boost of 10% speed will be preserved in the new outfit model because that benefit really adds to melee combat. Then your next issue could be a separate post where you ask if there will be any more work on zombie animations-- in particular reaction animations to getting hit in melee attacks. Finally, you could ask if there are more candies planned along with stating your opinion that the falling damage candy seems out of place with absolutely no connection to reality. The devs like to answer questions. Feedback and opinion pieces they tend to read but not necessarily respond to other than to just say, "thanks for your opinion"
  3. Can someone name one game option that exists in the registry that the OP might be talking about needing to go there to change? I’m trying to understand their complaint and am coming up short.
  4. ...with the intent to generate unauthorized copies of the game or pass off official content as your own or your own content as an official part of 7 Days to Die. You can mod the game files to create a modified version of the game as long as you offer your content free of charge, identify it as a mod to the base game, and don’t create a mod that is “stand alone”. As long as people still need to purchase the authorized game to play your mod there is no problem. Be aware that you also agree that all derivative work you do becomes the property of The Fun Pimps if they choose to exercise that option. Though...if they wanted your work that badly they would probably just hire you... 😜 In a world where people tend to ask for forgiveness rather than permission...thanks!
  5. Which settings are you referring to that can only be changed in the registry?
  6. I think you should scrap the brass before smelting it if you are tempted to sit and watch a timer for five minutes. Either put ten candlesticks in and go do something else and come back or scrap everything and take the penalty so you don’t have to babysit. I scrap everything for inventory space and so I can load it all in to the forge at once and I have plenty of brass. There is way more brass and ammo to be found in A19 than ever before.
  7. Why is it Hugh and not Hue? Because he’s so off color....
  8. Welcome Vav and Shown. Now, do something!
  9. Bambi's mom's name is in the credits. Its Barbie. Barbie Que. btw... Ever since playing Valheim I'm so grateful that deer don't make any vocalizations in 7 Days.....
  10. Instead of testing it with a mod, just go into god mode and you will see the hp bar for any zombie you are looking at. Then you can easily see the dps happening from bleed and the waters aren't getting muddied with any mods. Yeah, yeah...the mod may not affect anything blah blah blah but nobody on the QA team will take your test seriously if you have mods installed. So use the simple debug mode and keep it vanilla.
  11. Any project that is being edited for its final version typically has more cut than added. The process is usually tougher on the creator more than anyone but any competent designer whether it is a game, a movie, an essay, a book, or a work of art knows the value of cutting away the bloat and chaff and simplify their project to a high functioning lean product. Hey, I love extended versions of movies and also wonder about all those deleted scenes and why they had to be cut in the first place and I also enjoyed many aspects of 7 Days to Die that ended up on the cutting room floor. But it is standard procedure for any creative process. The devs have to make the hard choices and we may not like it but we have to at least understand the principle. The game has reached higher popularity than ever before and longer sustained player base than any previous version so they must not be doing it all wrong. Sure, new players don't know all the goodies they are now missing but it also shows that the game still has legs and is still fun and addictive and engaging and the whole point of being in Early Access is to be able to have experienced all those past versions and have fond memories. Yes, new players could opt in to earlier versions to try them out but it isn't the same going backwards as it is experiencing the journey as it happened. That is something to be grateful for and if you are the type who likes all the bloated scope and complex processes then for sure there will be mods that will add several steps to craft anything and double the number of workstations and triple the hoops to jump through to get anything done. That is exactly the purpose for mods: extra scope beyond that of the developers.
  12. @SylenThunder that announcement was made exactly five days ago if that helps clear up the confusion.
  13. @BioFringe just in case you missed this important announcement....
  14. I went from a 960 to a 1650 and it was night and day. It think the worst of the lot is going to be absolutely amazing if you are able to get your hands on it.
  15. I like it and wish it went further-- as in smaller backpacks with less slots to larger backpacks with more slots than we currently have. The whole point of it is to feel that sense of accomplishment once you have a vehicle and/or all slots cleared. I have played with mods that increase backpack size and/or clear all slots by spending one skill point in pack mule and those mods make the game feel much closer to creative mode to me. Same with the early game struggle to manage stamina. It might be annoying and we might wish to be able to do everything we want wearing whatever we want for as long as we want-- but the early game restriction that slowly eases up as your character progresses gives that sense of growth and when you can finally swing that sledgehammer without pooping out after only three swings, it feels good. IMO, better than just being able to always use a sledgehammer all day long uninterrupted from Day 1.
  16. Joel has plainly stated that much of the inspiration for the game has come from the Fallout series. Although...he also admitted to having a few Rust buddies as well.
  17. Now that I'm older, I won't mess with active volcanos. But all non-volcanic mountains and extinct volcanos are still on notice!
  18. Using the trader is completely voluntary. Cancel the initial tutorial quest and you won't be directed to a trader AND you also won't get the four free skill points. Only a millennial-lover would want to take those initial four skill points and wreck the pure survival experience....
  19. Exactly. Whereas if all you do is treat the game like a spreadsheet for leveling-up, then it really doesn’t matter whether you play this or Ark or Conan or Empyrion, or Valheim or....whatever else has character progression because then the various themes are just skins covering the same grind to get top gear and stats as quickly as possible from one game to the next.
  20. What I meant is that once you choose a tree you are not locked out of weapons and gear that belong to a different tree. If I focus on Agility, shotguns are never grayed out and no message pops up to tell me that my class isn't allowed to use such weapons and I'm not restricted from wearing heavy armor if I want to. It is more expensive to go broad instead of specialized but it isn't impossible to play even late game with a broader mix of skills. Sure, it is fun to progress with the intent of maxing out at least one weapon but it definitely is not a forced situation. This game let's players do whatever they want even if those actions lead to an unsatisfactory result. Banging on a gun safe with a stone axe was never the intention. It was meant for the player to mark the gun safe on their map and then come back to it with better gear but because it was allowed to happen players still did it spending a lot of time trying to get those safes open with stone axes. Then they would come on the forum and complain about the HP cost of the safe and claim that TFP was forcing them into unfun and grindy gameplay by making it so difficult to open the safes. Given, that was before the current loot progression. NOW players are griping that TFP is forcing them to ignore gun safes until later because they know there won't be anything good. In either case, the only person forcing anyone to do anything is that person restricting themselves. Which is fine. Play how you want. But if the way you are playing isn't satisfying then consider making a different choice.
  21. This attitude right here is what has turned the game into the unsatisfying grind that it is for you. How about forget about an iron tool and your knowledge that leveling up quickly will get you an iron tool sooner. Instead, try staying close to your spawn point and whatever closest POI you come to start fortifying it. Work on planting a garden and playing the game like a survival game. Don’t spend any perk points and don’t finish the trader quest portion of the tutorial quest chain until after your first bloodmoon. During that first week just explore around and loot any POIs you find without a quest. Clear the POIs as though you were actually searching for other survivors or any supplies you might come across. Don’t just use your meta knowledge to bee-line for the treasure room. Once you find the trader start doing quests but do them one per day like they are a job that takes a day to do. Use the equipment you have but if you can buy something better go for it. Start spending your skill points based on how you are playing the game rather than using your game mechanics knowledge to spend for the most efficient path. I can assure you they have not. This is a role playing game that doesn’t hold your hand with a story or lock you into a pre-defined class or dictate your objectives. You make your own story by living in the world and acting out each day’s activities. You create your own class by spending your points however you wish. You choose your own objectives and spend tour time doing what you want. That’s why the game is very susceptible to people who just want to grind for the sake of leveling up to get the top gear and max out their perks for no other reason than to acquire those things because that is an option. But that is player choice and the game does not have to be played that way. Joel doesn’t play it that way. The only people who think the game is purely a level grind are those who have reduced the gameplay to an abstract level up simulator and once they’ve found the one true path that most efficiently grinds out those level-ups they believe the game forces them to play only that way because to play sub optimally would be losing. No....it’s not how it’s supposed to go. But the devs don’t want to put in artificial limits on how often you do quests. Do one quest a day, max, by your own choice and mix in some exploring, building, crafting, mining, and farming. There are so many different activities that you can do to get the feeling of living in the world and making do with what you have. But if you don’t care for that then, sure, spam quest to grind out those level-ups and higher quest tiers, and double dip those POIs for double loot. But then don’t complain that the game doesn’t feel like a survival game since you’re choosing to play it as a level-up efficiency puzzle using all your outside knowledge of the game mechanics to work the system. It’s always fun if you change your focus to just living in the world and playing it as a survivor would instead of playing it as a gamer sitting at a terminal with knowledge and strategies gleaned from the internet on how to get to those iron tools as quickly as possible.
  22. I find gobs of useful stuff besides stone tools and weapons. I think you are too focused on efficiency and opportunity cost. Stop thinking about what you might find later if you just put off opening containers until you have a higher gamestage and work with what you can find now. You are simply playing the game as a grind to get your levels up higher as quickly as you can. That is your choice and there is no one forcing you to spam quest after quest. Also, the current state of the game is temporary. Whatever it feels like it has turned into for you, it will turn into something else in the future. The gamestaging is a WIP. But I will say that no matter what it turns into, if you decide to go meta in order to grind as quickly as you can up to higher levels, it isn't ever going to feel satsifying. In the past it was grinding through crafting and now it is grinding quests, and next there will be something to grind away at to efficiently and quickly increase in levels.
  23. Welcome to the forums. Being as how this topic is getting close to a year old and was dead for six months before you reignited it, I would think that the idea of the snow biome being a more difficult place would’ve sunk in by now. Don’t go there before you’re ready and the wildlife won’t be OP. Ever since they limited Pumas to the snow and Dire wolves to night, I haven’t died to either one.
  24. I found this posted from October so it is A19 but not sure if the map changed at all between the .x updates
  25. Ikr...? As a player I like the challenge of noticing the difference between hat and hair and am against this latest dumbing-down-simplification move.
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