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Everything posted by Roland

  1. The appropriate thing to do is to submit it as a bug (ie..you aren't getting the expected result) and let the QA guys let you know if it is behaving as designed or not. Developers don't have time to vet what goes in the bug reports. It is the QA guys' job to vet reports. So submit it if you're suspicious.
  2. Those tricky witches! That misdirection curse they cast at society about 100 years ago is still working.
  3. Seems like science fiction to me. Possibly near future tech. Now you've done it. You've attracted the attention of @Aldranon. Fly you fools!
  4. Sounds are only disgusting when playing on insane nightmare so... j/k bachy!!! XD
  5. Did a little correction here...unless the game and/or the forums were switched to a subscription model and nobody told me.
  6. I would never leave something as important as that up to guessing. When I want you to realize you're wrong about something I'm crystal clear.... Yes, I could have ignored all the extra stufff you added to your simple question but I figured that if you only wanted the simple question answered then you would have just asked that question alone and been satisfied. But you wanted me to know how much you hated the turd reaction emoji, and how wrong you felt it was to get information here second, and that you don't come around as often as you used to, etc. If you bring up more then you get more from me. I'm very accomodating that way.
  7. Nope. It is one of many outlets. Joel used to maintain his own blog where he gave info and we would share it on the forum. Then he stopped that and for awhile mostly posted here. Then they gravitated back to Twitter and Facebook once they started official pages for them. What differentiates this site from others is that the developers talk to the fans here. That isn’t happening anywhere else at present. If you don’t really care where it releases first but felt like there was some injustice done because you thought this forum was supposed to be the primary source, then be at ease. That was a mistaken assumption. There is not one single primary source that the devs care to restrict themselves to. Convenience, reach, simplicity. They know if they post it here, nobody will repost it to Facebook. They’ll have to post it both places. But if they post it to Facebook and Twitter it will get reposted everywhere. when you craft multiple items do you craft each one singly or do you max the number out to have it all craft at once without babysitting? The devs naturally flowed to process of least resistance and most efficiency. It’s not an intentional diss on fans or a snub to the readers of this site. They just chose the smarter plan. That’s why.
  8. nope. This one isn't so bad. I was just giving @FA_Q2 a hard time. I am curious how he found it as it must have been buried pretty far back.
  9. Why does it matter where it shows up first? <shrug> It gets here quickly and then there is discussion on it-- usually much better caliber of discussion than what you see on Facebook. If you care about seeing the news first more than the conversation that develops around the news then by all means go to FaceBook and enjoy having seen that picture a few minutes before someone else. Then, please enjoy all the comments there as well. It's perfectly okay if you are uninterested in this forum. Sounds like the knowledge that your eyeballs caught sight of the newest screenshot before someone else is what is most important to you. For others it might be that the devs respond here to questions which they don't on FaceBook. The turd icon has been gone for a couple of weeks. Sorry that it was offensive to you. It was always meant as a humorous reaction but we noticed more and more from some of our readers that they were taking it as something offensive so it was removed. So with that gone your only consideration is whether good conversation vs a 5 minute headstart on knowing stuff is most important to you.
  10. Meilo, whatever you’ve been eating for breakfast lately is interfering with your sarcasm impulse control. keep eating that @%$#!
  11. True fans comb the forums daily. You waited more than 2 weeks to answer. Where have you been? What have you been doing? Thanks for your feedback by the way. Everyone is always excited for the next update and want it to be done faster. Understandable. Now don't be a stranger. 1000hr in game + 1000hr in forum = truefan
  12. I won't let them do it here so they've got to have somewhere to go.
  13. His issue is that it makes a good part of a simple nerd pole to quickly escape wandering hordes that target you. He is exclusively talking about toughest difficulty with nightmare speed enemies. If you quickly nerdpole up three blocks with the LCB as the middle block you can kill the zombies while they beat on the LCB and because it has such a high HP you can kill them before they bring down your nerdpole. Then, you can just leave that LCB behind and simply craft a new one for the next encounter. Technically, it is a request to improve a perceived flaw but the scope of that flaw is very small. It is only relied upon by exploiters during the early game (because later they have an arsenal and don't need it) and really only tempting to use when playing on the absolute toughest difficulty settings (because at lower difficulty the ability to escape and/or manage multiple enemies at once is easier). Honestly, it seems a bit silly for people to turn the difficulty all the way up and then just use exploits to survive. Why crank up the difficulty if you're just going to fudge things anyway? I get wanting to close loopholes and easy exploits that defeat the design. I think doing so is admirable and I've made my own suggestions along those lines only to be shot down by the developers. They have stated to me that they are perfectly okay with such things remaining in the game for players who wish to use them. As the developers they choose to make those designs that they will. So vultures attack vehicles at supersonic speed during hordenight because the developers care about that but players who play insane and nightmare speed can go ahead and use the LCB as part of their nerdpole if they want because the devs don't care about that one. I brought up the ability to use the killall command during quests and still succeed at the quest and gain the trader reward and their response was that if players want to use commands in their game then that is their choice. They had no desire to block those or at least make them to cause a quest to fail. They will pick and choose the exploits that matter to them.
  14. Here’s the thing with the LCB. They’ve already had it to where it was extremely difficult to craft and they deliberately changed it to being simple to craft. It’s durability is for PVP. The fix can’t be to simply reduce durability or increase cost to craft. The changes that were made to bring us the current LCB were deliberate and specifically for PVP gameplay. So it will take a solution like mine to change the AI behavior in breaking blocks or add a bonus for zombies and animals vs the LCB so they can break it as if it were cloth but players still have to spend time breaking it once they find it or completely revamping and redesigning how the LCB functions, or adding an option to allow the LCB block in the game. All of these alternatives do require more dev time than simply changing the hp value of the block.
  15. 11 months later.... Why did you necro this thread? You like the undead that much? How many pages back did you scroll to find something to respond to....? The OP is probably a pro by now anyway...lol
  16. Well their limbs not only move. They also pulverize reinforced concrete. So perhaps there is something that compensates for the lack of oxygen and hardens and increases the density of the muscles so that they can move and also destroy regardless of their non-breathing. Something like Compound X....
  17. Don't forget Survivors! Tonight Richard and Joel will be trying out the Official Twitch Integration for 7 Days to Die at 9PM Central! Be sure to stop by and try to "help" them! This is a new feature that will be pushed to A19.5 and should be lots of fun for both streamers and their audiences. Joel and Rick are sure to talk about their A20 progress as well!! twitch.tv/fubar_prime
  18. I'd rather @faatal makes it so zombies attack the weaker of the two blocks in front of them rather than hitting the top block first and then the bottom block second no matter what. I assume the exploit is to place a frame then the LCB and then another frame on top of that? They spend their time trying to break the LCB until it is gone before trying to hit the frame beneath? My question is: Don't the zombie pile up on top of each other and destroy you anyway? I mean you claimed ANY wandering horde could be defeated. Plus, can't you just nerdpole to the top of a building and be safe? Even if they changed the LCB somehow you could still get on a nearby roof and pick off the zombies.
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