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Everything posted by Roland

  1. Part of the problem is people defining what the game is differently. (I just lost the game) Some people thought that LBD was the core principle of the game. It was the reason to play and grind and progress. But TFP thought of LBD as simply a means by which players could progress. To TFP, player progression was the core principle and LBD was just one way to express that. When they chose a different way to express that, in their minds, the genre never changed. It was still a zombie survival crafting game with elements of tower defense and rpg. But to the fans of LBD, the game was completely thrown out and made new in a completely different genre. To me, the game seems about the same as it always has as far as the general genres it hybrids together. Skill points instead of LBD is about the same as list crafting instead of grid crafting to me. The game is still a crafting genre game even though we craft through lists and recipes instead of grids and spacial puzzles. The game is also still a character progression RPG-like game even though we spend points for improvement instead of grind up that improvement via actions. Imagine you bought a puzzle in early access... j/k but I will say that in my opinion the picture did not change. It is still the same picture but perhaps the piece count is slightly different and maybe the shapes of some of the pieces have been changed so they fit together differently than they did. But it is still a puzzle and the image of what was promised is still there. Going down the kickstarter list which is what the promised image was, they are closing in on fulfilling every single promise. How those promised features play out exactly have changed a few times as the Pimps experimented but they are there and the genre that was the proposed genre as described on the Steam page hasn't ever changed and is still relevant to what is being played today.
  2. Are you sure? I mean, it would have to be a HUMONGOUS backpack to fit everything we can put into it. What you want has not been ignored. It has been fully considered. Carefully. Not quite. Madmole said it was for level design and appearance as the animations of the time were not good enough to show a character moving through a 1-meter hole without parts of his body and head clipping through the surrounding blocks and it would look bad. I never once heard him say that it was physically impossible for a person in real life to traverse a one meter hole. In fact, we do it all the time vertically with an installed ladder to boot. No.... realism was never the objection. It was 1000s of hours of redoing level design to account for the ability and balance it out and that was when we only had half the POIs we have now. I think it was awesome too but I really don't see it happening even though with current animations they could probably make it look good. The good news is that crafty modders will probably be able to extrapolate the ability and give it to player characters once it is in the game so it is very possible that 1-meter hole egress will be a reality at some point. This very well may be what it is limited to. Everyone keeps assuming all zombies will be able to do it but I'm pretty sure it will be limited to dogs, crawlers, and maybe the smaller females. Who knows...maybe they will give it to everything. If they don't...modders will be able to include everything and if they do modders will be able to exclude whichever zombies they want.
  3. Its actually the other way around. The zombie pathing is not perfect and as I tested it out with 1<x<2 holes I made and low places I found, I was able to crouch through all of them without a problem while the zombies seemed really picky about what they would crouch and crawl through vs what they just started bashing to make a bigger hole.
  4. I meant they don't want me posting some on the dev chat, pming them others, others posting some here, and others posting some in the bug pool. They just want one stop shopping at the bug pool. Certainly, you can collect them all and post them all together. Perfect!
  5. But then again, developers at major studios have to deal with bull@%$# of another sort from marketing executives and corporate deadlines and work policies... The Fun Pimps much prefer the interaction with the fans even it isn't always pretty. At least here, the most demanding fans only act like they are the task masters whereas the devs at large studios actually have to deal with real task masters.
  6. This issue is being investigated. TFP has no desire to falsely advertise anything. Our game is popular enough on its own merits and doesn't need false claims to sell well.
  7. lol...the console version still has daily robust wandering hordes that are based on the number of days. When the day count gets high it can feel like daily bloodmoons because the wandering hordes always head directly towards the last position of the player. Remember when the world was full of zombies for PC players? 11k+ players really REALLY want the empty wilderness and towns that we have...
  8. I haven't bashed you. I only explained the realities of the situation. I'm glad you feel passionate about activism and grass-roots campaigns such as petitions. I'm sure it feels good having discussions with like-minded people and dreaming about what possibly could happen if your efforts pan out. I read the petition. I think it accurately states TFP's position in those first two paragraphs. I'll respond to the parts that I think are inaccurate and/or misguided: The price setting is not TFP's decision alone. You would also need to petition the Playstation Store/Microsoft Store because they have quite a bit of say in the price and when sales happen etc. The manufacturer gives a suggested retail price but ultimately the retail store decides the price point and at what point stuff goes into the bargain bin. If the game is still selling well then Sony and Microsoft are going to want their percentage from the higher price rather than the lower price and they aren't going to lower their prices. Companies like Nintendo have a huge amount of influence and can dictate to retail locations that if they undervalue Nintendo merchandise they will be cut from distribution. That's why Nintendo games stay at $60 for years. But most manufacturers don't have Nintendo's clout. TFP certainly doesn't. I agree with the petition's second point here that there is customer confusion and it would be good for some differentiation between the console and PC versions to be explicitly stated. The problem with this is that reputable publishers aren't just standing around ready to jump at the bit to take projects. Most already have their line-ups already planned and either in production or about to be. Most console publishers are looking ahead now to the next gen consoles and when pitched the idea "Take this five year old title and fix its bugs and add a couple more updates" vs "How about Valheim!?!?!?!" -- one of those options is going to sound like a sure thing to the marketing execs at that publishing company. Businesses like to strike the iron when it is hot and 7 Days to Die is definitely a bit cooled when compared to the newer titles people are excited to play. Remember that a publisher is going to pay a studio to get up to speed and fix bugs and add new content and then expect a return on that investment. Most publishers are going to choose a new popular game on a new console over an old popular game on an old console every single time. Even if TFP agreed to this demand, there is no guarantee they would even find a willing partner. Even at the time Telltale went out of business the game was not often seen on the new games racks of Gamestop, Target, or Walmart any longer. Newer fare had replaced it. This is something that would certainly be a nice gesture but I disagree completely with the conclusion. The games will be completely different. The petition admits it is so in their first demand. You can't say that the games are different so the price should be dropped on one hand and then say that the PS5 game that will be based on the finished PC game is exactly the same as the PS4 version so owners of the PS4 version should get it for free. When compared to A14, even A19 looks and plays like a full sequel. Add to that fact that the original console game was NEVER going to be the same as the PC version anyway. No, there is zero legitimate entitlement for anyone to get the next game for free. Madden 2021 is closer to Madden 2020 and Madden 2019 etc... and customers who bought earlier Madden games don't get free upgrade passes to the new year's game. When the game comes out on PS5 there will have been at least five years between games, the second game will play differently with new mechanics that are completely changed from the first one, and its on a completely different console. Nintendo isn't giving anyone free upgrade passes for Skyward Sword just because they bought it for Wii and they shouldn't have to buy it again for Switch. Drop in the bucket, man. You think that doing what the petition demands can be financed by skins? Look, if you are honestly willing to pay some money for TFP to upgrade the game, then just spend $40 for the new game. Done deal. You paid and feel good as a philanthropist helping to finance the full 7 Days to Die experience on console and TFP and some unnamed future publishing company goes the only viable route that will be profitable and realistically executable. Let's be honest. By time the game comes out on console you're going to have one of the next gen consoles. That expense is your own to have access to all the new games. When 7 Days is released, you can do your part to help out by purchasing the new game. TFP gets the money you are willing to throw their way for an upgraded 7 Days experience and you get...an upgraded 7 Days experience. Also, skins of licensed properties like The Walking Dead are very expensive so they are not lucrative. Its one of those marketing things you do to make your own property more appealing but you don't really make a bunch of cash from doing it. Like adding a pool to your backyard. Managing the outsourcing porting work to another studio is a field of work in and of itself that Telltale games devoted an entire division of its company to doing that and TFP is not in that line of work. They are busy working on programming PC games. THAT is their line of work. So they'd have to partner with a firm to manage the port team anyway and then we are back to finding a partner that is willing to do that. But again, if you are willing to throw money at TFP for an enhanced play experience and here all 11k+ of you say you are willing to wait a substantial long time-- then whats wrong with buying the new game when it comes out? Isn't the creation of a new game on the next gen consoles an indication that TFP is not abandoning console gamers? Well....this is a huge step forward. If 11k+ of you signed your name in agreement to THIS statement then I have hope you'll all come around eventually to accepting the truth about the rest: 1) There are no refunds 2) There will be no new updates. 3) There will be a new game released on next gen consoles based on the full PC version once it is done. 4) Just like any sequel, everyone who wants to play it will have to pay for it-- even PC game owners. They say the first step is the hardest.
  9. TFP had no inkling of Telltale's closure until it was announced in the press conference where the whole world learned about it. When a company is in danger of failing it certainly doesn't broadcast that fact. We were as surprised as anybody and believe me when I say that they were not exactly returning phone calls that first day either. It took months for TFP to get the rights back and the cost was very high. During all that time there was no way to predict the future or speak plainly to the public about plans or make promises. All they could say was that they were trying to get the rights to publish on console and that they would like to continue updating if it could be possible. That it turned out to not be possible does not make their initial desires to try and make everyone happy a lie. At this point, please make no mistake. Regardless of any petition, there will never be another update for the current version of 7 Days to Die on console. It is in its final form forever. If you've played it out completely as it is, then add it to the pile of other games in your library that you've played out completely. If you are like any other normal gamer, you have a stack of old games from 3-4 years ago that don't get updated and you don't really play any longer. The console version was never going to be the same game as the PC version-- even if Telltale had continued on. The consoles just could not handle what this game has become. Hopefully the next gen consoles will be able to do it. The console version was sold as a complete game in its own right. It was a game based upon the Alpha 14 PC version. Updates to the console version were not further development updates but were simply standard bug patches and DLC updates to that game. Not one single update even attempted to bring the console into parity with the PC version. Instead, bits and pieces from A15 and A16 were added as additional content that would not break previous saves as that is the unbreakable rule handed down by Sony and Microsoft. So the console version was definitely not considered early access. It was a finished product that got some software support updates and some content updates post launch just like many games do out there. There was never a promise of continued updates until it was just like the PC version or just continual extra content forever. Maybe people assumed it would be like that since Minecraft has continued to evolve and grow. But Minecraft is the exception and not the rule in the video game industry. Even the PC version will eventually come to end with updates. It is not going to be continually updated for the next couple decades. There is no promise of updates in perpetuity for any platform.
  10. Mild = What we have now Annoying = Mild + Injury Status persists through respawn Harsh = Annoying + Hunger and Thirst reduce to 25% Nightmarish = Harsh + chance of critical injury increases by 25% for one day You'd rather be dead IRL = Your world deletes and you must start over Plus, of course, you can add the option of deleting all possessions in your inventory upon death. That is a pretty painful death penalty we already have.
  11. I've been typing the message that there will be no future updates for so long I guess I wrongly assumed it was known. Release your confusion. There will never again be any update of any kind to the PS4 and Xbox One console edition regardless of whether you purchased by direct download or original physical disc, or re-released physical disc. Everyone's 7 Days to Die game that they are playing on a console is the same and all suffer the same fate of being in their final forever unchanging form.
  12. It should probably just be removed even though it is kind of a quirky unique aspect of the game with a funny history. If you were around during that time it is pretty hilarious the level of outrage and anger that burned over the removal of an easy way to suicide. So much joy, as well, when glass eating was implemented...lol In thousands of hours I've never once accidentally eaten glass (hotkey map notwithstanding). Maybe they will eventually cut it though. <shrug>
  13. Here's the history... The game in it's earliest days had a suicide button so that players could kill themselves quickly in case the game glitched somehow or if they got stuck in the terrain as things like that were much more common. As development progressed and the game got more stable there was more and more feedback that the suicide button was being exploited and used to fast travel because at that time the map had several spawn points scattered around and when you died you could choose the spawn point where you would re-enter the game. So the suicide button got removed during one of the updates and the negative reaction from those who loved their suicide was huge. Eventually, the devs decided that they would create an ingame "suicide button" for those who felt like they needed it and eating glass was born. Of course, once the spawn points were removed there was no more suicide fast traveling around the map and I'm not sure how extensively eating glass is used by the community any longer.
  14. They’ll take them. I mentioned the health bar one but they like to collect from one source. Doomed trash can is pretty funny though.
  15. I pointed Prime to that Steam thread. Thanks!
  16. I don’t know if you mean the “hype train” that always gets talked about before updates. As far as I know the devs have never been interested in adding rails and mine carts/trains. In the early days they didn’t want to do anything more to make the game look like a Minecraft clone and these days it is just not on the roadmap and they aren’t doing anything any longer that isn’t on the roadmap. Vertical rails acting like an elevator is something Ive never heard until your post. 😂😂
  17. According to Prime, you just need to have permission level 90 or less.
  18. Alas, Maha, my death count is not as high as yours. I bow before your...truly incredibly high level... of wisdom.
  19. Browse your 7 Days to Die files and find the Data folder. Within that is the Config folder and within that is the localization text file. That localization text file is what you want to edit until you are finished making it Finnish. sorry...couldn't resist. Once you are done you can post that localization file for others to download and replace the default one in their config folder.
  20. I will if the OP asks me to but who can tell what @Kyonshi thinks. Maybe they're just thrilled their conversation starter took off and they aren't so concerned about sticking strictly to player entitlement. No need to feel sorry for them if they are perfectly happy with how the thread is going.
  21. Yes, thanks I updated it to be more accurate. I think that's because I was focusing on exploring POI's and spending the night on the roof of a house or inside a building when I couldn't get back to my base in my comment and you are focusing on horde night defense in your comment. I agree with you that they were too easily exploitable on horde night with minimal building effort and as I posted above, this is another time when TFP listened to feedback and made adjustments. The scary feeling was in having zombies wander in from outside while clearing a POI or doing a quest or a wandering horde notice me at night when away from my designed defenses. When having to wing it and survive the night in some house the zombies would be so much scarier because they would often run up and break a wall to run around on the roof and then come in through another wall behind me. I had a lot of close escapes as well as several deaths due to that. I would hear a pack of dogs and get myself to the roof of a house only to see them rush into the house and know that my death was really just a few moments away unless I could do something soon as I heard the sounds of blocks breaking and barking within.
  22. What @Laz Man meant is that they can duck and crawl when the space is less than 2m high. So for example, all those bases that use a 1 1/2 meter opening that we can duck and crouch through but the zombies can't....now the zombies can in A20. The animation is a crawl but faatal has not adjusted pathways for any zombie that allows them to crawl through a 1m space and won't do that until A21. I posted a narrative of a recent A20 playthrough and posted that zombies surprised me by ducking and crawling through smaller spaces than they had been able to. But 1m egress for zombies is still on the back burner. People who feel hyped over new behaviors (whether or not those behaviors seem to fit well with the game to other people) is because they offer new challenges for base building and new tactics for defending and fighting zombies. Old tactics may have to be adjusted or may not even work any longer. For some people, this is simply an annoyance and super frustrating. For others, the gameplay of adapting and exploring new tactics is fun and new or different behaviors set up the opportunity for that gameplay to happen again. Think of it like a brand new POI. For those who love to explore and clear POI's they've never seen before, the prospect of 100+ new POI's generates a lot of hype in their hearts because they know they will have something new to play with. The same is true for those of us who like to adapt and strategize vs zombie behaviors. New behaviors or changes to their behaviors that create new challenges get us hyped. A lot of people hated A17 because they felt the behavior didn't fit what zombies should be able to do. For them, the most important thing was consistent dumb zombies that "don't have a degree in engineering or ESP abilities about structure they don't have line of sight to" For me and others like me, A17 was a blast because we just forgave the misfit behavior and got to having fun finding new ways to adapt.
  23. AUGUST 2021 TFP formed a partnership with a distribution company for future distribution of physical copies of 7 Days to Die. As part of the deal the company printed copies of the original PS4 version but complete with all existing updates that had been released as their research showed there was still a demand. This re-release of the original physical game did not add anything new to that version but it did form the foundation for the future when they are ready to print and distribute the new game.
  24. To be absolutely fair...this whole situation has caused a lot of customer confusion in the marketplace--be that end user or retail store. It is conceivable that some of these stores not being fully aware of the situation posted the re-release with copied and pasted information from the PC version not understanding that they are not the same. I know one of the complaints from end users is that John watches a twitch video of 7 Days to Die PC and then purchases it for PS4 assuming it will be what he watched and of course it is not. It's a really bad situation that isn't going to get resolved. Of course, since the consoles were never going to be able to handle the full game anyway, this problem would still be around even if the console edition had continued to be updated. They were only ever going to get a few things from A16 and its doubtful in the extreme that they would have changed the console version into A17. They were only ever able to add things that wouldn't break saves. So even if 7 Days to Day console was completely up to date today with all planned updates it would still be different than the PC version. Probably they should have added "Playstation edition" or "Xbox edition" to the title itself so that the titles for all versions wasn't exactly the same. At any rate, it will be a brand new @%$# storm when people purchase the re-release and there is no new content to be found...
  25. You have to post your phone video to a hosting site such as youtube and then link to it. Are you talking about restrictions when chatting? That may be something Sony or Microsoft can control without needing to update the game itself. All they would have to do is add words to an existing list that they maintain for their own networks. I can tell you 100% that TFP did not update the game to restrict the word COVID. There have been zero updates since the last one pushed by Telltale Games before they went bankrupt years ago. Can you create a sign in the game that reads COVID-19 or China Virus?
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