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Everything posted by Roland

  1. And I love that they pile on top of each other and wish that it happened a bit more consistently. I love it when I knock out the stairs and a few still get up to where I am because they all piled up near the stairs. I think that it would be cool for an option that would give them ant-like instincts so that the piling up on each other wasn't just be accident or happenstance but intentionally done whenever they couldn't reach you. If zombies could see using each other to create paths to the player it would totally change the game and base design in a whole new way. Just as an option, though, since I don't think upsetting the entire base building meta like that as a default setting would be good.
  2. In another effort to make sure accurate news about the console version of 7 Days to Die is being reported, I am posting the happenings that occur towards console owners being able to play a version of 7 Days to Die that has parity with the PC version. This is a locked thread so that only news will be posted here. If you wish to comment on something you read here, do so in Console General Discussions. HISTORY The Fun Pimps formed a partnership with publisher, Telltale Games, to bring a port of 7 Days to Die to Playstation 4 and XBox One. This port would be based upon the Alpha 14 PC version. Telltale Games hired the studio, Iron Galaxy, to code the port and TFP assigned members of their own team to be liaisons with Iron Galaxy for giving support as needed from their end. The port was completed and the game shipped to consoles and was subsequently updated over time with bug fixes as well as new content from Alpha 15 and a bit from Alpha 16. Telltale Games then went bankrupt which caused Iron Galaxy to cease work on the port. In the aftermath, TFP was able to secure the rights to their intellectual property ensuring that they would be able to port future versions of the game to future consoles. TFP made the tough decision to not find a new partner to continue updating the existing game. 7 Days to Die PS4 and 7 Days to Die XBox One were in their final form forever. RECENT HAPPENINGS Earlier this year TFP scheduled a consultation with Unity Developers to get personalized help for using Unity optimally with their game. The main focus of this consult was to get the most out of the heavy optimization work they were planning starting with A20 until final release of the game. But it also included help with easing the way for porting the game to consoles in the future once it was done. In a tweet, Rick Huenink made the comment that there will for sure be a port of the finished game for Playstation 5 and the new Xbox Series. TFP is committed 100% to that goal and it is the reason they purchased the console rights to their game so they could ensure that it would happen once PC development was finished.
  3. Say what? The original game came out before COVID-19 was even a gleam in Wutan's eye. Why would it ever say COVID-19 in the first place? You will have to provide a source that some game reference to COVID-19 was removed. I am not aware of anything like that.
  4. UPDATE: Rick answered this issue on Twitter the other day. He said that TFP formed a partnership with a distribution company that prints and ships physical copies of games. This was a preliminary step towards the future release to console of the full PC game. Their partner felt that that there was still enough of a demand for the original game (just look at the price for physical disks on the secondary market) that they wanted to print 5000 discs of 7 Days to Die for PS4. This disc would not be the original disc that Telltale sold but instead a disc that included all of the updates that were added to the game. So the new disc would be equal to someone loading the original disc and then updating. But there is no new content on the disc. Whether the stores who are selling the discs misunderstood or are trying to scam customers purposefully, or accidentally copied and pasted a PC game description, I'm sure their lawyers will find the ambiguity in their wording needed to help them avoid getting sued. Since I'm pretty sure PS4 automatically updated 7 Days to Die to the newest version everyone who already owns the game will have exactly what the disc is including. It is the same game fully updated to what all existing owners currently have. In other words, you will be able to load the disc and play and not have to wait for long downloads. Period. On the positive side, this is more proof that TFP are making plans and preparing the groundwork for a future console port that will have parity with the complete PC version.
  5. I'll add that if you look at the changes to zombie behavior from A17 until A19 you can see that faatal took community feedback very seriously. Now he didn't go as far as some people would like because they wanted behavior that completely matched pre-A17 zombies but I know for a fact that faatal watched streamers, looked at YouTubes, read the forums both here and on steam listening to what people didn't like about the zombies and also about how people were exploiting and finding loop-holes and weird limitations of zombies and he made changes based on that feedback. I, personally, loved how the zombies behaved in A17. There was definitely something very horrific and never feeling safe that I liked when I knew that they could get to me no matter where I hid. For the first time ever they were scary monsters to me and I really liked that-- especially for POI exploration. But TFP listened to others instead of people like me and I can recognize that. I would never say that TFP didn't listen to the community because they made adjustments to zombie behavior that I didn't like. Now, this brings up another interesting issue. Driving around on horde night. Some percentage of people in the community complained that you could drive around all night at zero risk. Some percentage in the community felt that driving around was just fine. This was an issue for years and TFP was aware of both sides. They went with preventing that behavior ultimately. Some may say that they don't like the solution that TFP implemented and may be mad that they aren't changing it but here we have another case of TFP listening to player feedback and acting in reaction to that but also sticking to their guns in how it is implemented despite more feedback that people didn't like super vultures. I don't even think that it is impossible that they may eventually make more adjustments to that in reaction to what they've read from player feedback. They do tend to like to do extreme draconian changes and then pull them back and soften them a bit over time.
  6. Not only that but people don't appreciate having their saves broken so often. How many times has TFP claimed that starting with the next alpha they will probably be able to update without breaking old saves and it never pans out for them. It just isn't possible for this studio to do it and forcing everyone to start over and wipe all old maps every 2-3 weeks would not be good for morale. We will even get complaints about it when A20 hits and after such a long cycle since the last forced restart hit everyone. I think 8 months would probably be the sweet spot if they could hit that. The items on their list for A20 couldn't be finished in that time frame unfortunately. The good news is that people like A19 and the A19/A20 changeover is totally an enhancement of existing popular mechanics, the world, the zombies, and tons of new places to explore. It is going to be very different than the A16/A17 changeover.
  7. Its more like 1000s and 1000s of requests (just read the Pimp Dreams forum) many of which are completely contradictory to each other and many others beyond the scope of the game and others still just not technically possible (although the requesters often don't understand that because they think programming what they want is probably simple...). The devs have fulfilled way more than just the two that you mentioned. Its actually hard to take you seriously when you say that the only two items you can think of that the devs did in response to player feedback was the bear model and the lava monster model. How long are they supposed to consider something? What it comes down to is that if they took a year, three years, or even ten years to consider but then decided not to agree with what you want you would still feel they didn't consider long enough. The fact is that you feel that your ideas and your desires for what the game should be are the gospel and anyone who disagrees must not have considered what you said. There is no defense against that kind of hubris. Any time the developers ever do something contrary to what you want the reason will always be that they didn't listen or if they did they didn't consider or if they did then they bad developers for making the wrong choice. As to pushing their vision against the paying supporters? They are not. They posted their vision for all to see and the supporters paid them to push that vision. They still are pushing that vision and fulfilling all of their promised features and goals and then some. Just because some customers came along during A16 and fell in love with the mechanics of that version and then were disappointed when the developers chose a different mechanic to fulfill the same vision, that doesn't mean that they are pushing against their paying supporters. There are probably many customers who bought the game without ever checking to see what the vision was that they were supporting. That ignorance on their part doesn't mean that the $10 they paid during a Steam sale gives them the entitlement to push a different agenda or dictate what the game should be. TFP has been open about their vision for the game. Some of you thought that LBD was the vision and the game but you were mistaken. It was simply one way to accomplish their vision of player progression and they chose a different way to do that. When those community members gave their feedback that they were against it, TFP chose not to agree. They listened, considered, and made their choice-- and now the game is more popular than it ever was in A16. A17 did not change the genre. The game's genre has always been what it still is. The genre descriptor on the Steam store page has remained the same throughout its development and there is no need of a change to its wording because there has been no change to the genre. It has been and will always be an open world zombie survival game with elements of tower defense and roleplaying. It is Minecraft meets Fallout meets The Walking Dead. That was the elevator pitch for the game back in the beginning and I see nothing 8 years later to change that. That whole bit about A17 being released to coincide with the Winter Sale is just a bunch of hooey. A17 released to experimental on November 19 more than a month before the winter sales after being in development for over a year and a half. There was nothing rushed about it. Alpha 17 went from experimental to stable in little over a month. Alpha 18 went from experimental to stable in a little less than a month. Alpha 19 went from experimental to stable in about a month and a half. There was nothing out of the ordinary about A17's release schedule. A17 was the beginning of xpath and modlets which hugely simplified and streamlined modding. One dev from the TFP team in particular worked together with modders to make that happen. Maybe you mean something different about the difficulty of modding but you'll have to explain further than just the one liner you threw out there which by any measure is just a flat out inaccuracy when you consider how modding blossomed thanks to changes that came with A17. Heck....even I made a pretty nifty modlet pack because xpath made it manageable and accessible to someone like me who had never modded before. There is no doubt that a lot of people were unhappy with the changes that A17 brought. Those people were very loud and persistent in voicing their desire for TFP to abandon what they'd changed and go back to the way things were. TFP listened but did not agree with doing that. I think you are letting your disappointment in the A16/A17 changeover and TFP's insistence on sticking to their changes color your view. I feel for you. I wish you weren't so disenchanted and disappointed. But I also don't think your experience defines the reality of how they interact and listen to the community in many cases and I certainly can't stand by as you attempt to rewrite history with some blatant inaccuracies. lol...I have lost count of the number of threads and posts by angry players who are angry precisely because they believe that TFP gave in to the demands of other players. I do know it was way more than once or twice. I guess what you mean is that you wish they gave in to YOU once or twice. Maybe what you want just isn't in the cards for this game-- or at least the vanilla version. But TFP has most certainly been listening to feedback and implementing it as it pleases them.
  8. Three times. They listened to the players who asked them to stick to their guns ditching LBD.... Kidding aside, they have modified their design many times due to community feedback. It really is mainly when it involves simplifying and unifying and streamlining that they do not listen to the community of hardcore veterans who would love for every new update to add a new layer of complexity so that the game keeps feeling fresh and challenging for them. Then again, every decision they make will appeal to some and be hated by others. The ones who like the decision will feel listened to and the ones who hate the decision will feel ignored. If you've felt ignored for years then it simply means you were on the wrong side of every issue of the last several alphas but it doesn't mean TFP wasn't listening to feedback. Alpha 18 broke all records for concurrent players and then Alpha 19 broke them again. That is some powerful community feedback saying, "We like the direction the game is going"
  9. My first thousand hours playing this game had zero perks or skills to buy or progress. If you were serious about doing this you would probably need to change block damage to 200% or something as I think we could mine better back then since our ability was static throughout the game. But I can attest to the viability of the game without xp or perks or skills or quests or traders. Makes you kind of wonder what we did day in and day out back then...lol
  10. The one I saw which was pretty egregious in speculative hype did have a k in their name but it wasn't you skippy. Rhymes with...Frakken tho....
  11. Given the current death penalty? Why not? Oh I know! It's because the game shows a record of our deaths, dammit!! If someone can't bear to see a record of their failed quests, they certainly don't want to see a record of all their deaths...
  12. If you know you are going to fail a quest, I believe you can cancel it instead and it disappears from the list. Not 100% sure about that though. Failing quests is just not something I'm super familiar with...
  13. It's not your fault for not knowing since the devs have been more tight-lipped than usual regarding A20 but you cannot begin to understand what an upgrade the world has gotten with the tile system, the dynamic distant terrain, and all the POI updates along with the new POIs. There are POIs that people dreamed of seeing years ago and probably gave up on but they are in the game and amazingly integrated. Sure, you may still want to use a 3rd party world generator for A20 over the advanced world generator interface the devs have made with its sliders as I think there are still not quite as many options in the Vanilla generator as there are in the fan created versions. But you will definitely notice an improvement in the world itself no matter how it is generated-- in particular towns and cities. It kills me that I can't show it to you and can only talk in generalities. My only consolation is knowing how happy you will be not being disappointed. A20 is definitely a step up and when you see it and play it you will agree that the end is now in sight. This has got to be their last major technical overhaul update and from now until release it will mainly be remaining missing content which will make the next 1 or 2 alphas much more exciting. Still. though, this update has improved the current state of the game by a magnitude. Because of the nature of what was focused on this time around, Madmole has been less involved. Once they get to content lock, he will start getting more involved again. His main contribution is balance and tuning gameplay and with new builds always getting committed and stuff getting broken it is pointless for him to try and play a long game where he can make the adjustments he feels are important. A17 was a turd in the eyes of many because of all the things it undid and changed from A16 that were unexpected. So far A20 plays very similarly to A19. There have been no major departures like there was in A17. The thing we heard the most with A17 was that people wished TFP had just enhanced A16. Well, A20 is just an enhanced A19. There is a ton of new places to explore and experience. Feral mode really adds a lot. I play with it on during the day all the time now. That is my new default. When you can see your base along with other buildings from far away it just really enhances the feeling. No more is it invisible until you are right on top of it. The new primitive weapons make the slow progression in loot a lot more enjoyable than it currently is in A19. I haven't tried the new generator quests yet so I can't comment on those.
  14. I never look at that list. There are things you can learn from an ostrich.
  15. You guys are amazing as much as for what you do as for your willingness to update and retool everything every new Alpha cycle.
  16. What? Nobody told you that they hope you get cancer and that a fire kills your entire family? Weak sauce responses, man...
  17. I will clarify this part by saying that TFP had a consult with Unity early on in A20 development and went over several things with them including some things having to do with making the game more port friendly, But to say that TFP is working with Unity devs on an ongoing or regular basis and starting the conversion to console is a gross exaggeration that some influencers are using to build excitement. When the time comes to create the console version TFP will completely turn over development of that port to another studio and give support as they did with Iron Galaxy the first time. The things they wanted to know from Unity was the best ways to use Unity in developing the PC version so that it would be more friendly for porting later.
  18. Since this click baity title is here, let me just use it to state for the record once again that this is a scam. There is no re-release of the PS4 version of 7 Days to Die with additional content. There is only one version and it has remained the same for a long time and will remain the same until the end of time. Don't anyone be fooled by the claims of some European online stores that the PS4 version has been updated and rereleased.
  19. Yeah, finding the trader on your own eventually is a lot more fun than following a compass icon. 😀
  20. There is a tutorial on how to use the mod launcher in the official thread for the mod launcher. I’m sure that tutorial would explain how to load mods and modlets that haven’t been preloaded by @sphereii
  21. There are some things in the game they have worked on and then at the last minute pulled them because they weren't quite done. The drone is a prime example. We were given updates on its progress and told it was for A19 and then at the last moment they said it wasn't quite done and would be delayed to A20. They have been working on the drone and it will be ready for A20. But bandits? Other than A12 where they created some models using UMA, I believe, we have never gotten any progress updates. All we have ever gotten is assurances that they will come in the future. There were times we were told that certain features and mechanics (such as character animations) would also benefit bandits once the devs turned their attention to them but there is a reason we haven't gotten any progress updates-- there has been no progress. faatal will most definitely be the one to implement their AI and he is always good about giving updates on what he has been working on and there hasn't been a single word from him on it because he hasn't been working on it. In fact, he answered someone awhile back who was asking if the original A17 zombie AI was going to basically be the bandit AI since it was pre- dumbing them down. faatal answered that he would probably not do that and would code the AI completely differently for the bandits. He hasn't started doing that yet (unless he is doing it on the side on his own time). I guess when the devs said that bandits were getting postponed what they meant was the development of them was getting postponed but you took it as their release was getting postponed. There has been no lie that I can see. I can tell you honestly that nobody on the team is playing with bandits behind closed doors. They are not in any development build yet. A20 is an overhaul update. Updating old POIs, creating new POI's, redoing the shape selector tool with over 1000 shapes and then updating POI's that used legacy shapes, redoing RWG, and overhauling all the NPCs and zombies to new models is exactly why we are over a year on A20 development. It has not been about trying to overcome difficulties with bandit implementation.
  22. You do know that they haven’t really begun to work on bandits, right? They keep pushing bandit development back due to other priorities. They haven’t spent the last four years working on them. They made those preliminary models in A12 (which they won’t use) but that was it. I fully agree with your ideas about what you would like to see. I think the bandits you would add to the game if you could, would be awesome. But I’d also rather see even basic “zombies with guns” bandits over nothing at all. Once they start putting dev time into bandits we will have a better idea of what they will be able to do. Well, it’s taking his words as a promise or advertisement that gives you that burning feeling. When he talks about his wishes, they are just that and not necessarily the official roadmap. You have to accept that reality doesn’t always end up matching wishes. I think he finally realized that people had a hard time differentiating his wishes with promises based in reality and he stopped sharing his wishes.
  23. You surely succeeded. Don’t feel like you failed in that regard. I can page back and still see it there. I don’t think either of those things about you nor did I say them. I said that the statement “If the devs don’t implement x in the way I like, then they should not implement it at all” is a selfish statement. That’s just my opinion, though, and you’re welcome to dispute it….if you’re still bored enough to do so. 😂 The devs have said they want bandits to use cover and try to outflank you. We also know there will be dedicated bandit camps. Madmole has said he wants there to be two factions and a reputation system. He also said a random event manager was something he wanted to implement which would put encounters in your projected path.
  24. Oh noes....remember all the repercussions LAST time. Wait....what were the repercussions again...? I don't get this stance at all. Something in the way of range combat enemies that have justifiable intelligence is better than nothing. If you end up hating them then you can easily mod them out. But even if they come as basic ammo fodder they will still add something new and many people who are not you will love them. Most likely they will be more on the basic side at first and then get more complex over time-- to which people will flip the @%$# at TFP because "in Alpha 21 they were predictable and you could use stealth against them 100% of the time but now in Alpha 22 the AI changed and now we have to change our playstyle! Why did TFP have to take away what I liked!?!" "Do it 100% the way I like it or do not do it all for anyone" has got to be the most selfish phrase I hear on the forums. I hear it about other stuff too--not just this. What are passive NPCs going to do for the game that will be better than bandits with guns running sentry loops, spawning at certain POIs, and acting like new but basic ranged attack enemies? Don't get me wrong, I would love for bandits to interact with the world and build and repair stuff and make changes to the environment. But it's either that pie in the sky dream, or nothing at all? But then replacing it all with.....passive NPCs is somehow better? How about we just call a bandit that spawns in a POI and runs around with a gun in some kind of an AI loop-- a passive NPC instead of a bandit. THEN it will be okay... Welcome back Vik
  25. They'll only be cool if they are all always asleep and they stay asleep until I shoot them...
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