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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. There isn't much I can do for their behavior at this point. It's using code that wasn't really designed for what it's being used for. Sometimes they lock on and go ham, other times they lock on and run at you nonstop. So it's hard to balance them because if I up their damage a lot, they could destroy you when they feel like behaving properly. And that'll just @%$# people off. Me, arramus, and MASSA cleared a Vault 101 together and while it was a bit easier than I would like, I still had to heal a few times. And there isn't much of a way to scale them based on how many people you have with you. I could make tougher variants and tie them into the later game stages, but other than that there isn't much I can do. If anything I'll just reduce the amount of ranged NPCs and have a greater number of melee ones. At least until we start seeing some better AI code. The legendary weapons I'm pretty happy with in my couple of playthroughs. And NPC quests show up at T3 I believe. There may be one single T2 POI, but that's it. Also rng plays a factor on how many of my POIs get used. Really hoping a20's rwg helps with that.
  2. Well, there was a line for NPC merchants, but another one under the $500k goal for other NPCs to discover. Technically it's in the section that can be "after release", but it's still there.
  3. You can't edit them with xpath like that as far as I know. You can either edit each vanilla POI individually, or copy all the prefab xml files into a modlet, as I believe that mean they would override the vanilla ones. Not 100% sure on that though. But then you can edit them and not worry about game updates resetting your changes. Would be fairly easy with something like N++ as you could open all of them at once and do a mass search and replace on the ShowQuestClearCount line.
  4. NPCs were a Kickstarter goal, so I'd imagine they will be added for sure. If they ever get the story stuff going, I'd imagine there will be an "end" to the game. Probably open-ended like Fallouts usually are, but still.
  5. Looking at that block, it doesn't have that property, so it would need to be an append, not setattribute. Something like: <append xpath="/blocks/block[@name='signRoadStop']"> <property name="CanPickup" value="true"/> </append> And also, this should probably go into the Discussion and Requests forum. This one is mostly used for released mods.
  6. Same as on a server. Just plop the mod folder into your game's Mods folder. Done. And yes, they are on the launcher if you want/need to go that route.
  7. That's one thing I was curious about. The vanilla mixer has min and max counts as well as a min distance for POIs, but it really seems to ignore the values for the most part. If there is any way to enforce something like that, it would be perfect. Arramus gen'd several maps for my mod and most of them were similar to vanilla as far as POI counts. Like Khaine, I have a few POIs i only want 2-3 of max, and would like to limit some of the more basic ones if possible. Not demanding or even expecting it, just curious if it would be possible.
  8. So out of curiosity, what issues does the Thumper mod have on a server? Is it just buffs not firing properly?
  9. Yeah, looks like I didn't change it after changing the bundle names. Odd that it didn't work for you though, as I changed it to: <property name="HandMeshfile" value="#@modfolder:Resources/PipeGuns.unity3d?Pipe_Rifle_Long.prefab"/> for the modLongRifleBarrel, and it worked fine.
  10. I'm running it on a server no issues. I need to delete that bit really as they rename the POIs so it won't really cause errors, but just means you might not get any of the custom versions of it from the mod. All I can say is redownload/install my stuff by itself first and see if it works. Then go from there. Like, I literally just gen'd a 4k world as I was typing this no issue. So you got a bad download/install or a conflict somewhere.
  11. The Wasteland Updated to 2.1, for A19.4 Download at GitLab or Nexus -----FIXED/CHANGED----- -Added: Feral Ghoul to spawning lists -Added: Radiation Sickness (can be contracted from the Feral Ghoul) -Added: Rad-B-Gone -Added: Rad Resistant Power Armor mod -Added: SCAR rifle -Added: 5.56 ammo -Changed: Minigun, Service Rifle and Tactical AR now use 5.56 -Changed: All mutants are now zombie class entities -Changed: Made Crowbar more effective against blocks -Changed: Tweaked several item's economic values -Changed: All Sunset Sarsaparillas give Star caps now -Changed: Sunset Sarsaparilla flier now costs 100 Star caps -Changed: Various loot tweaks (guns, melee, nuka stuff) -Changed: Bottlecap Mine now crafted at workbench -Changed: Added pipe weapons to a few loot sources -Changed: Slightly increased ammo/throwable stack sizes -Changed: Katana no longer uses prefab attachments, should fix any visual bugs with it -Fixed: Settlement_1 POI missing quest satchel -Fixed: Missing Ghoul sounds -Fixed: Missing localizations -Fixed: 10mm bundle unlocks -Fixed: Survival Machete positioning and localization -Fixed: Laser Shotgun No Fire buff not working correctly -Fixed: Made several custom blocks easier to loot/pick up -Fixed: Energy weapons can now shoot through blocks like iron bars
  12. Well, thanks to Xyth, this won't be an issue now as I can edit the holdtype to rotate the third person model. So it is fixed.
  13. I fixed the drop mesh. That was just a derp on my part since the main "weapon" is an empty prefab. The only way I managed to break it is when DM and third person are involved. I tried repeatedly in SP, and arramus was on the server using it as well. Did you have any issues when just playing normally? Because if it's mainly freecam/TP causing issues I'm not that worried about it.
  14. Just voicing our opinion, same as you. I think it's a terrible idea, so I voiced that. Nothing personal, I just don't want to see some magic forcefield crap just because someone can't remember not to leave the POI they are questing in.
  15. Yeah, the katana is super hacky due to the holdtype I used. It uses the same as the bat as it looked the best for the swing and stuff. But I noticed it rotated the weapon 180 degrees from FP to TP view. So you were holding it backwards in one of the views no matter what I did. I have noticed myself when switching to it it doesn't always attach the model properly. Never had any errors though. I might just have to go through the holdtypes again and find one that doesn't suck. Or just stick with the bat and have the sword be wrong in TP I guess.
  16. What, you got something against 7's now? PTSD from all that math, huh? Tsk tsk. Ya know, if you keep a drink on it like you're supposed to, you won't even notice.
  17. Well, I think I found a fix for it. I need to finish a few things, and I'll push an update out that will hopefully fix the issue.
  18. EDIT - I may have found an easy-ish fix for it. Just gotta test it out And also, I know it's a bit of an ask, but if you happen to come across any items that are hard to pick up, if you could take a screenshot of it and post it here so I can see it, I'll try and fix as many as I can. I fixed the terminal and Nuka Quantum I mentioned earlier that's near the office key. The annoying thing is colliders behave differently in the POI editor than they do in game. So in the editor, this whole issue doesn't exist.
  19. @Nerhesi It should work fine with any of them. Not sure about CoA. Worst case, try it and see. Glad you like the mod! @kinsem I'll look into it and see what I can do. I remember the keycard being a royal pain for whatever reason. Some stuff you just have to look at it from odd angles, or off to the side to get the prompt. I'll see if I can make them better. It seems from the little testing I've done, if they are placed on certain kinds of blocks(ones that use Ext3dModel as their shape in xml), they will have that issue. Like the control panel blocks in the bottom of the vault where the Nuka Quantum is at. And the terminal beside it. I'm honestly not sure why it's happening. It's like the block below them takes over the collider used on the Nuka or whatever block it is. I might try fiddling with my blocks and shrink their collider just enough it shouldn't be touching the block below it and see if it helps. Not sure what else to try there. I may just have to go back through all my POIs and move these items onto different types of blocks that don't cause this issue. I tweaked the key cards a bit, and they gave me no issue picking them up. So maybe that is better. And I did some testing with the desk and key. Looks like if the desk gets damaged and you try and use the key, it uses the single use of the key even though it does nothing. Then even if you repair the desk with steel back to full HP, the key is now technically "broken". Which is why it says it needs repairs. So what I did is make the keys repairable with polymers. Means you can fix the desk, then fix the key if you "used" it already, then use the key. And it will still consume the key as intended. Problem hopefully solved there. Lol. For a temp fix if you need to, just hop into CM and grab another key after you fix the desk.
  20. Yeah, the current public version doesn't have them spawning yet. Can't really remember if I did that on purpose because I was adding more to them, or if I just forgot. Lol. The next update will have them spawning.
  21. So what do you want, like the border from PUBG or something? Meh, they've dumbed down the game enough as it is. If you can't pay attention to what you're doing, you deserve to fail the quest.
  22. Look at the checkmark in the top right in the quest objectives. It changes color when you get close to the boundary. If it's yellow, you are almost too far out. No guessing needed.
  23. Looks like it makes great looking maps. For a vanilla game I bet it's much better than RWG. I'm a fan of the snow on big hills/mountains and how it separates biomes sensibly. But definitely need a way to add custom POIs to it. Wink wink, nudge nudge. Great work, though! After using Nitro this last time and not really enjoying it as much as I did before, I'd love more options for world gen. I'll be keeping my eye on this.
  24. I figured I'd post this here so people will see it. Mythix, a tester for DF, has made a patch for Bdub's Vehicles that makes it compatible with DF. I added it to GitHub so it should show as its own mod on the launcher, and it's on Nexus as an optional file under Bdub's Vehicles "Files" section. So big thanks to Mythix.
  25. So far from what I've read, "overhaul" just means making the water itself not suck. Nothing more, nothing less. Hopefully more, but it won't be A20 I'm sure.
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