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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Haha, I do what I can. Updating the Wasteland Weapons mod. Added the Incincerator, Heavy Sniper, Triple Barrel Shotty, and Maria. Added schematics to most weapons. Go here for more info and links: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showth...=1#post1000813
  2. I didn't think Nitrogen would make a 2k map. Have you tried a 4k or bigger?
  3. Read the part in the OP about setting up dedicated servers. Should work fine.
  4. That tutorial still works fine. So you have an issue somewhere. You can ask for help here: https://discord.gg/qPBfgE
  5. Gotta be installed on the server as well, if using a dedicated server. Everyone needs to have them installed.
  6. <property name="Unlocks" value="gunmp45"/> That may be the problem with the schematic. Haven't actually tested the mod, so I cannot confirm. But I imagine that typo in the schematic item is the problem.
  7. Very nice! Definitely will have to try this out whenever I start up a new playthrough.
  8. Clients will need it as well. Xmls are about the only thing pushed from the server.
  9. I haven't tested with 18.4, but I don't know of anything that would cause it not to work. Just to be sure, you did install it on both the server and your client, right? This is by far the biggest issue people seem to have.
  10. Derp. Didn't think about that one being wrong too. It's fixed.
  11. Fixed them. It only changed part of it when I coped it before for some reason.
  12. UH-60: Need something with more space than the small gyrocopter? The UH-60 should suit you perfectly! Has same storage as the gyro, but can carry a total of 6 people. High fuel consumption, but holds quite a bit. Has a wide search light. Does fly a bit odd. Doesn't have any roll to it, so it can be tricky lining up landings just right. Like the gyro, "W" is lift, "A" and "D" turn it, "S" makes it fall quicker, "C" rotates the nose down and "Space" rotates the nose up. Install into the 7_Days_To_Die\Mods folder. Git: Click Here Nexus: Click Here
  13. SHERP: Adds in a new offroad vehicle, the SHERP. Has same storage as the 4x4, but can carry a total of 4 people. Moderate fuel consumption, but holds quite a bit. Install into the 7_Days_To_Die\Mods folder. Git: Click Here Nexus: Click Here
  14. Just bumping this as the Lever Action Rifle is now out. Git is good and Nexus will be updated shortly.
  15. That's not a bad idea for the Repeater. Was just gonna make it super rare loot, but I might have to look into that. And I just noticed you were having issues with the vehicle mod. You get it sorted?
  16. Yeah, once that is all finished up, I'll probably incorporate some form of it into my collection mod. Also, got around to throwing in another gun in the Wasteland Weapons mod. Tweaked some textures as well to help the mod's size. Still got some testing to do to finish these rifles up. Hopefully should be out in the next few days. Lever Action Rifle: And the unique variant, Lincoln's Repeater:
  17. If it becomes doable without DMT, I'll certainly look into it. Without DMT I believe you still have the issue of the vehicle respawning a new one as soon as you move it. I think Dust might be working on something similar, not sure. Other thing I could think of is making them into deco blocks like the vanilla sedans and such and give one version of each of them a tiny chance of being one you could take by hitting it or something.
  18. Eh, if anything, I'd just add it in another file that could be swapped out if people wanted to use it. I'm not gonna change the defaults.
  19. Ah, good eye Ragsy. I might give this setup a whirl and see how it feels. I got pretty used to flying it while I was testing it, but I've had a few mentions about the controls. Guess I could see if this feels better.
  20. Install into the Mods folder like most mods do. What issues are you having?
  21. Um, I'm not sure if you could make that work or not. It might be possible. You could open the vehicles.xml and find the MD500. Look for the section with the motor0 and motor1, along with the forces. You could try changing the values for the forces. Force4 and force5 are the tilting forward and backward. Force 2 is technically the "up" vertical force, and I believe S just makes this a negative amount.
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