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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Screenshots of errors are always a bad idea. Learn where and how to check logs so you an post useful info next time. Just gonna go out on a limb...you did still install it clientside as well, correct?
  2. It 100% has to be installed on the server AND client.
  3. Alright, just pushed a quick update for The Wasteland: -Fixed Nitrogen POI list offsets(Thanks for the assist Beardman) -Fixed Mutants spawning with 2 weapons -Fixed missing Alien Blaster projectile Will be on Git and the mod launcher in a few minutes, Nexus in the morning.
  4. Few things... I would need to see the whole log, as it seems there was an error before this that caused what I can see. And two, I doubt my mod works with DF out of the box due to all the changes DF makes. You'd have to see what all you need to change to make it work.
  5. Alright, currently pushing the newest update to The Wasteland. -----FIXED/CHANGED----- -Added Wild Wasteland and White River Survival Guide magazines -Added Power Armor (by Snufkin <3) -Power Armor Mods -Power Armor Stand -Added Soldier NPCs -Added Mutants NPCs with new sounds -Added Feral Ghoul with new sounds -More edited vanilla POIs -Added Behemoth's Abode POI (by arramus <3) -Icon changes to be more uniform -Fixed small mistakes in entitygroups -Fixed fire effects not showing on custom entities -Reworked Cryolator crit -Updated incorrect POI imposters Should be on Git and the mod launcher in an hour or so. I'll post it on Nexus in the morning.
  6. Yeah Df changes a lot of things from vanilla. I started making some patches to make it work with DF, but I was hoping for some input from people as to what all DF changes so I could get it sorted. It was mostly just a quick test. I guess I'll just eventually have to download DF myself and make it work.
  7. Look for <property name="Zoom_max_out" value="30"/> <property name="Zoom_max_in" value="20"/> on the scopes. Should be in item_modifiers.xml. Lower number is more zoom, I believe.
  8. They have new grunts and groans, but no spoken lines as of right now. I looked through a few packs on the Unity store but didn't find anything I liked enough to use.
  9. Yeah, progress has been a bit slow lately. Haven't had as much time as I would like, and I've been playing other stuff in the time I have had. I hit a few snags with these guys as I needed to give them custom gun meshes so they didn't look tiny in their hands, but I kept having problems. So the mutants will all be melee only for now. I plan to build them a few POIs, but that will probably be later on. I have a few things left I want to add in, then I plan to push the update.
  10. Alright, pushed a small update for Bdub's Vehicles to fix an error with the Marauder storage, and to add schematics for all vehicles to both loot and traders. Also, another teaser of The Wasteland's next update:
  11. Man, I'd hate to get so hung up on something so trivial. To each their own, I guess. Looks good to me. /shrug
  12. Not sure what it is called, but removing it the way Xyth said will just prevent new spawns. So any right around you would still be there. Once it despawns though you shouldn't see anymore unless some got stored as a sleeper somewhere.
  13. I thought of something and I figured out what it was. It's the imposter of the original prefab. When I copied it in the editor and pasted it into a new POI, it moved it some, and the imposter is still in the old position. I'm attaching a zip with the fixed version, or you can load it in the prefab editor and hit Update Imposter to fix it. I would manually delete the existing files from my mods Prefabs folder and then copy these in as overwriting them seemed to not always work for me. Also, if you happen to see any more like that, let me know. I did a few POIs this way before I just manually copied them outside the game, so there is probably a few like this. I'll probably just load them all up soon and update the imposters just to be sure. House_Pyramid4.zip
  14. Hmm. That's odd. I'd say it's a Nitro problem. Just a bit unlucky I guess. Never seen that myself. I went and generated a quick map with Nitro and had 2 of those POIs, both were on the ground fine.
  15. No, I haven't messed with any vanilla vehicles. I'm sure there are mods out there that does this. If not here, check Nexus.
  16. It's not a guarantee that he'll have any vehicles. Just a higher chance than normal traders. Also more tied to Better Barter as they will more likely be in the stash.
  17. Oh god. I guess you missed when they got rid of raw iron and just used scrap iron instead. If they changed that for all materials at once, these forums would never recover...
  18. Yeah, a hard no to insta-scrapping. I like having to do some inventory management when out looting, deciding what I need more and what I'll have to get rid of or leave behind for later. A little quicker scrap time on brass wouldn't be bad though. Would totally be down for a vanilla option to remove the XP popup. Next time I start up a serious run I'll probably turn it off as well as zombie death anims and such. And I don't think losing the character customization is that big a deal, nor is if we only have a limted amount of heads to choose from. Not like you'll see it that much anyways. And as mentioned before, once you get a helmet, what's it matter?
  19. Some previews of what I'm working on for The Wasteland. Next update will have 2 new sets of magazines for you to collect. Won't spoil all the details on the perks and bonuses they add, but expect some damage bonuses and maybe the ability to craft some things you couldn't before. Also going to be adding in Power Armor. The armor itself came from the amazing Snufkin himself. So shout out to him for letting me use it. Put the armor together with this stand, which will be a lootable block. The plan is to make bundles of the different armors Snufkin made, so it'll be random what set you get. Will probably be throwing these in some random POIs for now, with plans to maybe build a few new military type POIs to include them in. Also have 5 soldier enemies that should be included as well. No pics yet as I'm still tweaking them. Probably do them the same as the Raiders and have them randomly spawn in the wild and convert a few POIs for them.
  20. Good deal. Just a good rule of thumb: If you download a mod and it has anything more than simple xml files, you should install it on both server and client. So, if it has a Resources folder, custom icons, or anything else, install it on both ends. If it's just simple xml edits, you can probably just install it on the server.
  21. Did you install the mods on both the server and the client? Because it sounds like you didn't.
  22. No, I never added the schematics. So you either have to learn Grease Monkey or loot the actual parts. I may add them in an update at some point.
  23. Any vehicle parts are crafted at the workbench.
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