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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. The only thing I could think to try with the sounds is to go back to the same settings the vanilla 4x4 uses as far as the pitch, fades, and stuff like that. Other than that, I think it's just server weirdness. The fuel I honestly have no idea about. The vehicles are using the same xml as vanilla with just tweaks to capacity and whatnot. But I'm not really too concerned with this one as I'd disable vehicle pickup in a heartbeat if I could do it with xml. Lol.
  2. I don't see any of those causing issues. I might have to setup a server on my PC and try it out. But I have no idea what would cause it, or how I could fix it.
  3. Alright, pushed a fix to Git that should resolve the AK and MR10 issues. Please let me know if there are any issues still. I'm not pushing this to Nexus as I always upload the whole mod each time there and that takes me ages. So it'll come whenever I push out the vault POI.
  4. I can't reproduce either of those in my SP game. The new vehicle sounds did give me some problems sometimes when I would spam W or something like that, but even when I tried that the revving sound came back after a second. And I placed a Box Truck, fueled it up, drove it a bit then hopped out and picked it back up. Placed it down again and it still had fuel. I haven't really ever tested my mods on a server, but I know a lot of people use them and I've never heard any complaints about this. So I'm really not sure what is causing it.
  5. There are a few small issues atm. I might try and push and updated entityclasses.xml to Git tonight to fix them.
  6. No, that is my bad. I commented out the entity stuff as I couldn't make it work correctly, but I forgot about the custom mini trader I made so that the POI works correctly. The fixed version is on Git now and will be on Nexus soon.
  7. Currently working on a Vault 101 POI. Just not much to show at the moment. Probably be a bit before an update. And about the Duster. One, this game doesn't have a plane I can just copy, so it's what I managed to come up with. Don't like it, don't use it. Two, it's an old, crappy plane. How well would it fly at this point? Some people just gotta complain...
  8. Doing the old way, usually by mostly knowing where to place the children in Unity to get it close, then a lot of testing and tweaking in the xml. The new way they are all pre-attached to the weapon in Unity, and just toggled on and off by installing the mods in game.
  9. Believe me, I'm not happy about it. Lol. I tried everything I could think of. Even imported a vanilla weapon into Unity, simply swapped meshes to one of mine, and exported it. They wouldn't shoot still. I'll definitely take another look at some point. Hopefully we see some new TFP Bandit code soon. Should help with some of these issues. And believe me, the Fat Man was one of the first ones I was trying. Lol.
  10. It's just the gun I copied it from. I think vanilla was always Base Effects before, then they started using the item names for it. It doesn't affect anything, just makes it easier to search for when editing things. For my actual guns I usually follow the vanilla, but these have been hacked and changed so much I don't care anymore. Lol.
  11. Yeah, I've changed them around a lot. I originally planned on having them use mostly weapons from my mod, but I haven't had any luck since they never wanna shoot my guns for some reason. So that was probably a copy/paste issue. Think I got that one sorted as well. If you guys see any other ones, let me know.
  12. No need to spam this question all over the place, man. Pretty sure it's on my end, so no issues here.
  13. Damn, looks like I forgot to change the name of that AK in mine. I'll fix it on my end, but I don't know when I'll update again. If you have N++ and aren't scared editing some files, do a search and replace for gunBanditAk47 and change it to gunBanditAk47_b in items.xml and entityclasses.xml. That should fix the issue.
  14. Afaik, they are how they should be. A folding stock on an old repeater makes no sense. Same with the bipod. The Arizona Scout is a nod to the Gobi sniper from New Vegas. It couldn't have a silencer either. Part of a balance since it was better in almost every way to the normal heavy sniper.
  15. Like the bundle things? I could look at adding them. Never really crossed my mind. Energy ammo can be rare loot in the normal containers, sold from traders at higher barter levels, and is guaranteed to be in Raider POIs. The Vault Tec containers will have it in those POIs. There is usually at least 3 VT containers in each one, just gotta find them. Raider leaders can also drop some in their loot bags. I guess since the weapons are as rare as they are, I could bump the ammo a bit.
  16. Plans are just to keep adding more of everything over time. I just kinda hop from weapons to POIs to NPCs and so on. Keeps me from burning out so quick. The Repeater is tagged with perkDeadeye. So it should scale with that. The code I mentioned would move the mod in to requiring DMT. Which means another layer of difficulty for people installing the mod, as well as for me keeping everything up to date. And believe me, people in general are not very smart. Lol. Not saying I won't ever do it, but it's not happening now. Maybe after gold if the workshop support works out like I hope it does. Of course, by then we should have Bandits in vanilla so custom code may not be necessary to have decently smart Raiders.
  17. I'll never turn down feedback. Lol. Alright, so the AI that these guys use is code TFP added back in A15(I think) for bandits, so it is obviously dated now. It's a bit of a hodgepodge of that and zombie AI. So there's not a whole lot that can be done by xml to make them better. So the shooting to break blocks, getting inside your face, general pathfinding oddness, eating you, etc is just kinda how it'll be for now I think. As TFP adds in better AI to use, they will improve, but short of going DMT with this mod and using sphereii's and Xyth's custom code, there's not much else I can do. And that's not something I really wanna do right now. The eating part could maybe be made to look better by changing the feeding animation to something else. I'll have to check into that. I can take a look at the fire speed. That should be something I can tweak. I purposely left almost all doors open in their POIs. There are a few I wanted to keep closed to prevent players from running through too easily. The Raider wandering hordes wouldn't be a day 1 thing, for sure. Maybe sometime into the second week or so. The mouse head guy is actually the "scout". Not screamer scout though. Lol. The leader has a mask on, and a leather trench coat. Leaders give 1k xp, the rest are currently 500. That can definitely be tweaked. Maybe make the melee guys 500, ranged 750-1k. Then melee leaders could be 1250-1500, and ranged be 1500-2k. I'll think on it. As far as the lengendary weapons go: Most of them can use most weapon mods. I had to limit some in certain cases. Some were just by choice, such as the Lincoln's Repeater only taking an 8x scope. Maria should be able to use a silencer. Most fall under the obvious perk. The energy weapons are tied to Advanced Engineering. I wanted them to be different, and I thought it would be good to add more value to that perk tree. The rareness is intended, but I can tweak it a bit. They are currently aimed to be super rare normal loot, and fairly rare trader quest reward loot. I might make them a bit more commonly dropped by the Raider leaders. I plan to eventually add more custom quests, like the one that nets you Pew Pew, to have more ways to obtain them. But it's not a priority right this minute. POIs may be used to get them as well. I've had it in my mind to make a army bunker style POI that gives you a Fat Man, for example. And I just started work on a Vault POI. Might throw the Cryolator in it somewhere. Anyways, hope that answers some things for you. And hope you are enjoying the mod.
  18. Not sure that would be possible since they are different POIs technically. With code, maybe, but I'm not messing with that. They should spawn rarely anywhere zeds would spawn in the wild. They will be single spawns. I might add some wandering Raider hordes at some point. Then they'll be a nice, brutal group. Lol.
  19. That's the way I looked at it. I might even make them a bit tougher. Once TFP updates their AI and stuff I might tone them down, but for now since they aren't super smart of anything they need to be tough. I don't want them necessarily one-shotting the player or anything, but they need to able to kill the players if given the chance.
  20. Lol. Make assumptions much? I have reasons for my request, as I do think it would be useful in multiple scenarios, but I can't mention my true reason as it's a forbidden topic here. That's...not really what I meant at all. I just meant the settings sleeper volumes use. They have triggers, such as Active and Attack. Was just wanting another one that would come in handy. Not saying your idea isn't cool or anything, just not what I was referring to.
  21. Well, there are regular ones, and leaders. Both have 2 ranged and a melee version. So there's a decent variety. And I'm not worried about gamestage. These guys should be something to avoid early on, and then only deal with if you have to, before finally becoming not as much of a threat end game. I might eventually add some even higher end ones for late game, but that's not a priority right now.
  22. I included a txt file with what I believe to be the correct lines needed for Nitro. Hopefully someone can verify if they work or not. My plan was to use them in the bigger vanilla POIs to make more T5 ones. So when questing and stuff you would have more variety. I've added 2 or 3 T5 versions so far. Might have to grab some player made ones to include as well. Just have to see. I still need to make a Raider version of the Nuka Factory, and I'm getting blocks and stuff together to build a Vault or 2. They aren't perfect. But I made them fairly tough. And the Raider Leaders have high HP. Nothing stupid crazy, but you won't wanna run into them unprepared.
  23. No problem. Just do real small changes. And don't change too many things at once and you'll figure it out.
  24. It's real finicky to mess with it. But take a look at the Action0 property on the ammoFlareGun. Flytime and Gravity will change it the most. But it's tricky to get a good balance. Could try slightly lowering the ProjectileVelocity as well. That'll make it go up slower, so Gravity will need to be tweaked slightly to compensate. Then change LifeTime if it's disappearing before it hits the ground.
  25. Huh? Check the OP maybe? Either links in that post, or a link to the detailed mod post.
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