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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. If you are on A19, I'd hold off. When I update everything, I am going to combine Wasteland Weapons and Nuka Colas into one mod.
  2. They work fine. Only the new proximity icons do not work. They *will* be a bit bright looking, especially at night. This is due to the linear lighting change. I have them updated and ready to go, just waiting on stable. Have a few new vehicles added in as well.
  3. There is a line at the very top of traders.xml that lists the currency, but I don't think you can really change it. At least not for individual things. Might error if you change it at all, never tried. Lol.
  4. Alright, just pushed an update to Wasteland Weapons: -Added in a Plasma Pistol and Rifle. They use Plasma version of the Energy and Microfusion Cells. -Added a Flare Gun. The gun is loot only but you can craft flares yourself. Good lighting at night and can set zombies on fire hit by a flare. Also updated Wasteland Weapons and Nuka Colas on Nexus so they are now current with Git again.
  5. I don't believe there should be any issues for most of the mods. Only the Nuka Colas mod, which includes a prefab, would be a problem. And that would only be the prefab not spawning, everything else should be fine.
  6. It's on my list of things to look at. Some day maybe. Lol. Reverse probably uses the same gears, just with reduced speed and such. At least it seems that way. Not much I can do there I think. Vehicle mods will hopefully be a thing one day. Not sure if turrets will ever be a thing without custom code though. Fingers crossed. Lol.
  7. Alrighty, pushed an update to Git for the Nuka Colas and Wasteland Weapons mod. WW now *requires* the Nukas mod to not throw errors on load. Was gonna combine them but it'll be easier for me to update them separately. Will be on Nexus at some point if no bugs or issues come up. Nuka Colas: -Added Sunset Sarsaparilla drinks and vending machines, drinks can be in loot same as Nukas, vending machines can be in any POI that uses the vending helper blocks. Will require a new world for them to show up. -Can get Star Bottlecaps from some drinks that can be sold or saved for crafting a SS flier(quest). Wasteland Weapons: -Added Laser Pistol, Laser Rifle. -Added mods for Laser guns. -Energy Cells for the pistols, Microfusion Cells for the rifles. Each have a small chance to instantly kill the target(disintegration). -Unique variant of both the Laser Pistol and Laser Rifle. -Regular versions can be crafted after finding the schematics. -Tweaked the Incincerator's ammo projectile. Looks better now. -Reworked some loot. -Added a recipe for the Triple Shotty.
  8. I planned on having both versions but decided to only add the rusty version. I think I still have it in Unity but I don't believe it's in the MRAPs unity3d file. If I remember to do it, I'll get it exported and include it in the next update.
  9. Yeah, I must've missed changing those. Oh well. I'll fix it on my end, but I'm not pushing an update just for that. Just make it like 10k and it should be good. It's probably fairly rare that they show up at a trader anyway. Lol.
  10. They seem fine to me? I know I had issues even getting to the forums earlier, so maybe that was it. Can you try them now and see?
  11. That sounds right. And on a new world, any POI that uses the helper block has a chance to spawn one of the Nuka machines instead of vanilla. I believe there's around 25 or so vanilla prefabs that use it, according to the list Pille showed me.
  12. Well, it only checks for updates to mods every hour or so, I think. So that can happen sometimes. Either way, hopefully that was your issue.
  13. Hmm. It's definitely in mine, and I just checked the nim file on GitHub. Sounds like maybe the launcher had some issues or something and didn't get all the new files for you. Maybe try grabbing it directly from Git and installing it? I pushed the original update without the prefab, but quickly fixed it, but maybe the launcher cache held the old version for a bit.
  14. I...don't know. Lol. I have no idea, other than some sort of mod conflict. But like I said, the ones in the prefab are the machines themselves, not helper blocks. So I don't understand. Also maybe go into the Nuka mod folder and open the blocks.xml just to see if the cntNukaVendingMachineBroken and cntNukaVendingMachine are there. They should be, obviously, I'm out of ideas. Only thing I would try is start over. Get rid of the other mods except mine, and try placing it down. Maybe make a new world or something just to test it out.
  15. I just downloaded it both from Git directly and then through the launcher. Checked both versions in the prefab editor and they were the new version. So maybe try deleting the mod and redownloading it from the launcher. You'll know it's right if you see Nuka machines and a wooden wall around the outside of the prefab.
  16. Should be 2 outside, and one inside to the right. Not sure if his mod would affect them, as I didn't use the helper for them. Just to be sure, when you walk in the front, where the spiked barricade place is, what does it look like? I changed that in this version, so that'll tell you for sure.
  17. You using vanilla RWG or Nitro? I just gen'd a new world in the game, and it has the Nuka machines.
  18. I did update the Factory to have the Nuka machines. That's something I forgot to mention now, as the prefab is included with the mod. So make sure if you have the old standalone version, or Compopack, delete those so it will use the modlet instead.
  19. I've went back and forth on the more crazy stuff. But, it would be fun. Lol. I would like to maybe do some of the stuff like you mentioned with the UFO. Make some small little POIs that will give you a quest when you get near them to investigate them or something. I feel like maybe I should just combine the Wasteland Weapons and Nuka Colas mod. I've already got several custom blocks in the Nuka Colas mod that would be good in some of the POIs I wanna make.
  20. Yeah, it started out simple. The pipe guns were more of a project to see if I could actually model something myself. Then I just couldn't stop adding stuff I found/created. Lol. Which weapons did you have in mind?
  21. Haha, I do what I can. Updating the Wasteland Weapons mod. Added the Incincerator, Heavy Sniper, Triple Barrel Shotty, and Maria. Added schematics to most weapons. Go here for more info and links: https://7daystodie.com/forums/showth...=1#post1000813
  22. I didn't think Nitrogen would make a 2k map. Have you tried a 4k or bigger?
  23. Read the part in the OP about setting up dedicated servers. Should work fine.
  24. That tutorial still works fine. So you have an issue somewhere. You can ask for help here: https://discord.gg/qPBfgE
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