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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Not really. If it wasn't such a smile file I'd probably remove mine altogether as I only made it because the vanilla ones didn't exist yet. Something like that would be pretty easy to do in Unity.
  2. In the CM menu, with Dev Blocks ticked, there are 2 chimney smoke blocks. But they do have a little stone frame included. They are a little lighter than mine, one black and one gray smoke. But that one is the only one I made and it's kind of useless since they added their own.
  3. Google can help you figure either of those out. And it looks like no, at least on parts of it. DF is an overhaul. Never assume any other mods will work along side an overhaul. From what little I can see it looks like vanilla perk(s) have been changed by DF so the mod can't find them. Same with some lootgroup names I'm guessing.
  4. Dude. This is 2020. Take an actual screenshot or post the part of your log with the errors. Crappy pics help no one. And just a guess, but you're trying to use this with DF, right? Probably things DF changes from vanilla that those mods are looking for.
  5. Alright, pushed the update for The Wasteland: -----FIXED/CHANGED----- -Fixed NPC AK name conflict -Better Raider idle animations -Removed the Raider corpse eating animation -Raider sleeper tweaks -Made weapon icons more uniform -Made Pew Pew quest nonrepeatable -Loot rebalance, reworked energy ammo/legendary weapon rates -Added Laser Shotgun and ammo -Added weapon tags to everything, should be like vanilla now -Added Vault 101 POI -Added several new deco blocks/containers
  6. If you haven't, you should join Guppy's discord. A lot of modders usually around to help out. Good place to learn from.
  7. Animation stuff will need to be handled in Unity. There's so old tutorials from Pacco that cover the basics.
  8. Goes in the Config folder with the xml files. You can look at my mods to see how it is set up and all. Just need to make a header at the top of it and keep it consistent.
  9. A localization.txt file in a mod is combined with the vanilla one when the game runs. So it won't have any issues with other mods as long as there aren't any entries with the same name. Which is unlikely. And may not even cause issues anyway.
  10. What exactly is the issue with it? And why can't you edit the localization file?
  11. Hmm, odd. Just generated a new world, crafted the flier, went to the trader and got the map. Went to where the treasure was, dug it up and opened it no problem. Old world or something? Maybe try a new test world to double check it.
  12. Yeah, the folders you install into Mods, when you open them, if you see the modinfo.xml file it should be right. If you don't, they might be nested one folder too deep.
  13. It wouldn't change file names or anything. It would simply change what you see when accepting quests.
  14. Yeah, I definitely leaned towards making them a bit OP as opposed to being too easy. But everything always need some fine tuning.
  15. Well, they are human so they aren't as dumb as zeds are. Most of the sleeper volumes are set to Attack for them so that they react faster. Otherwise it was too easy to one tap all of them. They have talked about having a new volume trigger called Wander which is something I suggested in the dev thread. So if it works as I hope I can use it for the raider volumes. Laz was testing settings for the raider sleepers and I plan to try them out and see if I can get them to react better when the volume is set to Active instead. But they just weren't reacting well enough to leave them all on Active. I might revisit them and separate them into a few volumes so I can have some as Active and some as Attack. Might make it a bit better.
  16. Awesome, glad you're enjoying it. I'm about to the point I'll show off some of my vault 101 poi I've been working on. Once I get it pushed out I should be back to adding things in a bit quicker. Gonna have some more Raiders and some ghouls hopefully.
  17. Eh, I don't really do work like that. I have a general donation link on my Nexus pages for The Wasteland and the AIO packs, but I didn't post them here. I don't do commission stuff because I don't want to worry about if it is exactly what someone wants and all that stuff. If you want to request something, I might look into it. If you want to send me a legit model, I might add it. No promises either way as I only have so much time. And I've been putting all of it into some Wasteland stuff atm.
  18. I must have my game sounds much louder than most. Lol. They are a bit quieter on purpose, as vanilla sounds get on my nerves being so loud and repetitive. I guess I can tweak them a bit so they are a little louder.
  19. Haha. That's cool. A few POIs like motocross tracks and other dirt races tracks could be cool to add to the AIO mod.
  20. In entityclasses.xml, look for <property name="LootListAlive" value="931"/> on whatever vehicle you want to change. Look at the vanilla loot.xml at loot IDs 76-80. You can see how big they are there. If you want bigger, you can look at my mod's loot.xml at how to add a new loot ID. I'm not sure what the limits are on storage size. The xml says 90, which is 10,9.
  21. The vehicles shouldn't be any different than the vanilla stuff. I think only a few are higher poly than vanilla, and it's not by much. And most run pretty low textures.
  22. What I'm talking about is in vehicles.xml. It's in the gear nodes. You'll see a line of numbers and a sound name. I tweaked them a bit trying to get the sounds to be less obnoxious. Could try copying the 4x4's values and pasting them over the Hot Rod or whatever vehicle is having issues. Keep the new sound names though, so that will help isolate the problem. Worst case, you could go back to the vanilla sound names as well. Maybe even try keeping my fade/pitch values and changing back to the 4x4 sounds. And I think if you change this on the server end, it should push it to the clients as it's just xml. I might be wrong there though. And that sounds like it might be it about the fuel. I can't imagine anything that could cause that.
  23. My modlets won't work with DF as they come. DF changes a lot of things from vanilla that my mods use. I gave Khaine permission to make a patch for the vehicles on his side, but I'm not sure what the status of that is. There is an included progression.xml to use with DF that I think should fix the Grease Monkey problems(literally just updated this on Git as I noticed a mistake with it). But I don't know what all he changed in traders.xml that makes it fail. I'm guessing loot groups or something, but I don't know. Might ask him where he's at on it. If someone gets it all sorted out I would be glad to include DF versions of the necessary files for people to use when running DF as well.
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