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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Haven't heard of any Linux specific issues before. I'll ask the NPCmod guys on discord and see if they know of anything. Just to be sure, if you run plain vanilla people can join without issue?
  2. Any chance a multi-return scrapping ever happens? Was just watching G9 loot a Savage Country and he had an inventory full of tank tops and most had dye installed. Would be nice to be able to scrap them with the dye in them and get the cloth and paint so you don't have to remove the dye first. Just a QOL thing.
  3. Need to update your mods. You are running 20.5 versions of SCore and NPCmod.
  4. Grab your log and upload it to pastebin and post a link here.
  5. Very odd. Not a lot of info there. Looks like all the mods and everything loaded fine. Maybe verify the server files and test it out with vanilla and see if that works? I just fired a dedi up on my second PC and joined without issue. But it isn't Linux so not an exact test. There isn't a super simple way to accomplish this. You can edit the cvars on the book items to allow them to be read again, but they will just apply the same buff you already have, which won't raise the attribute. You might could try adding <stack_type value="effect"/> to the attribute buffs the books add. It might not work how I'm thinking though.
  6. Can't really give any info, but if it can't be done with the current RWG maybe throw it in Pimp Dreams or the Dev Diary and see what happens. It would help if everything not on a tile wasn't 10 miles off the main road with a small path weaving to it.
  7. Easy, just tell your friends what kind of books you need and have them bring the extras/ones they don't need back for you. They sound like they will be fairly common so getting extra copies shouldn't be that hard for a group.
  8. Alright, pushing v2.991 with a few fixes: -Changed: Swapped the 10mm pistol model for a better one (Thanks Alter for finding/setting it up) -Fixed: SPIFSAL books still using old buff system that would break attribute levels -Fixed: Hostile NPCs should now set mines off properly -Fixed: Hunters and Mosqs had crazy scales set that would make particles huge on them -Fixed: Several small loc fixes
  9. I'll look into the SPIFSAL bug. I have a good idea of what it might be. As to your conflicts...I don't have the time to troubleshoot that many mods. There are so many errors and I didn't even get all the way through the log. The Firearms mod will cause issues, and one of them changed the backpack size before my mod. In that log it showed that blocks.xml loaded without issue so not sure what's going on there.
  10. Don't think there is a mod anywhere. Only thing you could do fairly easily is to change all the NPC's guns firing sounds to the silenced versions if that would work for you.
  11. I'd imagine burning a POI down without activating the sleepers will actually make it harder to clear. Especially one that is 2 stories tall or higher. Lol.
  12. If they are using vanilla weapons then it's just the vanilla sounds. Not sure that sound you posted has anything to do with anything unless it is referenced by a weapon the NPCs are using.
  13. Post the full log. Paste it to pastebin and link it here. That bit is after the error already happened.
  14. Points are still limited. Attributes can be increased once by the book or statue for its attribute. Drugs and other items can temporarily increase them also. If you want to edit how many points you start with, look at the very top of buffs.xml. Should be easy to see what to change.
  15. The Wasteland Updated to 2.99, for A20.6 Needs a new game! Built on: SCore v20.6.229.1021 NPCmod v20.6.01.01 Full Auto Launcher v1.1.2 Random Mainmenu Background v1.0.1 Download at: Git or Nexus -----FIXED/CHANGED----- !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!! -Added: Legendary junk turret(loot only) -Added: Bell now bong -Changed: Added some new code supplied by Alter to slightly rework how SPIFSAL points are handled. They now are like their own points you can spend only on attributes in the skill menu. No more reading the books, you just buy them in the menu similar to vanilla. Your remaining points are displayed in the top right of the Skills menu. -Changed: Old SPIFSAL books are now a super rare loot item that will add a level to whatever attribute it is for -Changed: Vanilla pipe pistol is now Pipe Revolver(just a simple name change to separate it from my pipe pistol, and it looks more like a revolver anyway) -Changed: Bumped power armor physical protection up some -Fixed: Missing RCW recipe -Fixed: Some odd textures on the Service Rifle -Fixed: Hopefully sorted Awareness perk and radar mods so they should work properly now (thanks to Alter for the new method) -Fixed: Couple small loc errors -Fixed: Missing laser recycler mod recipe -Fixed: Legendary power armor arm piece bugging out when switching from third to first person(ie: using vehicles)
  16. Oh, and I am working on getting an update together as 20.6 changed a few things that will break this mod. Will try to get it out tonight, but might be tomorrow night as I'm in the middle of several new things with the mod at the moment, and have to make sure I don't leave anything half done in the update. This update will require a new game as there are a few core changes to how the SPIFSAL points are handled, among other tweaks. Also would be a good idea to do a complete uninstall/reinstall as a few files have been renamed.
  17. Ehhh, maybe. But would likely need some tweaks to work. If it just adds some perks at least. If it adds a new attribute or anything at the top it will NRE. Maybe try renaming those mod's folder to something else so that they load after Wasteland. That *might* fix it.
  18. Believe me, you aren't the first one to ask that. Lol. But I am not interested in maintaining 2 versions of the mod. I'm not sure what the issue is for most people. I usually get something about it being too limiting but to me it just requires more thought and planning. I spent way too much time building it to tear it back out. It will likely be tweaked over time but the core of it will stay how it is. Only changes I'd ever make now would be if I decided to go full LBD but I think there are enough other mods that do that. The way the points are handled will change in the next update, whenever that is, to be a bit more streamlined. It will still work the same though. It isn't that hard to make a few changes to allow yourself more points in the beginning though.
  19. Or The Hills Have Eyes? Those are the hills' eyes.
  20. If only they would bring item degradation back. It solves multiple problems with the current system.
  21. Some hosts don't like mods that have dll files. You can try messaging them and see if they will install the mods for you. My advice would be to find another host that has more freedom. Without that dll SCore isn't loading properly, leading to your errors.
  22. They could have just made it so the wellness debuff didn't kick in until level 5 or 10 or something like that. I get how a death spiral is irritating as I get people fussing about it in my mod and it isn't near as bad as the wellness was back then. But to me it isn't a death spiral so much as a learning curve. Either way, I definitely hope they plan on adding more consequences to dying than what exists currently.
  23. Those are normal. You'll get them in plain vanilla as well. They can be safely ignored.
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