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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. Alright, releasing a smallish update to fix some bugs, and hopefully improve server performance quite a bit. Also a new required mod. Can go here for links to everything needed: CLICK -----WL FIXED/CHANGED----- !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!! -Mod Dependencies: SCore v. NPCmod v. build needed) FullautoLauncher v.1.1.1 RandomMainmenuBackground v1.0 -Added: Several background images to use with closer's randomizer mod -Added: Power armor statues will play a sound when used the first time so you know you got the attribute bonus -Added: A couple stronger zombie variants -Changed: Repair kits need more items to craft -Changed: Reworked how the power armor statues work, they now have to be "used" to add an attribute level (will only be needed on new games or if you haven't found it before) -Changed: Reworked the 2 main Check buffs used in this mod to help dedi performance -Fixed: Some Mutants missing AI -Fixed: NPCs with rocket launchers being stuck in reload No. Screenshots like this tell me absolutely nothing. I need a log. Do you have all the required mods installed correctly?
  2. I'd say it was mostly to do with the drug items. And the antivenom maybe. So check the items and the buffs they use and compare those.
  3. Haha, 50 dukes? No way. RC guys take varying amounts of Star Caps. If you happen upon a normal power armor guy, they do accept dukes, but it'll take much more than 50. Lol.
  4. I could see them dropping their weapon if the only ammo you get from it is what's in the mag. The problem is right now you find too much ammo everywhere. Clean out a dozen piles of garbage and you have enough ammo for the day. It's crazy. It would be too OP for them to drop guns with how much ammo is around currently. Ammo needs to be one of those things you can only find decent quantities of from high end POIs and enemies. The rest would need to be crafted. If you are smart and use melee in your day to day tasks and save guns for only when needed, ammo is way too easy. I do agree they need some unique loot though, even if they don't drop their weapons. Finding 5 door knobs on them would be the worst. (looking at you, zpack...)
  5. Alright, pushing Wasteland 2.9 out now. This will need a new game. -----WL FIXED/CHANGED----- !!!EAC MUST BE OFF!!! -Mod Dependencies: SCore v. NPCmod v. build needed) FullautoLauncher v.1.1.1 -Added: Big Rocket Rad Cat POI (Thanks to arramus for most of the work on it <3) -Added: Rad Cats NPCs that are hirable (Only found at Big Rocket) -Added: New Rad Cat Johnny trader -Added: Power Armor wearing NPCs that can be hired -Added: Charismatic Nature book set (Works on allied players and hired NPCs) -Added: Candyman book (made candies craftable) -Added: Auto mod for energy weapons -Added: Gatling Laser weapon -Added: Laser RCW rifle -Added: Recycler mod for energy weapons -Added: Acid recipe using car battery -Added: A couple loading screen tips -Added: A handful of new loading screens (Thanks to arramus for the original images <3) -Added: New menu background, moved the menu layout around some (Yes, this might possibly break your menu UI mods. No, I'm not undoing it/separating it/making a compat patch, sorry.) -Changed: Gave bandits and mutants their voice back -Changed: NPCs now resistant to WL specific buffs since you can't cure them yet(Venom debuffs, sickness, etc. Radiation will still kill them) -Changed: Nerfed Magnum Buckshot -Changed: Removed snowberries from pine forest -Changed: Increased Motor Tool parts repair value so auger/chainsaw don't need stupid amounts to repair -Changed: Reworked Light and Heavy Armor books to function more like normal books sets(5 books, all have same effects that stack, can see them in the book list now) -Changed: Removed laser shotgun ammo as it can now use regular MFC ammo -Changed: Added some mods to weapons that were missing where it made sense(stock, foregrip, etc) -Changed: Removed desert UFO POI, just using the same one everywhere -Fixed: Missing/incorrect tags for plasma mods, reworked what some do -Fixed: Mutant's Supa Sledge missing -Fixed: Mutant hound ragdoll issue -Fixed: Missing economic values for a few item mods -Fixed: Incorrect localization for Cemetery note quest -Fixed: M79 and laser shotgun having rocket launcher firing sound sometimes -Fixed: Wrong positioning on some NPC sniper rifles -Fixed: Some duplicate entries in loot, added some missing weapons -Fixed: Updated some old localization for items under different perks now -Fixed: Some incorrect names in buffs causing them to not work correctly (rad resist, etc)
  6. Bandits were a part of the kickstarter goals if I remember right. So they kind of have to add them. Would kinda suck for TFP to call the game done and roll out gold, only to be sued immediately for breaking their KS goals.
  7. So what's the plan for bandit spawns in the world? People like to complain about ranged enemies ganking them early game, so wondering what you guys have in mind. Being able to gamestage biome spawns would be pretty sweet...
  8. Okay, then just grab the Resources folder and copy that over then. Haha.
  9. I let Khaine know that the version of my vehicles included with DF is an older version now. As far as I can tell all he did was rename the folder to set the load order, so you could probably grab the newest version of my vehicle mod and copy the files into the 3-DF-BdubsVehicles folder included in DF to fix the Humvee issues.
  10. Maybe it's time for you to learn how to mod.
  11. I had one other person mention something like this on Nexus, but they never responded again. The only thing I could think of is something to do with the faction stuff. If you can go into DM mode, hit F3, check the PLY box so you can see the buff info on the right, go up to it and hold Shift while looking at the mutant and it will show his info. If you could take a pic of that maybe it will show something. And grabbing your log again just in case there is any oddness there.
  12. Yup, that would be a lot of fun for those who want to do it. And even on a 6k map that would take a while to do. Unless you maybe limit it to towns or even just cities. And could just be an optional thing. Make if so if you own an area there are less zombies/bandits around or something like that. Have little bandit raiding parties once in while like wandering hordes we have now.
  13. At the very least it looks like you are missing SCore. You have to have it and NPCmod loaded to use Wasteland.
  14. @OroTheVillain Looks like you didn't install everything correctly. 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.883 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Config 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.884 WRN [MODS] Folder Config does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.884 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Config 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.885 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Prefabs 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.885 WRN [MODS] Folder Prefabs does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.885 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Prefabs 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.886 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: Resources 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.886 WRN [MODS] Folder Resources does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.886 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: Resources 2022-03-17T17:49:19 35.886 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: The Wasteland 2022-03-17T17:49:19 36.038 INF [MODS] Loaded Mod: The Wasteland (2.4) 2022-03-17T17:49:19 36.040 INF [MODS] Trying to load from folder: UIAtlases 2022-03-17T17:49:19 36.040 WRN [MODS] Folder UIAtlases does not contain a ModInfo.xml, ignoring 2022-03-17T17:49:19 36.041 WRN [MODS] Failed loading mod from folder: UIAtlases 2022-03-17T17:49:19 36.041 INF [MODS] Initializing mod code For Wasteland to function you need SCore and NPCmod as well. Those mod folders should be called 0-SCore and 0-NPCCore, with Config and other folders inside. You have pieces of whatever mods those folders are from in your Mods folder, which is not right.
  15. A lot of the POIs use helper blocks for most of the cars you see, so as long as the new ones get added to that they could spawn anywhere the current ones do.
  16. Can try pasting from the top down till the nullrefs start spamming. The rest of it isn't as important.
  17. Can't see that on my phone. I can look later when I'm at my pc unless you wanna use pastebin or something.
  18. Gonna need more info than that. I make several mods. And find your log and post it here.
  19. Water overhaul, bandits, and the wandering sleeper mechanic is what I'm hoping for. Anything else is just icing. I really hope wandering sleepers become the new Active sleeper in that they are used the most. I feel like having the vast majority as wandering sleepers would make them seem more organic, almost like they aren't sleepers at all.
  20. If it took you months to get a mod to load, then I'd say that definitely seems like a you problem.
  21. Good stuff as always, Mumpfy. I'd definitely buy one of those SM shirts, though I'm surprised your OCD let you use a shotgun not in the game.
  22. Seems a lot of people are using it without issue. Maybe you didn't install it properly, or tried using other mods that conflicted? Just a suggestion...
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