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Everything posted by bdubyah

  1. So with all these new art assets coming, is there a chance we could ever get updated versions of the food/drink models? And maybe even some new animations for eating/drinking/reading/etc? And please tell me those old terrain decals finally got updated. Lol. And also, is @madmolegonna share his experiences testing a21 anytime soon? Always enjoy his POV on the changes/new features.
  2. Vehicles are hard-coded to use "resourceRepairKit", so that mod likely renamed that one for vehicles, or used C#. The easy way to edit the vanilla repair kit to work how you want for vehicles, then make every other item use a different one. Fuel changes would need C# as well.
  3. That's never going to happen with this game. It does seem likely one of their next games at least will move to UE from what I've seen. But they aren't even planning to update to newer Unity pipelines and such as it would take too long. Moving to an entirely new/different engine would be a dumb move at this point. Just finish it, and hopefully down the line make an even better sequel to 7 Days on whatever engine will do it better.
  4. So you asked to include my vehicles mod in this mod, which I agreed to. But I have since found out you stole xml from other mods and even refused to take it out, all while sending abusive messages to the creator. Which is bad enough on its own, but then I had someone message me with a link to this "boosty" site of yours. Seriously? You're trying to get people to pay for my mods? Or even a simple russian translation of my mod? I never gave you permission to take parts of Wasteland for use in either this "mod" of yours or as a standalone modlet. This is in extremely poor taste and you never asked nor would I ever give you permission to use anything from Wasteland separate from the mod. Also, charging money for access to private/test build of your mod is against TOS, as is straight up charging for that russian translation of my mod.
  5. I'd have to look at it and see how much of a headache it would be. As Geoff suggested I'd try loading it after Wasteland and see how that goes. If there are still issues let me know what they are with a log so I can look into it.
  6. The normal elixir should work for them as well.
  7. While I can understand the annoyance I kind of like it. It adds a bit of flavor to the otherwise simple combat.
  8. "When it's done" and "We don't give dates" means the same thing. You're just hung on something that makes no sense.
  9. They've been saying for years they don't give dates. And yet people like you keep asking. And you expect them not to have a little fun with it? "Done when it's done" isn't trolling; it's kind of simply a fact, really. Not sure why you are getting so butthurt about it.
  10. Out of 160, maybe 40 max I'd think. Probably a bit less in reality. Hope you enjoy the mod though.
  11. That log shows SCore version which is waaay older than the one you had before. https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods/tree/master/0-SCore is what you want. I use DownGit to make it easier to just download the mod I want, and not the whole repo though that isn't really that much of an issue either. Or you can use GitLab as it has an easier download button at the top right: https://gitlab.com/sphereii/SphereII-Mods/-/tree/master/0-SCore Either way, once you install SCore, open the modinfo.xml inside and if it isn't version at least, then it isn't right.
  12. Yeah, just tried the log again and could view it now. What arramus said is your solution. Use the link I posted to get the proper version of SCore and you should be good to go.
  13. Need to make it public so I can see it I think. I'll try and look again after work tonight.
  14. https://github.com/SphereII/SphereII.Mods is the link to where you can find SCore directly. https://gitlab.com/sphereii/SphereII-Mods/-/tree/master/0-SCore also has it, and is a bit easier to download from, though GitHub is usually the first one updated I believe. I also edited the link in Wasteland's main post to point to GitHub instead of the NPCmod thread so it's a bit easier.
  15. Try grabbing the latest version of SCore and see if that fixes it. I think it is. Go to sphereii's github as I'm not sure Xyth's links in the NPCmod thread are current.
  16. Without a log I can only speculate. Which is a waste of both our time.
  17. Would need to see a log from 20.6 to narrow it down.
  18. You are running 20.3 it looks like? That's your problem. Need to be on 20.6 to run the versions of the mods you have installed.
  19. I glanced at the xml and most of the vanilla utility trucks are 13,13 velocity, while the taxi is 10,14. So while normal driving the taxi is slower, turbo driving is faster. And I'd assume they all have more storage than a bicycle and require no stamina to drive, so they still easily beat a bike.
  20. I like both, but would prefer the part swapping to come back. Since item degradation isn't gonna be a thing, always being on the hunt for better parts would be and was always something to keep me engaged in loot and stuff, even in later game times. I just like scrounging things together. Organizing parts for guns you couldn't assemble yet was always a good nighttime task as well. I remember them naming that as something they didn't like, but people still do the same type of stuff anyway. Might just be organizing your sell-to-trader items instead of gun parts...
  21. He's probably meaning the old gore blocks. Those were fun because as they piled up you could get a WWZ thing where all of a sudden they could get over your walls by climbing the mountain of gore. They removed those and went to the corpse blocks.
  22. I have 2103.7 as of right now. And I'd bet over half of that is mod testing. I probably have 700-800 hours of actual playtime.
  23. Not really through xml that I know of. SCore has that feature though.
  24. Possible, but the rng on item stats is usually so small it doesn't matter unless you are min/maxing. Weapons have a bit more variance due to higher values used, but armor is only gonna vary by a point, maybe two at the most. Now if legendary items come with unique stats/boosts already then that would help. But as it stands now looting dies way too easily in a game they are pushing players to loot in. If they hadn't nixed things like weapon parts, which really helped the life of looting for many, or item degradation was a thing it wouldn't be so bad. Hopefully there are more changes to come in these areas. So what is their process on these types of things? Do they vote? Majority wins, or do things have to be unanimous? Just curious.
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