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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. They could give us the possibility to send the players to a specific POI of our choice while at it.
  2. Well, by the bug I meant the vanilla problem which prevents us from using our NPCs near the trader, but thanks for these lines of code I will try it out. Just a question though: triggered_effect that gives the buff "buffInfection04", shouldn't it only have target_tags="bandit" instead of target_tags="bandit,survivor"? I don't want the trader to infect my friendly NPCs lol
  3. I don't know how many people play with this mod, but I've been playing with this mod so much that my time could easily fill up several people's regular gaming sessions. I'm a living proof that this IS a popular mod. I've been playing with this mod so much that I'm telling my followers "Stay here" in real life when I'm about to enter the store, to make sure the bug that could make them disappear near the trader doesn't get them...
  4. @bdubyah, I've sent you a pm with stranger.
  5. Well, I had couple of ideas how to bring mysterious stranger to 7 Days to Die without DMT, they may or may not work, but we could use someone like Telric to help us with it, he can do some xml magic that would be useful here.
  6. @bdubyah, would you be interested in Fuse figures? I could send you my attempt at Mysterious Stranger... 😎
  7. Hello everyone, recently I was trying to help another modder who wanted to learn how to write his custom Localization.txt file for his mods. Although the original idea was to give him a quick answer, it turned out to be a little tutorial I thought someone else may find useful, so here it is for everyone: Think of the content of Localization.txt as if it was the content of a table. As long as you stick to the vanilla format and follow its rules, you should be fine. Always try to match the vanilla format whenever possible. Following these three simple rules will help you to write your own basic localizations from scratch: 1. First line of Localization.txt is always the table header with all kinds of labels or descriptions for entries below it. In other words, they should give you a hint as to which entry is expected where. This is the first line in vanilla: Key,File,Type,UsedInMainMenu,NoTranslate,english,Context / Alternate Text,german,latam,french,italian,japanese,koreana,polish,brazilian,russian,turkish,schinese,tchinese,spanish 2. As you can see in this first line, all the entries must be separated by commas thanks to which the game knows where the new entry is and everything after a comma is treated as a new entry. However, what if we needed to write a long text such as item description that may contain several commas that we actually want to show in game? That's what the rule number 2 is all about: Writing long texts that have to include commas such as item descriptions would normally break the Localization.txt file format. To avoid that issue, the whole entry must be written inside double quotation marks like in the following example: "This is one entry in Localization.txt, and this is still the same entry despite being written after the comma! All thanks to being written inside double quotation marks!" 3. Each line in Localization.txt file is considered a new line of entries in the table, so what if we wanted to write a pretty item description with paragraphs instead of showing a wall of text with no paragraphs? To write a new line inside our text, we need to write a special mark that will tell the game to put the text that follows on a new line. The mark looks like this: \n Example: This will be shown on the first line.\nThis will be shown on the second line. In game this text will look like this: This will be shown on the first line. This will be shown on the second line. If you wanted to leave one or more lines empty, you would have to put two or more of these marks together. Example: This will be shown on the first line.\n\nThis will be shown on the third line. In game this text will look like this: This will be shown on the first line. This will be shown on the third line. A good rule of thumb is to keep the length of your texts up to 80 characters per line, otherwise your text may show up a little bit broken, not neatly formatted the way you expected. It's because the game seems to put hard-coded line breaks after 80 characters, at least in some cases. That's it for the basics. There are also some advanced things such as tags you can use inside Localization.txt that help you to show some special values that may be changing in game and it will always show the actual values, such as cvars, but honestly I'm not familiar with those yet, I never really had to use them and it's out of scope of this little tutorial point of which was to explain basics. I hope this helps at least some of you to get started writing your first basic localizations for your new awesome mods. I hope you enjoyed it and I wish you good luck with your mods!
  8. Yeah, but where's immersion? Ok, let's get our imagination on a little trip, ok? I want this place to be run by an NPC who's a friend of a different NPC who will tell me about that place and send me there to tell / do something for his friend who's the owner and possibly get a horse there while at it. Do I want so much? This would be possible if vanilla game allowed us to send the player to a specific POI! We already have a way to send them to a random POI, so why not a specific POI as well?
  9. Cool concept! Now only to add a way for a player to be sent to this POI... Oh wait, we can't do that...
  10. Turning it off and starting a new game instead of loading the previous save will definitely do the trick.
  11. It is possible to toggle on and off. It is off by default, so whoever had an issue with how it works, had to manually turn it on in the first place.
  12. Yeah, but Darkness Falls mod author (or any other overhaul mod for that matter) knows about all the changes he did to the game, so it would probably be easier for him to do the compatibility patches with various different smaller mods, if possible. Obviously it's not always possible, the example I always use when it's impossible is basically two different mods that change the forge in two different ways. You can't have both at once in that case lol
  13. It would be probably easier for DF author to integrate smaller mods than the other way around.
  14. Good point, this is the easiest way to identify which entity it is.
  15. OMG! Xyth, I've never seen that smurf in the pack, I hope you didn't remove it lol I wanna see it! BUT if you wanted to remove it, perhaps someone could make a cool replacement for it that would fit better - maybe some unfortunate guy wearing a smurf costume was bitten and turned into a zombie before the apocalypse. I mean, who are we to judge, right? People could be turned into zombies in all kinds of bizzare situations, wearing all kinds of bizzare suits and costumes!
  16. I guess we all have been at least once in our lives in situations when something made us upset to the point we acted out of the boundaries of our usual behavior. I think it's natural, after all we are humans and not robots programmed to always follow one specific program.
  17. I guess this is a good sign that at least some of us live a happy and healthy life if they are willing to spend their time and energy to come here and criticize work of other people who are doing it for free. I'm actually happy to know that something like visual aspect of a game mod is their biggest concern in their life, because that means if it wasn't for this game mod concern, their life would be perfect!
  18. Snufkin AKA Lego Build Master of 7 Days to Die, are you still with us?
  19. If I was to change it for myself, I would probably make the bags from bandits more rare. They tend to have good things that I feel like they are given away a bit early for not much of effort.
  20. Check out the output log: D:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/7 Days To Die/7DaysToDie_Data/../Mods/0-CreaturePackAnimals This is your error right there. Mods folder doesn't go into 7DaysToDie_Data subfolder. It goes into 7 Days To Die folder directly.
  21. For how many people on the server?
  22. I found combat shotgun after a week and it was just quality 1. Still it was a godsend for me, because I had nothing better than blunderbuss at that time and I was getting tired of the stone age...
  23. Thanks, I guess this explains why my attempt at custom entity based on invisible animal failed to deliver what I expected lol, oh well we learn something new every day.
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