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Everything posted by mr.devolver

  1. Real guns? Uh, are they still in game? LOL. In my first playthrough in A20, I'm on a second in-game week, and... still using scrap armor (except boots as those are the only iron armor part that I found), and I'm still using pipe shotgun, pipe pistol, pipe machine gun and I have to admit, I initially hated them (mostly due to how slow they are to reload and the shotgun being one-shot only), but eventually I got used to them and I even started to like them! Not that I would have anything better at this time, but yeah, I guess it's just a matter of getting used to it that now we kinda have to go through this much slower progress, as there's no way to avoid it without cheating, but the game doesn't necessarily feel harder for this and I think it's more realistic this way, because the apocalypse obviously didn't start the day we were thrown into that world for the first time and chances to find something useful inevitably has to be thin, so it makes sense that people would have to improvise and craft and use improvised weapons a lot. Any improvised weapons TFP can put into the game, I'm all for it. By the way, I haven't played the game for some time, so I probably forgot how it works, but I'd swear that once a quest TIER is finished, we are moved to the next TIER, but in Alpha 20, I already finished TIER I for two different traders and I still don't see TIER II, can anyone help me here, please?
  2. It would help if you also specified which POI this was in?
  3. They would be openly trolling us if they released the game as is and said it's finished. Although, many people said they could do that, because it feels finished to them. So, if you're one of those who don't feel like it's finished, just be glad it's still not released as finished yet, because that way there's still a chance that all those improvements the game still needs will be made, eventually. Unless... 🤔
  4. Oh, so it might be closer than I thought, okay. Still, that's just our wishful thinking, it never was anything more, because with every delay it's said they will release it when it's ready, so yeah... 😃
  5. A20 already takes so long that whenever I see "A20" in forum posts, I mistake it for "A21", but it will be a little longer than December 4th, because that's the first saturday of December and they still have to reserve one weekend for streamers, so the earliest day of release for everyone would be monday on December 6, but that's unrealistic at this pace, they would already know it's getting that close and maybe I didn't follow all of their posts lately, but I think they would have made it really clear by now.
  6. That old rusty iron shovel you just crafted simply cannot beat that enchanted and highly polished ultra high super duper otherworldly godlike to the max quality stone shovel of level 6 that you crafted long ago, but maintained well to this day.
  7. Sure, somewhere in the multiverse, there is an alternative timeline where ziplines exist... Aaand a user Roland is a regular user who happens to hate ziplines feature from the first day they were implemented, and he decided to complain about it so much in the forum that his account had to be temporarily banned by Super Moderator SnowDog1942...
  8. I knew it there must be some sort of relation to Londo Mollari!
  9. I captured the best moment from the A20 stream for you. You're welcome.
  10. The so called "Console version re-release" is most likely a scam, probably started by one of many unfortunate individuals who got sick of waiting for a miracle regarding the consolve version update and decided to re-sell used copies of the same old console version game claiming it's an updated version to generate some profit for himself at expense of those other unfortunate console version owners who still may not be aware that there will be no more official updates and there's no official re-release at this point in time either.
  11. Well, I'm not an expert, so I have nothing to add there I'm afraid, but I'd always agree that Kukri is one terrifying weapon, that's for sure and I'm glad they chose that design out of all designs that exist for the purpose of this single machete that is available in the game.
  12. Honestly, just what is Kukri? Don't get me wrong, I already know the answer thanks to playing a lot of different survival games (lol, I know), but I asked intentionally, because I believe that there are still many people who know a machete when they see one, but they don't necessarily know what is Kukri. So I believe that if TFP named the item Kukri instead of Machete, those people who don't know what Kukri is wouldn't bother to craft it. Sure, curiosity and game progress would eventually hand it to them anyway, but for sake of simplicity, it's called by the universal name known to most people, well at least that's my guess which could be wrong.
  13. I believe one year old dev diary thread wouldn't surprise anyone (we had dev diary thread of similar age in the past), so now to make it stand out, more interesting, a whole new record, a whole new game, we need at least two years old dev diary thread with a whole new Alpha, skipping A20 and going directly for A21, because that one will be more interesting anyway and because why not...
  14. Are you sure? Have you checked your closet?
  15. Interesting. Are you one of those who don't want a faster development cycle, by any chance? I mean, no one's putting anyone under pressure here, so we might as well reveal our true feelings, I dare say despite the opposite being usually more popular course of action.
  16. One would think that by now, we all should be reading stories about A21, but I know that one would be probably unpopular in the community for that kind of thinking. 🎶
  17. I was awarded the title "conspiracy theorist" by meganoth just yesterday and you're already trying to steal that title from me? Stop! Clothes have nothing to do with the future implementation of bandits, even though the op states something different. PERIOD.
  18. Stop teasing, and finally tell us which sequel!
  19. You don't understand, probably because you joined in 2020, that's fine, you will eventually find out what does "it feels like a whole new game" mean around these parts.
  20. Yeah yeah, maybe I should have added "I would love to be wrong" to help you keep your peace of mind, but we will see what the future holds, when that time comes.
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