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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. This is an interesting implementation. Thanks for sharing your work. A few questions. 1) Are the wandering horde and/or sleeper systems replaced by this or does it only impact biome spawning? 2) What do the 2d simulations look like and will the player ever see them? 3) What impact does this have on total zombie counts? Judging from the photo, this allows the limit to be increased significantly. 4) How does this change the player experience? Simulates large hordes approaching from the outskirts of the map?
  2. I believe Sylen is correct. I think MM mentioned effect is due to the adaptive terrain shader or something like that. Hopefully it continues to be improved as at the end of the day it limits what players can do from an esthetic point of view. A workaround to this allowing terrain paints and flat sheeting to hide the seems.
  3. Nice tutorial vid for nitrogen and compo pack. 👍
  4. That's awesome, would be nice if the pimps incorporate something similar to nitrogen officially. 😎👍
  5. Good to know! I will need to play around with that.
  6. Thanks Mags. 😎👍, not sure how the rwgmixer works with larger prefabs in A18. If no good, it will have to be in people's custom worlds for now (like sam's)
  7. Yeah, I think sam incorporated into his v14 so my installation instructions probably no longer needed...😂
  8. Thanks!!!! I spent many nights watching episodes, taking screenshots and even reviewing drone pictures of the prison. I had to use alot of creativity since the show doesnt show exactly how some of the prison areas connect with each other. Hopefully the community will love it. 😎👍
  9. Not exactly the same but heavily inspired by it. It's been about 3 years since my last update. Having 3 kids is a big part of the delay in getting this released. 😂
  10. The Kraken has been released!!! Visit the OP of this thread for more information.
  11. A custom world. No big deal though. Will just ask creator to include the xml edits and/or provide copy/paste instructions with the files. Thanks sphereii!
  12. This may sound silly, but is xpath limited to changes to xml files within only the config folder? I am trying to write a modlet for changes to an xml file contained within the Worlds directory instead. For example, adding the following prefab location line to a World Map prefabs.xml file. <decoration type="model" name="LazManPrison" position="5755,28,3164" rotation="0" />
  13. Thanks for the idea, I will give that a shot. Side note, after the conversion to a18 inget slot of texture white text messages in the console. Are those anything to be worried about?
  14. @Pille, have you experienced trees spawning over any of your prefabs while testing them live in game? I am getting some weird overlap from world trees when testing my prison in sam's custom map. See post below. Any ideas? https://7daystodie.com/forums/showthread.php?125463-World-Small-Island-handmade-map&p=1054493&viewfull=1#post1054493
  15. I think I made it to A18 successfully. Thank you Pille for your editor and conversion instructions!
  16. Huh what post? *Looks Around* I will brave the a18 convertor with the prison tonight..wish me luck....😎👍
  17. Not that sam Neill. The one from Jurassic park...😂 - - - Updated - - - Here you go...😂 https://i.imgur.com/sRwiJUH.jpg
  18. We just need to bribe sam neil to make us a custom map based on the atlanta Georgia area....😂
  19. Oh wow that's amazing!!! Definitely needed. Need more opportunities to showcase our character. 😎
  20. Terminus, The old folks home in Atlanta, CDC...😂
  21. After the prison I have something I want to make first tho. I think it will be a big hit....😂
  22. If I had the time to do another it would probably be woodbury....one building at a time tho...😅
  23. Being realistic here, the only chance that the last update being worked on gets finished is if another publisher came along willing to work with IG. But even then, that's assuming TFPs didnt learn anything from this TT debacle.... Based on their response, my guess is they probably concluded doing another port is probably not worth it until after gold release. Condolences to all those who feel cheated and I commend those who choose to take the high road on the matter.
  24. I appreciate that, once I convert it to a18 I can give u the file if you dont mind missing sleepers and loot balance issues.
  25. Hello all, release delayed due to a18 release. On the positive side I have been playing some A18 and getting a good sense for the loot balance of A18 vanilla POIs and will adjust accordingly for a more balanced customer experience. Thank you for your patience. 😁
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