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Laz Man

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Everything posted by Laz Man

  1. Regarding biome zombie counts. It is also worth noting they apply per chunk and not the entire biome. I believe a chunk is 16x16 voxel. So cranking up the max count from 1 to 4 will yield a pretty significant feel.
  2. I am liking it so far. All the helpful things I relied on appear to be working. Unread Content link Beginning, Last, and choose your own page of a thread Quoting Feature Easily readable on mobile Enhanced profile features The only thing on my wish list is a larger PM limit. Did that improve by any chance?
  3. It might be a work in process still. Faatal did some improvement work but it might of been only to torches. Looking at the torch code is a good example of probably how heat should work for everything else...
  4. The first couple nights are arguably the most intense since the addition to feral spawns at night. Poor planning on the 1st night will most likely lead to a death on default settings or higher especially with no fire arms.
  5. Wow just came across this. This looks fantastic! I love the design behind this mod and how it actually gives players something "More" to do while making the world feel more lived in. I will ping the rest of my server group to see if they are interested in giving this a whirl. Bravo!!!
  6. Roland, this is your chance to make your own Increased spawning modlet. Thank you for the detailed explanation. I am sure many will find some enjoyment in changing some of these values.
  7. You sir are like the lego expert but for entities / blocks. The skies are the limit at what you can create with the existing assets!
  8. Wow, I would love to try some of your vehicles. Bravo!
  9. These are very creative looking and lots of variety! I really like how you presented each of the new threats in your origional post!
  10. What are the 2nd download packages for exactly?
  11. This is probably the best option for now. Not familiar how nitrogen does roads yet so there might be a more elegant way.
  12. Yes!!!! This would be a dream come true to me!!!! Hopefully quest functionality continues to improve so we can make all sorts of cool twd quests. ?
  13. Fine by me! We can finally role play as rick's group versus the governor....if I can ever finish the prison lol...
  14. Watched the videos and love what I see. Thank you for making this! Definitely gonna give this a try! As a side note I'm not 100% certain but clients will need to download the custom icons as well in order to see them?
  15. So I was doing some trial/error in the in game world editor to prep. my prison prefab for Navesgane and something unexpected happened. When the prefab would spawn into the world, a huge chunk would be missing. Upon loading up the prefab in the ingame editor and pilles editor, there definitely was a huge chunk missing. The bad news is I don't think I have a backup after I started adding sleeper blocks/volumes. At worst, I need to redo sleepers from scratch again. At best, I can reuse the still existing prefab XML file which contains all of the sleeper volume properties. I would just need to re-add the sleeper blocks again......
  16. Had a few toddler horde nights set me back. Also some server admin fatigue...?
  17. I think you can use the z key to highlight a box over them then clear the space using one of the other hotkeys. The hot keys are listed the help menu when you press the escape key.
  18. Kinda neat...like fireflies of death.....muhahahaha...
  19. Yes please!!! The ingame tool sucks and in the past i would have to do manual density value changes in pilles editor on rows of blocks (time consuming)!
  20. Okay, figured out where to put the prison in Navesgane (forest biome) and confirmed it spawns in to my satisfaction. Working on sleepers now. Thanks to Genosis for his sleeper tutorial video.
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