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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. Software can be optimized up to a point... best option, if you can, you should start saving money to upgrade your PC!
  2. If it wasn't clear enough... It was a joke!
  3. Yes, inside sources told me that apparently A21 is going to be the sequel to A20, just with more stuff.
  4. Nice try... good idea posting this on April 2 lol
  5. Now I've learned something new, thanks!
  6. @faatal I remember we discussed briefly a long time ago about the possibility (I proposed) to use "decision trees" for the bandits AI (I only have a non-professional understanding of what that is TBH). At the time, you said you were against it for some reason. So, I'm curious... what type of AI "approach" are you going to use for bandits? I've heard programmers talk about "scripted AI", "decision tree AI" or even "learning AI". Have you got any juicy detail to share on that?
  7. I can already imagine a "war of spawns" between bandits and zombies... A bandit is attacking, but, suddenly, a zombie spawns, and the bandit magically disappears into oblivion!
  8. What interests me most about bandits is how Stealth will be implemented. How successful will we be at hiding from bandits and (eventually) ambushing them? Will bandits also use stealth? That would be also interesting since it would add an entirely new layer of danger to them. If n.2 will be implemented, will bandits be able to hide from zombies avoiding conflict? Just some food for thought here...
  9. Isn't body dismemberment good enough for you?
  10. This new A21 thread won't be really open until some devs comment on it. We need new, up to date, info on the development of A21. Maybe Saint @faatal could humor us?
  11. I think you're lucky one of those arrows didn't hit you... or you wouldn't be adventuring anymore.
  12. Hi, I started a new game with a new world with A20.2 stable and I noticed one time (so it's probably very rare) that I stepped on something made of wood, and then for a while I had (this time) the "wood steps" playing on whatever terrain I was going over for the next (I think) 10-15 seconds. So I think it's not connected specifically to the snow biome... it must be something that's triggered on any surface for some reason. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out what is it that triggers this bug! Thanks
  13. Hi, I started a new game with a new world with A20.2 stable and I noticed one time (so it's probably very rare) that I stepped on something made of wood, and then for a while I had (this time) the "wood steps" playing on whatever terrain I was going over for the next (I think) 10-15 seconds. So I think it's not connected specifically to the snow biome... it must be something that's triggered on any surface for some reason. But, for the life of me, I can't figure out what is it that triggers this bug! Thanks
  14. Summary: wherever you walk, you always hear the snow footsteps sound. Game Version: A20.2 stable Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows CPU Model: N/A System Memory: N/A GPU Model and VRAM: N/A Screen Resolution: N/A Video Settings: N/A Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes, when I installed A20 Did you start a new game? No, I'm using an A20 b238 generated map Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Yes, but it's just a HUD mod EAC on or off? Off Status: NEW Bug Description: steps in the snow biome almost always the same Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Go to the snow biome 2) Walk on the snow 3) Now walk on the road or on some other hard surface Actual result: you hear the snow footstep sound. Expected result: you should hear footsteps with a proper sound for the material you're walking on.
  15. @OP: this is how a real man crafts a primitive light source!
  16. I know, I'm not a beginner on this game lol, my reasoning is that you have to study/know a lot of things about vitamins, stimulants and so on to get the benefits from that skill, so it's more about INT to me. I mean, if I move Salvage Operations to FOR I have to give one skill back to PER, and IMO The Hunter is ok there (for the reasons I have described previously). Hmm... hadn't considered that. But if, like I said, you put The Hunter under PER and Salvage Operations under FOR, the net sum is still the same, both PER and FOR would still have some harvesting skills. Farming IMO is more of a long term skill, so I don't consider it a harvesting skill per se. Well, I gave just one possible example of how they could adapt CN to SP remaining faithful to the meaning of the skill. They can come up with something better, for sure. The point is, currently in SP that skill is like a "black hole" inside the INT skill tree.
  17. The other day I was looking at the skill tree and I thought there were some skills that IMO could work better if assigned to a different attribute. Examples: Salvage Operations should be under the Fortitude attribute, since dismantling something (I've had some non-professional experience there) is not much about perception, since you basically get whatever parts you need after you disassemble everything, but is much more about stamina, since it's a lot of sweat and work to strip down something. Instead, The Hunter is much more appropriate IMO under Perception, since you need to look at the good cuts and then notice what parts of the animal are good or bad to extract. I think also that Charismatic Nature, which is now an MP only skill, should have a use also in single player. An example of a possible way to use CN in SP is to have it affect how animals react to you. Example (in SP): "You are an inspiration to your allies, increasing their combat prowess. Your charisma also extends to animals. Small animals perceive you less a threat, and some predators will instead be more careful as you project an Alpha vibe on them." Lvl.1 Small animals like chickens and rabbits will let you get closer before running away. Lvl.2 Coyotes and snakes will not attack you unless you get much closer to them. Lvl.3 Wolves will perceive you as an Alpha pack leader, will only attack when much closer than "normal". Lvl.4 You can behave so that Mountain Lions don't easily see you as prey anymore... until you get closer! Lvl.5 You understand how to "respect" Bears to not easily upset them, you get a lesser chance to be attacked. Now, about the other two skills that I think should be switched... Grease Monkey, should move under Fortitude since doing the mechanic is hard work, and you need a lot of stamina to wrench, dismantle and assemble stuff. At the same time, Healing Factor should go under Intellect because knowing the right things to take (either food or medicine) to get a healing boost is about having a good knowledge and understanding of how the body works, so you need to be smart and knowledgeable. That's it! Hope you guys give me some feedback on my view, and hopefully it makes sense to you too. Thanks
  18. Forgot to add the Expected Result. Expected result: when clicking on the Military Armor, you should see in the stats Noise increase: 0% (2% -8%).
  19. Forgot to add the Expected Result. Expected result: when clicking on the Military Armor, you should see in the stats Noise increase: 0% (2% -8%).
  20. Summary: Advanced Muffler Connector giving different bonus/malus numbers while being installed, and after it's been installed. Game Version: A20 b238 Platform: PC OS/Version: Windows 10 CPU Model: N/A System Memory: N/A GPU Model and VRAM: N/A Screen Resolution: N/A Video Settings: N/A Game mode: SP Did you wipe old saves? Yes Did you start a new game? Yes Did you validate your files? Yes Are you using any mods? Only a very simple HUD mod EAC on or off? Off Status: NEW Bug Description: While installing an AMC mod into Military Armor, I noticed the noise decrease values while installing it (correct) and after it is installed (wrong) are different. I installed an -8% AMC mod on some Military Pants with a base value of 2% noise. While installing the mode the UI correctly displayed 2% (-8%). After the mod was installed, when I clicked on the Military Pants, the game wrongly displayed "noise increase +10%". I don't know if this means it's just a "visual bug" or if the game actually wrongly calculates a noise increase instead of a decrease! Detailed steps to reproduce the bug: 1) Get one piece of Miliray Armor (this bug MAY be true also for other types of armor, but I'm just reporting the one I experienced) 2) Install an Advanced Muffler Connector mod: look at the noise stats WHILE installing the mod (they should be correctly calculated) 3) After the mod is installed, go look at the Military Armor modded stats Actual result: the noise increase after installing the mod, is wrongly displayed/calculated as 10% (2% + 8%) instead of 2% -8% = 0%. Expected result: (what you expect to occur)
  21. Did you just respond to Dcsobral that you also had 8k hours in the game? Which is it, newbie recently or 8k hours? Maybe you forget he's a "speed runner", he actually reached those measly 8K hours in a fraction of the time it took the other guy, you know? Oh, you mean like your bad attitude and manners? ... Yes, that's a fact. Yep, one of the devs just confirmed it... now what?
  22. Tut, tut... careful, you're deluding yourself now.
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