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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. Years ago, I asked @madmole about the possibility of a flamethrower turret... it was the alpha when they first introduced turrets, I think. I don't understand what the problem is with adding that type of turret to the game. It would be great! The ammo could be the gas tanks we use for vehicles, and the burning effect would be so cool to watch during a Blood Moon night!
  2. No, seriously, 1.5K hours and you're still playing like this?? Most people who get killed by dogs/wolves are the ones who are always running around all the time: if you run all the time, you lose stamina left for the fight, PLUS you also have little to no time to hear the warning growl of the wolf/dog until you find yourself face to face with the animal. I'm really disappointed with you @Diragor! I expected more from you!
  3. No, you're right... currently we have no real goal/story but the "goal" to stay alive. Problem is, the story is the last one that can be added, since you can only have a story after you add NPCs (not only traders), you can only have a story after you add Bandits (they're working on the first iteration right now) and finally you can add a story only after all the game mechanics are where the devs think they should be. An educated guess would be at least two more years of development before we can see any of that.
  4. Don't worry! All that work has already been done by the armor smith! Also, if you really were in a battle, you wouldn't have neither the time nor the attention to listen to the "sounds" your armor makes when braking down. Nothing special. Feels like a thicker jacket that has not buttons! Here's one!
  5. The reality though, which makes both you guys "wrong", is that no skill is needed to wear armor. As long as you button up correctly and don't put an arm where the leg should be, you're set. I would say that the only factor which could be considered experience with armor, is getting used to it. The first time I wore a hand-made, true-to-history, chain-mail jacket, I didn't need ANY time at all to get used. So, basically what I'm saying is they should completely remove certain skills from LBD systems and put the bonuses directly ON the object (in this case, the armor).
  6. Isn't that a bug actually? I think treasure chests shouldn't respawn stuff, it's immersion breaking and counter-intuitive IMO.
  7. That reminds me of a discussion I had a few weeks back with someone else on this same forum... guess history does repeat itself, does it?
  8. You're all wrong! Whatever TFP chooses as a system is THE BEST!!!
  9. How come all I can hear right now is LAG LAG LAG?
  10. The point is not in the number of slots. The point is, if you can do the same stuff you do now, with less clutter.
  11. Known bug. Weird, I thought they already fixed it...
  12. I think if they use the same (new) mechanics they're adding for water, they can have flammable liquids run through pipe blocks and such.
  13. I'm sorry, there was a misunderstanding... I'm not a dev, or even a modder! Or increased hunger and food consumption.
  14. I think the reference is more to the original Freelancer game from Microsoft...
  15. I agree that it would be fun to have infection work that way. But, to be honest, the way infection is handled in the game all points to this infection not being THE infection (IMO).
  16. https://steamcommunity.com/app/251570/discussions/0/3388408347646390348/ There's a link in this post on Steam...
  17. The real question is how did you end up in such a pickle? When I go around, I always carry with me at least a couple Jars of Honey. If I get infected, I eat one before the infection level goes beyond the reach of the honey cure. TL-DR: better safe than sorry!
  18. The models are not the important part IMO. We need different behaviors, different weapons/claws or whatever, and different path finding. Example 1: let's say we get an Alpha Wolf. They could make it howl to call in a pack of normal wolves (much like the screamer), and the Alpha Wolf itself would stand back waiting for his pack to attack you and only come forward and hit you when you're already wounded (similar to vultures). Example 2: a Stalker Crawler. It could hide inside normal dirt and come out suddenly when you walk on top of its block (or dig it). Then it would hide again inside dirt when it's been wounded to regenerate. After it's healed, it'll come back later to stalk you. It would be a great PITA for underground POIs too, IMO.
  19. You miss the point I think (unless you were joking). Nobody wants the same copy/paste zombie, just with more hit points. We want to see new AI behaviours and powers from boss zombies, that's why he said no.
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