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Jost Amman

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Everything posted by Jost Amman

  1. I already tried this, it's a chore for me... maybe you enjoy activities that I don't, I don't know. Anyway that's just a secondary issue and I don't understand what your point is... we already have the forge which has slots for mods who do the same exact thing I'm asking. It's like saying "let's remove mods from the forge since you can do the same by crafting more of them". It doesn't make much sense to me. You either use a system consistently for ALL workstations OR you don't use that system at all.
  2. Well, it's not exactly the same... splitting production to several mixers to gain time is a chore in itself TBH... 😕
  3. Just give me the modeling task and it WILL look like makeshift!
  4. I just realized the "inside" joke you made there...
  5. Not necessarily. It all depends on how they put down things in the game. Removing stuff may be even better if you achieve the same goals. Think about when they invented the dishwasher as an example: before that, in restaurants, you had 1) the pile of dirty plates 2) The washing basin with soaped water 3) the washing basin with clean water to wash away the soap 4) the pile for clean (but wet) plates 5) the clean and dry plates. All that was put together inside the magical box we call the "dishwasher"! 🍽️🍽️🍽️🍽️
  6. Not natively, out of curiosity I searched for that and found only a third party store asset. Also, costs too much!!
  7. If you've seen the movie... that IS on topic lol
  8. That would be the UMA technology introduced a few years ago in Unity... they tried using it both for players and zombies, but it was under-performant during BM nights, so they had to tear it down and change back to hand-modeled zombies (now in HD!). So unless Unity has HEAVILY optimized that engine part I don't think they'll risk using modular anything anymore...
  9. If that's your way to enjoy life you must be a walking dead lol
  10. They hold a knuckle rubs contest of course!
  11. What can I say, I'm a simple man. 🙂
  12. Frankly I don't know why you guys don't take such suggestions seriously... is much more possible that they listen to these little changes/fixes that they can do in a measurable amount of time, than if you're asking to completely re-write an entire system. Removing Dart Trap ammo is also an example of how you can optimize the game a bit at a time. One less recipe in the Forge, one less item in loot (if any) or in the trader list, only used there, there's really no point in keeping this one. Also, @SnowDog1942 it's not like making "everything generic", since the ammo example you make is ludicrous. I suppose you're one of those guys that still want Bear Meat, Boar Meat, Deer Meat, Chicken Meat, Wolf Meat, Snake Meat and Rabbit Meat? (ok, I know some snarky sexual oriented comment is coming... crap! I've essentially shot my foot here) /serious Ok, your replies were fun actually!
  13. Let them work on the basics of the new system, there's always time for bugs/exploits later... 😉
  14. And that's why the climate is changing! Not that aliens can't be blamed at all... but, whatever, what were we talking 'bout? 😶
  15. Sand should also be used to crudely filter water. It can be used to doze off fire when you don't have water. They should also add sand "blocks" you can put on the ground to slow down zombies (or, in the future, bandits) to (i.e.) 30/50% speed. Imagine how cool it would be to be able to craft "quicksand" blocks you can place around your base! 🙂 I can see several more examples where sand could be expanded and better used in the game. Maybe mods will do it.
  16. Sorry, but that's not entirely true... there weren't exactly "circuits" at that time, it was called a "memory node" and it was made of rings of copper wires. I know this bcause I had read some "computer encyclopedia" when I was a boy about the history of computers (not that it was useful afterwards lol). BTW: each node was probably the size of a coin or more!
  17. Thanks for pointing that out, I actually missed it until now because sometimes I forget to check the red dot on top of the page! Yeah, I discussed with Vedui a few times on Steam... he's a good 7D2D "reporter", he always does interesting comparisons and tests.
  18. This makes sense. If I had to choose a word, I'd use "Simulated Behavior" more than AI, since that includes every type of action executed by the entities, including how they path through the world. Also, I'd say that when the zombies behave stupidly you can't call that artificial "intelligence"!
  19. Thanks for the reply. So the rumor that the zombie AI was just temporary and that it will be "dumbed down" was actually an urban myth lol I can already envision a new "AI gate" on the Steam forums when they find out!
  20. So... does anyone know how many more A19.x patches are estimated by the devs? I'm kinda waiting out the "final" A19 release to start a long term game.
  21. I'm worried about the Microsoft transition because probably the Elder Scrolls will become very bland considering how MS handles game development. Look at what they did with the SoD series, SoD 2 is just more of the same. I was hoping for something more but Microsoft won't "risk" trying new things, if you know what I mean (money first!).
  22. And that's the end of the Elder Scrolls series...
  23. Let me guess... you hate stealth, right?
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