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Help finding a forge


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The poi the community named "Forge house" is a good idea XD








Wood House, 2 Storys, Kitchen left from entrance


Or just play "Astora" and go to 2000S 600W.

You will have no problem to find a working forge. Or RNG hates you really


Haven't found the old forge house yet in this seed.

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I can't remember the seed but I had 2 traders within a 100 meters of each other and between them had 2 working forges, 2 working workbenches, a working chem station, and a working cement mixer. And on top of that there was 2 forger houses on either side of them and I've found another 10 or so forge house all within a couple kilometers around it.

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When your world spawns (including Navesgane), all crafting stations in the world (Forges, Workbench, Cement Mixer, Chem Station) roll a die to see if they are working or destroyed. So you basically can get unlucky here.


It's not 50/50, it's much lower. In my Navesgane run, the 5 traders have zero working stations of any kind between them.

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In my current playthrough, can't remember the exact seed (but it was probably something embarrassing I wouldn't want to share online!) I have yet to find a working workbench. I'm 20 odd days in, level 60 odd and have done a fair bit of exploring but every single bench I've come across has been destroyed. I'm guessing that's just the luck of the RNG draw. In many ways I like it. Frustrating, sure, but it's not handing everything to me on a plate.


Got to say, while I sort of like the idea the traders having that sort of stuff, and it has provided really useful in some playthroughs but isn't it a bit "cheaty"? For example you can throw your ore into a forge at the trader, close the gates and know that no matter what it is utterly impenetrable to zombies. Granted you have the flip side you can only access it at certain times, but I'd be keen to see the removal of all workbenches, forges, chem stations or cement mixers from the trader - or any that exist are destroyed.


Screamers seem surprisingly absent in this current build (multiple forges? no problem, no screamers) and in fact I've yet to see one in b208! However once they return (probably with a vengeance) using a forge in a trader seems an exploit.


On a side note, if you find a destroyed workbench you probably should be able to resurrect them. I say this purely because the graphics for the working and destroyed are exactly the same, so what is it that's destroyed about them?

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In my current playthrough, can't remember the exact seed (but it was probably something embarrassing I wouldn't want to share online!) I have yet to find a working workbench. I'm 20 odd days in, level 60 odd and have done a fair bit of exploring but every single bench I've come across has been destroyed. I'm guessing that's just the luck of the RNG draw. In many ways I like it. Frustrating, sure, but it's not handing everything to me on a plate.


Got to say, while I sort of like the idea the traders having that sort of stuff, and it has provided really useful in some playthroughs but isn't it a bit "cheaty"? For example you can throw your ore into a forge at the trader, close the gates and know that no matter what it is utterly impenetrable to zombies. Granted you have the flip side you can only access it at certain times, but I'd be keen to see the removal of all workbenches, forges, chem stations or cement mixers from the trader - or any that exist are destroyed.


Screamers seem surprisingly absent in this current build (multiple forges? no problem, no screamers) and in fact I've yet to see one in b208! However once they return (probably with a vengeance) using a forge in a trader seems an exploit.


On a side note, if you find a destroyed workbench you probably should be able to resurrect them. I say this purely because the graphics for the working and destroyed are exactly the same, so what is it that's destroyed about them?


I definitely see where you're coming from but I also enjoy being able to at least occasionally use the trader for their work stations so I'd like to see them stay and I'd like to be able to rebuild the destroyed versions. Also, it took several forges, and using a chem station a little along with a cement mixer but I did get the occasional screamer at my base, they spawned 1 at a time and I killed all but 1 before they screamed but the one that did screamed immediately spawned in 3 feral screamers and a bunch of normal zeds sooo.

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I definitely see where you're coming from but I also enjoy being able to at least occasionally use the trader for their work stations so I'd like to see them stay and I'd like to be able to rebuild the destroyed versions. Also, it took several forges, and using a chem station a little along with a cement mixer but I did get the occasional screamer at my base, they spawned 1 at a time and I killed all but 1 before they screamed but the one that did screamed immediately spawned in 3 feral screamers and a bunch of normal zeds sooo.


Ok, how about a trader tax? You pay him dukes (or the refined resources) to use their equipment? There has to be a negative from what I see as an "exploit" (albeit a very mild one).


Not sure if screamers have been all that prominent in A17 so far, which in a way is a nice change of pace from A16 where you could have an almost unrelenting procession of screamers just from a fire and single forge. I like the mechanic though so wouldn't want to see them completely nerfed.

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If you are not adverse to using modlet you could try this one. It allows you to repair workbenches. Only ones in pois not traders though.

(workbenches = broken workbench, chemstation, cement mixer and forge)





I appreciate the link, but I prefer to see the option hit vanilla - either that or the destroyed versions of each actually look destroyed.

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You will hit level 20 around day 5.


So you know for a FACT that you will craft a Forge around then. Unlike in A16 where the RNG of finding 20 Leather and 2 Pipes dictated when you got your Forge, the new build removes the surprise and achievement of finding the ingredients (I had 35 Short Pipes when I hit level 20!!) for a Forge and just hands you one at level 20. Dismal design as far as satisfying gameplay goes, true, and another nail in the coffin of the game's replayability, but at least you know you will get a Forge before the first Horde.

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Ok, how about a trader tax? You pay him dukes (or the refined resources) to use their equipment? There has to be a negative from what I see as an "exploit" (albeit a very mild one).


Not sure if screamers have been all that prominent in A17 so far, which in a way is a nice change of pace from A16 where you could have an almost unrelenting procession of screamers just from a fire and single forge. I like the mechanic though so wouldn't want to see them completely nerfed.


I'd be down with that, especially considering how rare beakers are now, having a chem station all ready to go seems like it should have some sort of a price and paying dukes would be reasonable to me. And screamers are definitely less prevalent in this iteration as far as I've seen and I'm okay with that because going out every 10 minutes to deal with screamers would be a pian.

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Having trouble finding a working forge...my trader doesn't have one so hoping to find one in a POI. No luck so far so if there is a type of POI that tends to spawn a forge let me know. Thanks.


Many of the Two-Story tall houses you find independent in the woods have forges, and pass n' Gas can have them as well.


- - - Updated - - -


You will hit level 20 around day 5.


So you know for a FACT that you will craft a Forge around then. Unlike in A16 where the RNG of finding 20 Leather and 2 Pipes dictated when you got your Forge, the new build removes the surprise and achievement of finding the ingredients (I had 35 Short Pipes when I hit level 20!!) for a Forge and just hands you one at level 20. Dismal design as far as satisfying gameplay goes, true, and another nail in the coffin of the game's replayability, but at least you know you will get a Forge before the first Horde.


I guess my pacing is much faster than most people. I tend to be level 20 by day 3 and at least 35-40 by day 7, then after the horde I'm 5 or so levels higher.

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